Watch Dogs


Had someone invade me , was damn hard finding the person....till i got to about 80% hacked and then that circle is hella small and the person just pulled out a gun and tried killing me then got into a car and sped off hehe. Was rather cool hehe , was a female so didnt expect that and the area was crowded as fuck , but i thought it was pretty cool.
Do you have the option turned on that allows someone to kill you when they invade your game? I haven't turned it on yet but am thinking about taking the plunge.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's no option like that for invasions. Both of the 1-on-1 invasion modes specifically tell the invader that they will lose if they kill the target. The 'adversarial' thing is only for free roam, which is basically just a pointless sandbox mode.


There's no option like that for invasions. Both of the 1-on-1 invasion modes specifically tell the invader that they will lose if they kill the target. The 'adversarial' thing is only for free roam, which is basically just a pointless sandbox mode.
Cool thanks. I didn't know what I was talking about. I was referring to the regular online game options that had some set to off by default. I went ahead and switched on friendly fire the other one to see what happens.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
This game is ok. It isn't remotely close to being as good as GTA V though. The AI in the game is just plain terrible. I had one random mission where I was being shot at by the bad guys and the cops show up(because of some random civilian calling 911) then the cops start firing on me too! Soooo bad...

Why is Saints Row the only game to get the driving right? Is it really that hard? Even Rockstar has a hard time with this. It makes no sense. Though to Rockstar's defense it did improve in Five while Four was beyond terrible.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sleeping Dogs got the driving right too. I definitely agree about Saints Row vs. GTA IV/V though. V at least tried to be like Saints though, I give them credit for that much.


I haven't played any of the GTA games but I did play L.A. Noire (think that used the same engine as GTA 4 maybe) and the car collecting, as well as crime/hide out missions makes me think of that game a bit.


That guy
Not even remotely.
Sorry I should have quantified... meant graphics, not gameplay/bugs. Not even in the same league for the latter, but the lighting, etc differences is very similar to what happened with Colonial Marines.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sorry I should have quantified... meant graphics, not gameplay/bugs. Not even in the same league for the latter, but the lighting, etc differences is very similar to what happened with Colonial Marines.
The world ambiance seems almost perfect to me with the game with the weather effects and everything - while they seem different compared to previous, they seem more realistic. Probably downgraded hardwarewise, but realism > "better" for what they were going for in my take on it.

It's not just a flat downgrade like A:CM was to me at least.


Trump's Staff
Colonial Marines wasn't just a graphical deceit though, they also showed AI that never made it into the release. I would say WD from E3 to launch was more similar to the Dark Sous 2 "optimizations."
Do you have the option turned on that allows someone to kill you when they invade your game? I haven't turned it on yet but am thinking about taking the plunge.
Didnt adjust any options , he just pulled out the gun and started firing after i discovered him, then booked it when i fired back. Though i did get a bounty on me and same scenario , the dude got to like 93 percent then i found him and unloaded with my grenade launcher hehe , took a lot of hits on his car but i did kill him.

Was rather fun , do enjoy that aspect of the game rather much.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Finished it tonight. I enjoyed the gameplay of the last mission, but beyond that I hated the story. Started off boring, the thing with the sister dragged on for like half the game, and the stuff leading up to the end just pissed me off. Ended at 71%, and have no desire to do anything more.

Amusingly, I got invaded just as I was about the quit the game and decided to take out my anger at the game on him. Poor bastard got to 95% on his hack, that's got to suck to come so close and still end up losing 66 points.

I would say WD from E3 to launch was more similar to the Dark Sous 2 "optimizations."
That I would agree with. Nighttime looks great in the release version anyway, I would say better than the E3 video actually simply because that video used some really blurry/ugly fog and way too much DoF. It's only daytime that seems to have been downgraded in terms of lighting and shadows.

And the gas station explosion. There was obviously a physics particle system in place in 2012 that is missing now. Wouldn't surprise me if that was done purely to enhance the video.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
In GTA 3, I would make a car crash, watch the ambulance come for the wounded, make the ambulance explode and then the firebrigade would come. In Watchdogs I make cars crash, nothing happens.

In a dark alley I saw a guy taking a piss, so naturally I sprinted into him full speed. He said sorry.

It isn't just the piss poor PC optimization (going from 20 FPS to 60 FPS by setting the game to borderless on an ATI card), the terrible / non-existant AI, the reflections of stuff that isn't around, the ghosting of controls, its pretty much all of that combined.

Still playing it tho.

Also, when you get invaded you can just suicide to win. Well tested.


Life's a Dream
I haven't played the game much yet. Maybe an hour total. What I don't like is smoke that comes off of a car after you hit other cars too much. It bellows out and you can't see what's in front of you as easily. Even if the car is moving quickly, the smoke bellows out as if you were stopped. The wind should make it all but invisible during motion, but that isn't the case at all.

It's bothersome for me, but my only real complaint.


Didnt adjust any options , he just pulled out the gun and started firing after i discovered him, then booked it when i fired back. Though i did get a bounty on me and same scenario , the dude got to like 93 percent then i found him and unloaded with my grenade launcher hehe , took a lot of hits on his car but i did kill him.

Was rather fun , do enjoy that aspect of the game rather much.
Ha! That does sound fun. I had my first invasion last night as well. My display told me to head to a particular area and once I got there the person started to hack me. I blew up a large power box causing a black out and then was able to identify him leading to a chase to vehicles. He almost got away but I picked a faster car and hacked the lights ahead of him so that he t-boned another car and then after he got out I ran him over. Ended up with 200 multiplayer points of some such thing. It was pretty fun too.

I got the impression that the guy was going through the campaign missions pretty fast because they didn't seem to have much experience driving or hacking the area for help.


FPS noob
they are kind of opposites: infamous starts out pretty awesome and then gets more shitty as you are more or less god and the side stuff gets boring, watch dogs starts out really shitty but gets slightly more interesting as you unlock stuff and get further into the game. Neither game is really awesome, especially in the story/plot/character section, but fun enough I guess. You can definitely finish either game in a weekend and trade it in (ps4) for almost the same price you paid, so not a good idea to buy digital.

i'm going to wait for a PC goty edition though, buddy uninstalled the game after he lost all his progress when the game crashed 4-5 missions in. no recovery at all, he was pretty pissed and I've heard its not that uncommon.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sleeping Dogs got the driving right too. I definitely agree about Saints Row vs. GTA IV/V though. V at least tried to be like Saints though, I give them credit for that much.
Sleeping Dogs certainly had fun driving. Reminded me of GTA3/VC/SA with the auto physics. Best GTA game of last generation.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yet another really silly stealth game with people either ignoring you completely, no matter what you do and guards are incredibly short-sighted, deaf and stupid?

That's pretty much what I'm getting from day9's play.