Wasteland 2


Trakanon Raider
New system streamline in the game looks pretty good, the quirks are crazy wierd. I only took a glance at the character creation for a couple minutes seemed like my starting stats were much reduced but who knows, felt like you don't get as many, which is clearly a good data point.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Character creation hasn't changed except for the quirks that were added. There's perks now too, but you don't get the first of those until L4 (and every 4 levels after).

Quirks mostly suck, unfortunately. There's one that just straight up broken though. Disparnumerophobia can be cheesed if you only level up when you have enough xp to level up twice, keeping your level even at all times. That way it's a permanent +2 to all stats. The circus one would be the best non-cheap one, but it turns your guy into a fucking clown, literally.

I really like the gamepad interface. Other than the rare annoyance of having trouble targeting a particular item/NPC when several things are close together, it's vastly more convenient to use than kb/m.
So ... yeah started my guys over since it is so easy to gimp your characters in this. I highly suggest reading a character creation guide.

- You should have Int 4 or Int 8, and not in between (thats where you get the extra skill point per level)
- Like Vorph said Disparnumerophobia is good if cheesed, but it would be a bit annoying not to level up ASAP because of the free heals
- Ascetic is a decent quirk because +1 stat of your choice and 5 skill points is better than the vast majority of trinkets in the game
- when adding attribute points you should pay special attention to where they break for new Action Points (like the 4/8 int)
- SMGs actually rape up close now
- I gave everyone a point in a melee weapon style at the start of the game, to conserve ammo, and because melee hits harder than many guns at the start


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Int 4 is all you really need across the board, as long as you spread your skills out well. I have an IQ 10 guy but it's probably going to end up a waste in the long run.

There's no free heal on level up anymore, at least not on Ranger difficulty. It's still annoying to wait to level up because your NPCs and any characters you make without the quirk have to wait too.

Ascetic is +5 skill points and 1 stat vs. anywhere from 12 to 36 skill points, depending on which trinkets you pick. Assuming you stop a skill at 7 and get +2 from trinket and +1 from book. The top trinkets will give +2/+1, +2/+2/+2, etc. Definitely a good case for using it on a couple characters though, if you aren't looking to abuse Disparnumerophobia. Another quirk I like is Asshole. You don't even need to put a single skill point into Hard Ass, it's just there and set to 10 always. Effectively that saves you up to 44 skill points over the course of the game, if you planned to take it to 10. Realistically it's probably more like 30, since 8's probably all you'd take it to. And there's the circus thing, which is ideal for a leadership character, but fuck turning one of my characters into an actual clown.

As far as attributes -> AP goes, it's (Str+Spd+Int)/4 rounded down. So always make sure those three stats always add up to 12/16/20/24.

SMGs are alright. They do more damage now that they fire 4-shot bursts instead of 3-shot, but that means they chew through even more ammo and are more prone to jamming until you mod them. Penetration is still low, and perks did nothing to improve SMGs either. They're tied for worst perks of any weapon class with Heavy. Rebalancing didn't change much as far as weapons go, imo it's still best to use AR/AR/Sniper+sidearm or melee/Blunt. Scotchmo can keep his shotgun, Rose gets the handguns + EWs later, then whatever on the last NPC.

I can see giving a melee weapon (probably slashing, it doesn't suck anymore) to your sniper for backup, and I have a dedicated blunt weapon user because blunt is the new unarmed. Seems a waste to stick melee weapons on your other guys; whatever you save in bullets you just end up spending on medkits. What I do put on everyone at the start or soon afterwards is Weaponsmithing. For 4 skill points you unlock a perk that gives +1AP as long as you wear light armor, and since heavy armor is shit that's a no-brainer for everyone.
^ yeah good point about skills requiring more points the higher you level them. Is this an exhaustive list of Trinkets?

Trinkets - Wasteland 2 Wiki

Because I looked at that list when I decided +1 Attribute of your choice and 5 skillpoints is worth giving up a trinket slot for. Very few of those trinkets are very exciting.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Tool kit, cat burglar mask, cleric's cross, and dowsing rod are the big ones. Scotchmo and Rose probably get the middle two for most people, so that's not an issue. Whoever you have use the skills related to the others should not take Ascetic imo.

Of course, this also assumes you actually manage to find those items. Some are only found randomly, so without save scumming you might never see them.


Heads up!

There is a pretty game crippling bug right now. If you DISMISS an NPC follower, there is a very high chance they just despawn and you can never recruit them again. The inExile is aware of the bug and they are trying to work out a fix for it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've had other weird follower bugs too. Like Rose's inventory being completely empty when first recruited.



Was really getting into the game, cleared Level L'upe Mine, Ag Center, and the areas related to it. I was wondering when I would get more followers than the 3 that I have and decided to look it up and the results warned me about the bug, so I decided to shelf the game until they fix it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, unfortunately I've ended up having to shelve the game again as well. Losing Rose's useless gun was a non-issue, but now every companion I've sent back to the Citadel is gone, I've had two different doors get stuck shut with no way to interact with them, and I've run into multiple instances of quest scripts not working properly even as early as Ag Center. The doors thing is the worst. One of them I fixed by reloading, but the other one is the door in the Citadel next to Levi and whatever caused it to break was so long ago that I don't even have a save to revert to. Can't get to TNT to sell my [literal] shit, and I won't ever be able to go to CA, etc.

Also, breaking down weapons really pisses me off. It says there's a 45-50% chance of getting broken parts but it's more like 90-95% chance. I tested it pretty extensively last night and it's not related to save scumming, the RNG is just straight up broken for salvaging weapons.

Hopefully there's another patch very early in the week because the game is unplayable right now imo.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Save scumming seems to save the RNG seed until some stuff changes (I'm thinking inventory, but not sure) currently - never played it extensively in the original version.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Nah, save scumming works fine. It's not like I get the same exact results over and over; I get different amounts of parts and if I break down 10 weapons I might get 1 mod but it will be a different weapon and/or different mod each time I reload the savegame.

I suspect there's something to make it so that high skill in smithing gives parts instead of mods when you break down low tier weapons. This way you don't get $20 mods instead of 8-10 $15 parts when you're long past needed low-end mods. That's cool, but right now I just want some damn scopes and high-capacity magazines.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone playing with a PS4 controller? I see they have added it as a separate controller option (with the correct visual buttons), however, since my DS4 is connected as a Xbox controller, the buttons are not correct.

Couldn't find a fix on either the steam forums or by google search. Guessing I have to create a controller layout?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yes, it was working perfectly for me with 360 emulation, but I wanted the Sony style button prompts so I unchecked "Hide DS4 Controller" in DS4Windows and then I could use it as a DS4 in-game instead. Only thing that changed is that now I press the touchpad to open the inventory; 360 emulation uses the Share button instead. I did not have to do anything else with layouts, etc.


Trakanon Raider
unchecked "Hide DS4 Controller" in DS4Windows and then I could use it as a DS4 in-game instead.
That's what I was missing! Thank you very much! (can't net you again) Worked like a charm. Wish more games would recognize that a lot of people use dual shocks as their PC controllers, and add the Sony layout/visuals.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That's what I was missing! Thank you very much! (can't net you again) Worked like a charm. Wish more games would recognize that a lot of people use dual shocks as their PC controllers, and add the Sony layout/visuals.
Especially when the game has been ported to PS4.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Picked this up yesterday for PS4. There is a lot of depth here. I made a premade party instead of doing it on my own. Some of the controls are wonky but I am getting used to it. It took me a while to figure out how to heal other characters because it really doesn't give you a tutorial on the way to go about it, and I wasn't thinking of using the targeting option outside of the user interface once I select an item to heal with.

Other than that the combat is hilarious. I missed this type of game. Especially when I am right in front of a creature and my dude with a knife misses the monster right in front of him with a 70% chance to hit. And then misses again. Assault rifles hit constantly.
Welp, took me 78 hours according to Steam to finish the Director's Cut. I'm definitely no completion-ist and there was one aborted party about ~10 hours in. A lot of flaws, especially UI related, but still great game.


Welp, took me 78 hours according to Steam to finish the Director's Cut. And I'm definitely no completion and there was one aborted party about ~10 hours in. A lot of flaws, especially UI related, but still great game.
Think my steam time is @ 100 hours for me. How was the Console version guys?