Warhammer RTS: "Battlefleet Gothic: Armada"


Warning, spoilers of sorts and I can't find the spoiler button on the post creation?

Not really that bad, but at the very end cinematic early on, talking about unknown something. Very clearly a shadow of the necron demi god thing that is in the newer codex. (Sorry dont recall name, basically one of the god things that bought the necrons souls and then they later rebelled, like 350 point model.)

Foreshadowing random stuff of no import, means an expac is going to be necron enemy, or.....? They kinda already said it's marines then tau per a community poll.
Use the tags [ Spoiler ] and [ /spoiler ] without the spaces between the brackets. What you want spoiled goes between ] and [


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Been playing a lot of skirmish, have an Ork and Chaos fleet to 8 and several others at 7.

Holy fucking shitballs @ favour for a battleship being like 1600. Plus it doesn't look like a lot of favors scale well with ship sizeAT ALL.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Lot of Ork and Eldar changes. Not sure about not being able to upgrade Ork Kannonz anymore, will have to load up some fleets to look. That was probably one of my favorite ways to go (but admittedly, kinda OP)

Early Edit: Loaded up a skirmish Ork fleet. Had a bunch of upgrades and some skills stripped, but they gave a Reknown refund. However this Ork fleet had 14,000+ reknown sitting in the bank after the patch, and even after spending Reknown to re-equip all ships and then paying 1600 for Favour for the Battleship (hadn't done this yet), I'm still sitting at like 11k+ Reknown.

Also, Kannonz were nerfed...can't upgrade them with the"25% armor piercing at 3000 or less"upgrade anymore. The new upgrade gives Gunz the ability to fire the maximum number of possible shots when using Lock On orders, but they still haven't clarified how a lot of stuff is calculated. I'm assuming that the tooltip is showing stats for individual guns IN each battery and not the entire battery itself, so for an Ork Light Cruiser (Basha) each battery has 4 guns (you have to literally zoom the camera in to see this) that individually have one shot that randomize a"-50% or +50%"to each shot, add them all together, and THEN round down. So a minimum of 2 shots (0.5 x 4) to a max of 6 shots (1.5 x 4) every 2 seconds. So the new order could let you just spam the 6 shot max (if that is accurate) but I don't know how many people would use Lock On orders just for that. I seem to just Brace (especially with Orks) and grind them down while carriers use Reload.



Subsystems Temporary critical damages have been added to the game. Subsystems temporary critical damages disable the parts just like permanent critical damages, but they can be repaired with Emergency Repairs. Only Weaponry, Boarding Actions, Pathfinder Assault and Avatar of Khaine can deal subsystems permanent critical damages. All other assault actions (Lightning strikes and affiliated (excepted Avatar of Khaine), Shokk-Attack Mega Kannon, Boardin' Torpedoes, etc.) can only cause subsystems temporary critical damages.
Added : Russian language
An option allows you to select a specific region to prioritize researches of an opponent in PvP.
The chat in the Battle Report is now available.
The "Co-op versus AI mode" is now available in Skirmish.

Bug Fix
Fixed a bug causing a multiplayer custom game to switch to the "Set your Fleet" screen directly from the Lobby if the player played a classic matchmaking multiplayer game before.
Fixed a bug allowing the host of a custom game to delete AI opponents by switching players' places.
Fixed a bug displaying the wrong speed for Ork ships in their shipyard.
Fixed a bug keeping two Escort ship slots empty in the "Set your Fleet" and duplicating them when the "Ready" button is clicked on.
Fixed a bug making Commodore Vandez immortal in the Gethsemane mission.
Fixed a bug setting the Ork Escort ships in the "The Hunt" Campaign mission to a different elevation than the rest of the fleet.
Fixed a bug which didn't counted the Prow Lance Turret of the Retribution Imperial Navy Battleship as critically damaged when it destroyed
Fixed a bug forcing the game to consider a custom Lobby as Multiplayer once an invitation sent, even if the player ultimately does not join the lobby.
Fixed a bug in multiplayer custom lobby: The guest wasn't seeing the AI fleets in the right slots.
Fixed a bug on "generated profile" causing the choice strip to stay as "With/Without skills".
Fixed a bug causing a Freeze during a loading screen if the player returned to the main menu through the Escape menu and pressed the "Escape" key anew.
Fixed a crash occurring during the appearance/ disappearance of Tooltips.
Fixed a bug causing the Ork Docks background to prevent the player from click the "Add" button of the shipyard.
Fixed a bug allowing a player in Space Station or Breakthrough Defence missions to have Space Stations and Defence Platforms of other factions.
Fixed a bug in the Hull percentage calculation which sometimes did not trigger an insubordination test if the ship had less than 30% hull.
Fixed a bug allowing to use the "Grot Assistants" Skill when the Engines were critically damaged.
Fixed a bug displaying a ship as a Wreckage if it was identified while disengaging.
Fixed a bug preventing the Overlay Warnings "Hull Breach!" and "Fire Onboard!" to be displayed for the Guest players of a multiplayer match.
Fixed a bug giving the Missile Pod, Heavy Missile Pod and Super Heavy Missile Pod the wrong damage value. It is now 10 instead of 3.
Fixed a bug giving to the Nurgle Desolator the wrong battery weapon to the left side.

Fixed a bug displaying the Armour and Detection Range values in the wrong colours once in a mission.
Fixed a bug duplicating a ship's newly written name on every ships of the fleet in the Stat Panel.
Fixed a bug removing the Warp Jump Cooldown display if the Generator was critically damaged.
All skills now display an updated value for their cooldown if modifications are applied to them.
Fixed a bug allowing the LVL 8 Experience Gauge to be filled a bit.
Fixed a bug in multiplayer docks while in a group, preventing a warning message asking to wait the ally's arrival, to be displayed.
Special assault actions now display their specific overlay message upon success or failure.
The weaponry critical damage icon on a ship now appears and display a number indicating the number of weapons damaged rather than appearing once all weapons are critically damaged.

Fixed a bug causing the Eldar Space Station to have a wrong mesh set on its starcannons.
Chains texture modified on the Hellbringer and Hellbringer Mk II's decks.
Relocation of a Nurgle Tentacle of the Nurgle Favour that was colliding with a turret on Chaos Battleships.
High Energy Turn FX for Imperial Escort ships added.
Chaos ships Engines FX reworked.
Ork ships Engines FX reworked.
New FX added to the "Phantom Disruption" Eldar Favour skill.
Fixed a bug giving to the Ork Cruisers a Chaos token instead of an Ork one.
Visual scroll bars added to the Pregame and the shipyards.

The short Delay between two clicks on Escort ships in the "Set your Fleet "screen has been removed.
You can now skip the Tutorial missions of the campaign. You will be sent after them with the renown you would have earned.
A new tutorial window has been added indicating the defeat conditions of the campaign.
Ship Captains now have names and can be renamed, up to 23 letters.
The Game's version is now taken into account to match players in matchmaking. It is now impossible to play against players that do not have the same game version.
In Campaign mode, once you have at least 50 lost worlds, a warning message is displayed to prompt you to go under the 50 worlds lost threshold or it will be a Game Over.
Saves are now set in chronological order.
The "General" settings modifications after an auto-detection is now saved and kept.
Multi-selecting an allied ship and an enemy ship at the same time is now impossible, a multi-selected destroyed ship is now deselected from the group, and using tab in the Deploy screen now select the first ship of the line rather than the last.

Escort ships can no longer use the "Emergency Repairs" skill while heavily damaged.
Accuracy calculations modified: Now all bonuses/penalties are a raw improvement/decrease of the Accuracy score excepted for the Eldar Holofield that stays a percentage reduction.
The Radius of the Plasma Engine Surge has been improved from 2.500 to 3.000


Eldar Pulsars now deal 15 damage per pulsar per instance (3 instances per skill use) and have their cooldown reduced from 30 second to 20.
The Eldar "Rune-Assisted Targeting" upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: "While on "Lock On" Special Order, Starcannons switch from a 90? angle of fire, to a 270? angle of fire."
The Eldar "Phoenix Sails" upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: "If Sails are critically damaged, the speed penalty is divided by 2"
The Eldar "Dragon Sails" upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: "Gives +25 speed to the ship"
The Eldar "Ambusher" favour upgrade has been modified, its bonus reduced from +50% damages while furtive to +25%.
The Eldar "Maelstrom" favour skill has been modified, it now deals 0 damage to shielded ships, but 10 damage per second to ships without shields.
The Eldar "Wraithbone Shift" Special Manoeuvre cooldown has been improved from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.
The Eldar "Phantom Disruption" favour skill has been modified, it now affects an area of effect of 3.000 units around the given location instead of a lone ship.
New Eldar upgrade replacing "Enhanced Crystal Focusing: Pulsars range improved by 3.000 units." by "Guided Fire: While on Reload Special order, Starcannons reduce their firing rate by 2% per second as long as they attack the same target continuously. Maximum reduction -50%"
New Eldar upgrade replacing "Wraithguard: Raises the Troop Value by 10 against Cancel Warp attempts." by "Solar Accumulator: Reduce the Wraithbone Shift Special Manoeuvre's cooldown by 5 seconds."
Two new Eldar ships models, the Shadow Cruiser Kurnous Pattern and the Eclipse Battle Cruiser Vaul Pattern are now available.


New Ork Trait "Looted Ship": Fire Durations on this ship are doubled and Hull Breaches causes double damage.
New Ork Upgrade replacing "Heavy Gunz: Under 3.000 units, Gunz and Kannonz reduce armour to 25%" by "More Dakka: While on Lock On, all Gunz fire the maximum number of shots."
New Ork Upgrade replacing "Big Mek: Raises the Troop Value by 10 against Cancel Warp attempts" by "Bonkers Big Mek: Upon Dying, the ship always triggers a Plasma Engine Surge, Exploding violently. The damages dealt this way are doubled."
The Ork Trait "Squigless" has been removed. The players can now execute Ork Captains without the Chained Squig upgrade. The Chained Squig crew member is still locked and needs the affiliated upgrade to be unlocked.
The Ork Upgrade "Mork-blessed Scannurz" has been removed, replaced by the "Chained Squig" upgrade.
The vacant space in Hull left by "Chained Squig" has been filled with "Cleva Mekboy: The ship can still use Boarding action and Emergency Repairs once heavily damaged, but the Emergency Repairs cannot heal the ship for more than 15% of its max hull points."
The "Shokk-Attack Mega Kannon" Ork Favour skill now deals 2 assault actions instead of 1.
Orks Kannonz are no longer affected by upgrades.
New Ork upgrade replacing "Kustom Generator: While on Lock on Special Order, Zzaps have a +300% chance to deal critical hits." by "Disrupta Zzap: Each hit on the enemy ship's hull by the ship's Zzap slows the target by 50% for 2 seconds. Stackable."
The Ork upgrade "Sheeld-breaker Shot" has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: "Each Zzap shot has a 50% chance to bypass shields and holofields."
New Ork upgrade replacing "Kunning Plans: Special Manoeuvres do not reveal the ship." by "Turbo Boosta: Gives +25 speed to the ship, but each Big Red Button Special Manoeuvre has a 20% chance to cause a temporary Engine critical damage."

Skills and Favors

The "Disruption Bomb" Technical skill's cooldown is now 180 seconds.
The "Stasis Bomb" Technical skill's cooldown is now 300 seconds.
The "Plasma Bomb" Technical skill's cooldown is now 180 seconds. Additionally, they only deal 50 damages (instead of 100) if the enemy ship distant of more than 50% of the area of effect compared to the epicenter of the explosion.
The "Micro Warp Jump" (and faction equivalent) technical skill has been reworked: It now starts in Cooldown, and shares its Cooldown with the Warp Jump. If the player uses one of those two skills, both will be set on the used skill's cooldown.
The interdiction zone for the Micro Warp Jump has been reduced from 3.000 to 2.000.
New Technical Skill replacing "Taunt: Force the targeted ship to attack the ship, respecting its set behaviour." by "Rally: Cancel the targeted ship's insubordination without triggering the Mutiny effect."
Unfitting a Skill, an Upgrade or a Favour now gives back 50% of its initial price.
The Servitors (and faction equivalent) now affect all skills excepted the Warp Jump (and faction equivalent).
All additional Troop Values granted through a Favour upgrade are divided by 2 (Examples: Nurgle now only gives +10 and Space Marines now only give +5)

Numerous modifications.
Russian language is now available.
Recon Beacon's tooltip now indicates the correct value for its detection range.
The Hellebore's Torpedo launcher now displays a tooltip.
Modifications brought to the Credit scene.

June 21st for Spesh Murines. You can still get early adopter benefits if you buy before then, I think (?) and get SM and Tau both?

The Space Marines DLC will release on June 21!

We're pleased to showcase the upcoming Space Marine fleet with new images, along with the release of our latest update! The Space Marine fleet will be available on June 21, and will be playable in the multiplayer modes of Battlefleet Gothic.

The Space Marines faction - as well as the Tau faction, currently under development - is free to all Early Adopters of the game on Steam. The Early Adopter offer applies to all Steam pre-purchase owners and people who buy the game in a participating retailers during the first two months of the game's release - until June 21.

Players now only have 12 days left to purchase their Early Adopters Edition of the game and receive for free the Space Marines and the Tau factions. Players who will purchase Battlefleet Gothic: Armada after June 21 will be able to purchase the Space Marines and The Tau as DLCs.

The Space Marines are the greatest of humanity's warriors, fierce warriors that have been subjected to intense training, genetic modification, and psycho-conditioning. Their fleets are experts at close-ranged battles, sporting well-armoured ships and specialize in aggressive boarding techniques. In addition, they have access to two unique faction traits which make them immune to insubordination mechanics and give them the ability to prioritize their attacks on different subsystems when boarding.

The Space Marines DLC includes 5 different Space Marine chapters including the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists and the Blood Angels. Today's images show off the Dark Angels and the Space Wolves.

The secretive Dark Angels hold traditions and rituals that date back to the earliest days of the Imperium - they were the first Legion, and one of the most powerful. Every single Dark Angel wishes atonement for a great sin their brothers committed long ago on their homeworld, Caliban. These monastic Space Marines have only a single goal: To eliminate the Fallen Angels, the Dark Angels that have given in to the temptations of Chaos during the Horus Heresy.

Space Wolves are savage. They accept who they are, fierce warriors from the land of Fenris, proud of their anti-authoritarian ways. A mutation in their gene-seed makes Space Wolves who bear the "Curse of the Wulfen" transform into wolf-like mutants.

Stay tuned for more info about the Ultramarines, the Imperial Fists and the Blood Angels!


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Spesh Murines are released.

Also patch notes along with the SM download. Wonder if I can finish the campaign yet (odd bug at a particular mission that gives you a black screen, but only in that one mission)

I'm happy that they continue to patch and squash bugs, but the game mechanic tweaks at regular intervals makes me feel like it's just another game that's still in Beta.


Space Marines DLC is now available! The defenders of mankind are ready.
The Elite Mode against AI opponents is now available: Test your might against ever-stronger enemies.
A Newsfeed has been added. Be informed of the latest news about BFGA directly in the main menu.
You can now preset your ships? behavior and auto-launches in the Docks.
Help and FAQ are now available through main menu and in game menu.

Bug Fix

Fixed a bug preventing the Permanent Critical Damage done to ships to be updated in Advanced Infos mode.
Fixed a crash happening if two players with two different versions of the game try to play together.
Wreckage fields no longer appear within deployment zones.
Fixed a bug that display dialogue during the campaign without the corresponding text.
Suppression of in game Dialogues that were repeated during some End missions? cut scenes.
Fixed a bug preventing the Allied Guest of the Defender in Space Station Assault to see the Mine Area as well as the areas around the Space Station and the Defensive platforms.
Fixed a bug duplicating the Substitutes in the Pregame Screen.
Fixed a bug in the 19th Campaign mission?s loss dialogue which displayed Vandez?s face while it was Spire that talked.
Fixed a bug that deactivated the Escort Ships skills tooltips (Torpedoes and Pulsars).
Fixed a bug that kept some upgrades that weren?t relevant to the ships? designs fitted without possibility to unfit them.
Fixed a bug displaying the wrong shape for the Ork Transport Ship.
Fixed a bug causing the Attack orders in a queue of orders to be kept even if the target became invalid in the meantime (Destruction/ Invisibility/ Disengagement).


The size of the ?To Battle? button in the Docks is now correct.
Fixed a bug displaying the Micro Warp jump cooldown during the deployment phase.
Fixed a bug displaying the Generator critical damage icon on the rally skill rather than the Deck one.
Fixed a bug causing the Warp Jump to display a negative Cooldown if it was used quickly after the Micro Warp Jump.
The size of Tooltips has been improved to avoid visual bugs.
New caches for all factions in the Docks.


Fixed a bug keeping the Ork Engine Fx when it should have been deactivated, causing multiple instances to overlap.
Ork Space Hulk Engine reworked.
Ork Fighta-Bommas now display their 3D Mesh correctly.
Fixed a bug causing the Engine explosions to stay after destruction.
Defence Platforms now have deployment restriction zones displayed.
The Rally skill now have a new FX.
Fixed a bug displaying a Fire FX at the wrong emplacement on the Imperial Navy Light Cruiser.
The reactor FX is now more or less bright depending on the speed of the ship.
Fixed a bug causing Imperial FX to not show when it should.
Chaos Lances FX has been modified.
Fixed a bug causing the Zzap Kannon FX to misbehave, some FX appearing far away from the target.


In the Docks, the Lightning Strike Icon now changes accordingly with the selected ship?s Lightning Strike.
If your save is corrupted, a message is now displayed indicating that it cannot be loaded.


Imperial Navy

A new upgrade, Imperial Assassin, which can trigger a mutiny with a Lightning Strike Assault Action, has been added to the Deck.


A new upgrade, Chaos Space Marines, which Reduces the enemy troop value on Boardings and Lightning Strikes, has been added to the Deck.

Ork Pirates

A new upgrade, Weirdboy Tower, which adds a Zzap weapon on the Deck, has been added to the Deck. This weapon does not take the Zzap Upgrades, and fires at 3.000 units + 3.000 Units per Point in the Weirdboy Crew Member.

Eldar Corsairs

A new upgrade, Harlequin?s Masque, which Improves Troop Value while in Brace for Impact by 5, has been added to the Deck. The bonus can be improved by 5 per point in the Harlequin Crew Member.


Various changes to the texts.
Fixed a bug preventing the Weapon?s tooltips range to update if the player fitted a range enhancement upgrade on the ship.
Fixed a bug preventing the N of ?Normal? in the difficulty campaign setting to stay in lower case.
Fixed a bug on some battery weapons? tooltips displaying wrong0 statistics.
Fixed a bug displaying the Battle Settings in the Docks To be in Lower case and capital letters. Now everything is in Lower case.
Fixed a bug in all languages but English that did not translated the difficulty option.


Fixed a bug playing the Cut scenes and ship selection sounds even if the game was muted.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I havnt played since beating campaign. I knew like Company of heroes/dawn of war, probably see a lot of patching/changing so figured I'd wait until multiplayer is a bit more balanced. (Not even sure if it was off to start)

Noticed a ton of changes for eldar, and new mechanics when using orders. Seems like they might be trying to diversify the races by adding effects for different orders with upgrades.

Steam forums whining marines mostly UP. Mega armor but guns are supposedly suckier, boarding is their thing with thunderhawks? Folk saying kinda kite and stay nigh unkillable at medium range while just trying to assault whittle them down for the most part. Pretty fast, some say ram, others scream no, no hp.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Steam forums whining marines mostly UP. Mega armor but guns are supposedly suckier, boarding is their thing with thunderhawks? Folk saying kinda kite and stay nigh unkillable at medium range while just trying to assault whittle them down for the most part. Pretty fast, some say ram, others scream no, no hp.
Yeah, I tried SM a little and I didn't like them much. 75 armor all around is nice but when you're outgunned so badly half the time, I found it didn't matter as much as I thought it would. Their version of the light cruiser I really disliked. The broadsides seemed really weak and the bombardment cannon option was fixed 90 degrees ahead, so meh. The mass-boarding specialty seemed really hit and miss - I could crit the hell out of a cruiser but still have it at high HP and struggle to kill the damned thing. If you randomly got multiple HP damage crits you could bring a ship down quickly, otherwise...meh. Also the low HP really, really sucked if you got a lot of fire crits inflicted on you. I.N. with melta torp spam I would imagine could force you to repair, and then you could get hit with another round of potential fire before your repair cycles again. With low HP that just really, REALLY sucked.

At times I felt like the broadside DPS was barely enough to keep shields down reliably, or do enough damage before their shields came back up. But when I saw that they pushed out ANOTHER patch today I guess I see that I wasn't alone feeling that way. Their light cruiser got buffed quite a bit ("The Light Macro-batteries reload time has been reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds.") though some of the larger ones seemed to have gotten nerfed, if I read the numbers correctly ("The Macro-batteries damages have been reduced from 18 to 8 and its reload time reduced from 12 to 8."so from about 1.5 DPS to 1.0 DPS?). I hadn't had a chance to try a proper cruiser more than once or twice (had a saved skirmish game poof overnight after the patch so started over) but I did feel like I had noticed a distinct difference when jumping up to their regular cruiser.

It also looks like they nerfed the Armor Piercing upgrade for batteries at 3k and under. Understandable I suppose, as so many ships would otherwise be able to get close with SM ships and just destroy their armor otherwise and armor 50 against upgraded macro cannon batteries is still pretty decent (and gives more of a reason to take lanceboats I guess)


Bug Fix

Fixed multiplayer 2vs2 to 350 FP max in modes which allowed this amount (Cruiser Clash, SPace Station Assault (as attacker), Data Recovering).
Fixed a crash caused by the Admiral XP gains.
Fixed a bug which suppressed the Belt Armour Upgrade from Orks list and kept Lotsa Hull Plate. Now, Lotsa Hull Plate has been suppressed and Belt Armour is available.
Fixed a bug showing Imperial Navy icons beside Space Marine ships once Ingame.
Fixed a bug causing the destroyed ships of a Guest player to sometimes appear as Heavily Damaged.
Fixed a bug sometimes allowing a player to launch some skills manually after it was launched automatically through the Auto-launch feature.
Fixed a bug on the Commander Chapter Master stance which multiplied the chances of critical damages by its bonus rather than adding it.
Fixed a bug on the Bombardment Cannon which prevented the Armour-Piercing attribute to work correctly.
Fixed a bug allowing to fit the Weirdboy Tower Ork upgrade on Escort ships.
Fixed a bug causing the Space Marine's name in Elite mode to be Imperial Navy.


The Multiplayer Alliance Options and its affiliated buttons YES/NO were in grey. They are now in Green.
The Detection Value of the GUI now indicate the right value if it is affected by a Skill.
Fixed two Imperial Fists Space Marines Captain portraits that weren't like they were supposed to be.


Improvements brought to the Space Marines Favour Textures and meshes.
Cleaning of a useless 3D Mesh in the Vanguard Light Cruisers.
Reworking of the Webway Escape FX to be less bright.
Improvements brought to the Space Wolves Space Marine Docks.
Improvements brought to the Blood Angels Space Marine Docks.
Improvements brought to the Space Marine Favour Skill Word of the Emperor.
Improvements brought to the Shield Textures.
Improvements brought to the Space Marine Close Defence System FX.
Improvements brought to the Space Marine Lightning Strike FX.
Fixed a bug showing a Prow weapon flame on the Chaos Desolator ship even if the prow wasn't damaged.
Fixed a bug on the Imperial Navy Flagship Icon which had visual glitches.


Swapping between selected ships using the Tab Key now refresh skills feedbacks (such as torpedo lines) even if your cursor stays on the skill icon.
Skills feedbacks (such as torpedo lines) are now quicker to disappear when you move the cursor out of the skill's icon.


Imperial Navy
The Amour-Piercing Ammunitions Upgrade now reduces BY 25 the armour of the enemy rather than TO 25. The range restriction of <3k is still active. Armour cannot drop below 25 with this effect.
The Amour-Piercing Ammunitions Upgrade now reduces BY 25 the armour of the enemy rather than TO 25. The range restriction of <3k is still active. Armour cannot drop below 25 with this effect.
Ork Pirates
The Ork ships costs all have been reduced.
Eldar Corsairs
The Blessing of Vaul Upgrade now reduces BY 25 the armour of the enemy rather than TO 25. The range restriction of <3k is still active. Armour cannot drop below 25 with this effect.
Space Marines
The Light Macro-batteries reload time has been reduced from 9 seconds to 6 seconds.
The Macro-batteries damages have been reduced from 18 to 8 and its reload time reduced from 12 to 8.
The Plasma Macro-batteries' range has been improved from 9k to 12k.


Various Text modifications.
Corrections of the Unlocking window panel for the Space Marine fleet which have the wrong unlocking text at some levels.
The text displayed in the Faction Selection Imperial Navy has been corrected, and now Displays the Imperial Navy description instead of the Space Marine one.
The designation "Experimental Ship" above said ship during the "Attack on the Webway" campaign mission is now localized according to the Language set.
Fixed the variables of the Lock On Special Order which showed the wrong values.
Fixed a bug appearing on the Kurnous Pattern Shadow and the Eclipse's Launch bays tooltips.
Fixed a bug on the Thunderhawks and Thunderhawks Gunship tooltip indicating the wrong values for respectively the number of assault actions per Thunderhawk and the damages per Thunderhawk Gunship.