Wasteland 2


Trakanon Raider
First footage is out, couldn't find a way to embed this since it's not on youtube

The video gave me a decently sized stiffy, seems like they nailed the atmosphere pretty well. UI is obviously placeholder, but I'd prefer something smaller. Pretty much Fallout for new millennium.


El Presidente
Loved Wasteland so much. Played that and the various Bard's Tales and Ultimas so damn much as a kid.


Trakanon Raider
First footage is out, couldn't find a way to embed this since it's not on youtube

The video gave me a decently sized stiffy, seems like they nailed the atmosphere pretty well. UI is obviously placeholder, but I'd prefer something smaller. Pretty much Fallout for new millennium.
The guy narrating did say the UI elements were moveable and resizeable.

They seem to have been making pretty awesome progess on the game.

Show one useful side effect of kickstarter funding too - the dialogue shows pretty strongly that they aren't having to suck the ESRB's dick for better shelf placement at wal-mart.


Trakanon Raider
Hmm, I spose most people who are interested would be getting the progress updates, but I have to say I was pretty impressed by the description of the NPC conversation branching in the most recent one, spoilered for length.

A working example:
NPC Bob, who is guarding some guns, has intro text that reveals two keywords he has more to say about. Clicking on Bob starts the dialog:
>NPC Bob- "Hey strangers, we don't normally see people out so far into the wasteland. Be careful, it is reallydangerousout here unless you are heavilyarmed."
This introduces two keywords to the player that they can use to converse with NPC Bob,dangerousandarmed. Using the keyworddangerouswill prompt NPC Bob give you more information about what is up ahead.
>Ranger Party (keyword = dangerous)-"What is so dangerous about these canyons?"
>NPC Bob- "These canyons are crawling with the outcasts of every crappy society in the wasteland. You had better watch your step."
Using thearmedkeyword will have NPC Bob tell you about a possible mission.
>Ranger Party (keyword = armed)-"How do you think we should be armed?"
>NPC Bob- "It is best to have a lot of hollow point ammo out here for all the mutant creatures wandering around. I just came from a cave at the end of that canyon where I found a half destroyed case of ammo. You are welcome to help yourself if you find them. You are going to need all the help you can get out here."
It sounds promising enough, but if the party heads for that cave they will find themselves in an ambush from the Red Skorpion Militia.
If you had used perception on Bob before talking to him, and you passed the perception skill check, the examine text would have revealed that Bob has the insignia of the Red Skorpion militia tattooed on his neck under his collar. This would putRed Skorpioninto your local keywords for your conversation with NPC Bob. Holding your mouse overRed Skorpion, shows the sentence, "I see you are a member of the Red Skorpions." The Rangers already know that the Red Skorpions are out to get them so calling out Bob as being one can have several effects on the conversation.
For example, if you start the conversation by usingRed Skorpion, Bob's response would be to admit to being a member. Now when you mentionarmed, which had Bob give you the Trap/Mission before, he no longer tries to bait you, but he doesn't warn you about it either:
>Ranger Party (keyword = Red Skorpions)-"I see you are a member of the Red Skorpions."
>NPC Bob- "So what if I am? What are you going to do, shoot me just for having a tattoo?
>Ranger Party (keyword = armed)- "How do you think we should be armed?"
>NPC Bob- "Now that I think about it, I could really care less. Leave me alone and go bother someone else."
Knowing that the Red Skorpions are your enemy, you might cleverly choose to hold off revealing to Bob that you know he is one. If you wait to use theRed Skorpionkeyword until after you had usedarmed(in which Bob tries to lure you into the trap), Bob would cave and tell you everything:
>Ranger Party (keyword = armed)- "How do you think we should be armed?"
>NPC Bob- "It is best to have a lot of hollow point ammo out here for all the mutant creatures wandering around. I just came from a cave at the end of that canyon where I found a half destroyed case of ammo. You are welcome to help yourself if you find them. You are going to need all the help you can get out here."
>Ranger Party (keyword = Red Skorpions)-"I see you are a member of the Red Skorpions."
>NPC Bob- "Okay, okay, you caught me. Listen, don't kill me, I am only following orders. There is a patrol of Skorpions on the rim of the canyon ahead and I was supposed to send you down there. Meow that I warned you please let me live!"
If you had explored the entire canyon before you got to Bob and you had found some blood stains on the ground you could use "blood stains" as a keyword and get Bob to inadvertently tell you about the cave full of loot he was looking for at the end of the yellow canyon.
>Ranger Party (keyword = blood stains)- "What can you tell us about the blood stains on the trail?"
>NPC Bob- "Oh, that was me. I was looking for a weapons stash I had heard about in that canyon and I was jumped by a pissed-off Honey Badger."
This essentially gives you a hint to find an inconspicuous cave that you wouldn't get from just the Bob's original keywords.
Extending the above example, if your party had Red Skorpion armor equipped when you started that same conversation, it would change Bob's intro text, and instead of him offering you keywords aboutdangerousandarmed, he would just give you a line about how you are late to the ambush and the rest of the Skorpions are up ahead in the canyon.
If you also had Rick Baychowski, who is on good terms with the Red Skorpions, in your party as a CNPC, Bob would greet Rick in his intro line. He would also reveal the ambush up ahead, and tell the party they can find some ammo in a shed down the path to the right.
Events outside of the conversation can also unlock local keywords. For example, another NPC, Jim, might ask you to let Bob know his sister Sarah had just died. When then talking with Bob, he still delivers his intro line offering up thedangerousandarmedkeywords, but you also see the keywordSarah. Holding the mouse overSarah, you see the sentence "Jim just told me your sister is dead." ClickingSarahputs Bob into a panic and he runs away leaving you access to the gun cache. This might have been the only way to get those guns without killing Bob, and you couldn't have done it if you didn't talk to Jim first.
Keep in mind that in this example, you still had the option of shooting Bob in the head before any of this dialog happened. This would have had its own level of reactivity. It would have given you access to the guns he was guarding but brought the ambush fight to this location. Meanwhile, using stealth to quietly kill Bob before talking to him gets you the guns without the fight - though you might stumble into the ambush later unless you learn about it another way.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Wasteland and Pool of Radiance made 1988 a really good year. Really looking forward to WL2.


I use my necro powers to tell you..

inXile_sl said:
Early Beta

You?re all no doubt anxious to get your hands on the Early Beta and we?re anxious to get it to you! We?re now in the stage where we have distributed standalone copies of the Early Beta to a small group of external individuals as a test run. This is the final stage where we ensure it is up to our standards and runs on a variety of machines, and we?ll then be ready to get it to you.
Here's the link to the kickstarter updatehttp://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...2/posts/633697

I'm not in the beta nor do I want to be, its just good to know progress is being made and hopefully it will be released "soon".


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is the game I'm looking forward to the most at the moment. I'm hoping for a pre-Christmas release.



Useless lazy bastard.
Semi-necro bump, the original Wasteland is now released on GoG and Steam.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Was pretty "meh" towards this when I first heard it since I never played Wasteland, but watching that vid made me change my mind. Looks awesome.


Molten Core Raider
Looks like Beta is going out now.
Looking forward to reading some reports on how it turned out.
Installing now ...

Will post some screens. Here's the message that all backers got. Good read, spoilered for length. TLDR:

"All backers eligible for the beta from your original pledge (that is, any tier of $55 or more except the $60 late backer box) or an add-on can now log in to your Ranger Center account and retrieve your Steam key for the Wasteland 2 beta. You'll find it at the bottom of your Donations page."
It's hard to believe we're finally at a place where we're ready to put a playable version of Wasteland 2 into your hands, but today's the day. What a road it has been to get here.

It has been an enlightening experience learning what is entailed with this new transparent development process. I admit it isn't easy to release code before it's complete, as I have hundreds of issues on my list still to be addressed, but it's time for the next phase. All backers eligible for the beta from your original pledge (that is, any tier of $55 or more except the $60 late backer box) or an add-on can now log in to your Ranger Center account and retrieve your Steam key for the Wasteland 2 beta. You'll find it at the bottom of your Donations page. I should also note that we've had quite a few requests to offer the game on Steam Early Access, which we will do after our backers have had first crack at it.


Creating a deep RPG is a unique challenge, in that so many elements need to be working well together, with 95% of the game's underpinnings complete before beta can begin, which is what we've all been working so hard on this last month. Now, however, is the stage of development where the magic happens. With most of the mechanical issues behind us, now we can really start digging deep into the game and finding ways of taking it from good to great. No amount of prepping and planning can replace old-fashioned hands-on playing, testing and iteration time, which is why we are so grateful to have you, our backers, help us hone this process like never before. So thanks once again to all of you for giving us this opportunity to make your game in this new and open way. Your input has been, and will continue to be, critical every step of the way, and Wasteland 2 will be better because of it.

For your convenience while playing, we put together a reference card. This servers as a basic guide to gameplay and the game's interface.

All the game's major systems are now implemented, which allows us to expedite the amount of depth, fun and subtlety that gets in, but this is an ambitious game both in terms of scale and the amount of reactivity we have planned, so please don't forget that we are not complete, and that there are still a host of issues that need to be addressed. I'd like to highlight some of these so you know what you're playing and how the final game will compare.


Because this beta doesn't include all the Arizona maps, this portion of the game will feel a bit more linear than the full experience will, particularly with the first maps being narrower locations rather than proper hubs. The final game will have a more open feel where you can poke around and check the defenses of higher level areas and perhaps snatch an item or two. So fear not, as there will be more strange areas to discover in the final, and we will be dropping more in throughout this beta phase. In addition, we'll be adding more quests to each map as well.

A number of skills are not implemented in the backer beta, namely, Silent Move, Salvaging, Animal Whisperer, the backer informational skill and, quite ironically, Combat Shooting (ironic if you are familiar with Wasteland 1). You'll run into a few situations where you could use those skills and we'll work to balance and roll them out later, but the vast majority of skills are in so you'll be able to try most possible solutions. The character system is complete but not necessarily fully balanced, many XP rewards and upgrade values will still be tweaked.

The beta is launching only for Windows PC initially. We'll look into launching Mac and Linux versions soon, but they will need more testing before we feel secure in doing so.


As you may remember, we spent quite a bit of time iterating (based on your feedback) the main gameplay HUD, and that process made it better. We have not had that same luxury yet with the inventory UI and character creation, so we expect a lot of comments and you can expect many changes. There's inconsistency with fonts and colors etc. and the bottom line is that we are not happy with it yet. So please give us your feedback on it, we'll be looking to polish it up as we did the main game HUD.

The game is also still pretty rife with typographical errors. Report them as you see them!


I must say I am very happy with the musical score that Mark Morgan has put together, he's doing a great job nailing the mood we envisioned. We are still weak in the ambient sound area and we know how important sound is for setting the mood and connecting you to the world. In addition, we need more sounds for messaging player successes or failures and the sound levels are not dialed in yet which creates an inconsistency in volume.

We are also not finalized on all of the voices so again don't assume that voices are set in stone. I thought it better for you to get a sense of the radio with some temp voices if need be.


We all know that the heart and soul of a good RPG is having the player's actions have consequence, and this is a major focus for us. We have a team of programmers that handle all the scripting for the maps, and most of their efforts at this point involve making pass after pass, adding in more depth to what we already have. This is a combination of adding more places to use skills, more ways to work around situations, and a greater degree of meaningful effect based on what the player has chosen to do. We also need add a greater connectivity between the maps, so your decisions have ripple effects in other areas of the Wasteland.

This will be the greatest area of focus as we analyze your play and listen to your ideas. So PLEASE share your clever ideas so we can turn up the charm and depth.

Along these lines, it probably isn't a good idea to use the shovel on Ace's grave.

Combat and World Economy

This area is fairly robust, but there has been little work in regards to balancing the difficulty, so expect some areas to be quite hard while others may be too easy. In these types of games the balancing can swing wildly from day to day with just a few variable changes. Just tweaking the amount of ammo that can be found can greatly change the experience. The enemies you'll meet in the beta are pretty early-game, which makes fights a little more straight-forward, as their AI is simpler than some of the later-game enemies. There are not very many merchants right now, and their inventory is not particularly balanced. Basically the world economy has not been balanced yet. The currency and item drops and their trade value will likely seem off to you, as it's far from final.

We are also missing quite a few SFX in combat and we need to better message how much the player can actually do. Again we will be keen to get feedback on this area of the game. In general we like that the game is a bit hard, but only so long as the player can learn from the battles and conquer them armed with that knowledge.


The fog of war is not incorporated in the navigation map so you'll be able to see some detail but not be able to explore or see most of the discoverable areas that will be in the final game.


The code for handling the camera is also not final, and again your feedback will help us to dial it in and give enough user options to make it work for everyone. We still intend to integrate destructible objects to add greater realism and visual payoff into the scenes.

Options Menu

Please make sure you check out the options menu, as you can customize a number of things, like saturation, edge scrolling, etc. Giving you the option to customize the experience as much as possible was another goal of ours. Again, expect many additions here, but there is already a lot of fine-tuning you can do.

Other Topics

There's some more topics to talk about that are not directly about the beta content, so let me cover those one at a time.

Press or Video Coverage

If you're a twitch streamer, YouTube personality, or work for the video game press, you're probably wondering, "What am I allowed to do with the beta?" For the Wasteland 2 beta, we are not putting any restrictions on written and video coverage. Feel free to stream the game, produce YouTube videos, blog about it or write articles about it. You're free to use any revenue programs available, such as the YouTube Partner program. The only thing we ask is that you explicitly mention that this is a backer/early access beta, and not necessarily representative of the final product. Other than that, please do share - the more the better! Do note that the focus of this beta is on getting feedback from our backers and not about getting press reviews.

CenterCode and Documentation

Though I continue to tell the programmers not to put bugs in their code since they will just have to remove them later, we know there will be many a pesky bug. With that in mind we're launching our CenterCode bug reporting site now as well. Each eligible backer will be receiving an invitation email to your Ranger Center primary email. Follow the link to register on CenterCode, providing detailed information on your PC as you do so.

The site itself is pretty straightforward; you can report bugs and input suggestions which go straight into our internal bug reporting system, where we deal with duplicates and assign them to the appropriate developer. Simply describe your problem or suggestion, go into as much detail as possible (especially on how to reproduce bugs) and hit submit. The other important function of CenterCode is the "Resources" tab, which we'll use to provide technical FAQs, system requirements, troubleshooting info and more as we progress in the beta.

I must also give thanks and praise to the hard working team here at inXile. I am fortunate to work with such a bright and passionate group of people who are hyper focused on making a game we can all be proud of. Thanks, everyone!

We've all been pouring our heart and soul into Wasteland 2, and I hope it shows. I'll never forget the elation from those first two days of our Kickstarter campaign and how happy I was to get this chance. Now, after the long journey, I am filled with excitement and nervousness.

Thanks again for your support, have fun, and let's work together to make a classic.

Brian Fargo,
Your leader in Exile


El Presidente
Pretty excited by this. Although it won't really be like the original outside of setting, I did love the first one so much.
You can customize 4 characters for your party or use the premades. Already spent an hour on this heh. Very strong Fallout 1/2/Tactics vibe even in character creation.



The NPC interface is interesting. They give you a some pre-set choices but you can also free type any keywords. Screens from my laptop running on medium settings. Haven't played with vid settings at all.



Overland travel map is like Fallout. Your party consumes water (bottom right meter) and can refill at hidden streams or towns. There is also a Geiger Counter (bottom left) just like Fallout.


Combat is basically 3D Fallout 1/2/Tactics with some nice upgrades like a cover system. You can recruit extra NPCs in addition to your 4 created characters.


Anyway, I'm only an hour in, but I don't see how this game can fail unless they really fuck something up. It is the spiritual successor to the original isometric Fallouts in every way.