Water Sprinkler Of Nem Ankh


Uncle Tanya
Yes, the cleric epic from Everquest.


TL;DR: I want one IRL.

I'd post this thread directly to the rickshaw if I could, but I couldn't so I didn't, so Amod Amod if you would ever so kindly!

This thread is to document the journey toward me obtaining a Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh (eye-arr-ell style), and for you all to rightfully mock me along the way.

Brief Primer FAQ

  1. Are you retarded? Yes.
  2. Are you even serious or is this trolling? 100% serious unfortunately.
  3. This is another attention whore tactic? No! I mean, where else on the internet would I be posting about Everquest shit except right here in my hometown?
  4. You realize these don't exist in the world and are just pixels in a mmorpg, right? You're crazy... Hence this thread. It's going to be a "journey" to "obtain" one for sure. (Oh and to be clear: "Obtain" = create/make/forge etc from raw resources; I'm not crazy [well, besides the obvious LoL]), I just need the right resources, information, help and certainly time. Just like the in-game quest required a lot of time and help from friends/guildies, I realize this isn't going to be easy and I can't get one on my own.
  5. Okay I 'think' I'm starting to see what you're trying to do. It'll take a lot of resources, you realize this? Again, hence this thread. I know this forum is filled with a lot of smart talent and figured one or more of you could add some info into what would actually be required to create my own Water Sprinkler Of Nem Ankh from scratch.

The "Why"

As some of you may know, I'd just call myself a big fan of Everquest and I have an inordinate amount of Everquest shit in my place (the shadowbox is notable for its supreme nerdiness):




Parkinson's art is, in my opinion, just as worthy to hang on my walls as a Dali or Degas and while I realize it appears to border on sheer obsessiveness, it's not that... it's more just display pieces and I haven't even read those books... in reality this dumb game was, as some of you can sadly relate, a sizeable chunk of my life over 15 years ago and while I don't currently play any form of EQ, I will (hopefully) live to be a ripe 80+ years and I'm sure even then look back on this game and community with fondness and warmth. Besides the Everquest shit in my place, I have other eclectic things adorning my abode and figure the next "big thing" to add would be an EQ Epic replica LoL.

I mained a cle in my heyday, and was part of a very small guild. This was before the cle epic was gimped with those pearls in skyfire so camping Ragefire with a guild presence and worrying about competing clerics and guilds was a thing and it was also when wiping to Ragefire was an easy possibility if you didn't bring a handful of groups so getting the Water Sprinkler at that time was huge. I received a few tells from people I'd group with asking how I got that not being in one of the top guilds, especially when our guild fell apart and I was flying guildless for awhile, so the 1.0 epic was definitely a badge of pride and honor at the time (and a damn useful clicky, let's be real).

The "What"

The Water Sprinkler Of Nem Ankh. Fundamentally, a medieval flail with an ornate handle.





Obviously, I don't expect the spiked ball to magically seep water like it did in game haha. So it's pretty basic in its trappings: A light colored pommel, a dark shaft, light colored patterned hilt (is this called a hilt when dealing with a flail?) with a thick chain holding the multi-spiked ball. The pommel appears to have the exact pattern shape of the four prongs jutting out of the hilt. So 1 shaft, 1 thick chain link of about a dozen links, 1 spiked ball about the size of a baseball, and 5 arrowhead patterned pieces of '____' ? Wood? Brass? Idk.

The "How"

This is the meat and potatoes of obtaining (creating) this. This is where I'm in over my head and need YOU GUYS for advice, help, info, resources etc. I know it'll take some tools, talent and shit that I don't possess. I realize I'll definitely have to drop some serious cheddar to make this work. I don't want to 3-D print one and paint it and call it a day, or to have it just be a complete piece of shit like it's a tin-foil flail on a cardboard stick (I could start with that though! haha). I really want it to be well made and quality.

If I could 'ideally' picture it in my mind's eye, it would have a hard polished antique finished brass pommel, leather wrapped shaft (metal reinforced core), hard brass hilt (same as pommel), thick chain, iron spiked ball. In reality, it may have to be a painted wooden pommel shaft and hilt with an aluminum chain and spiked ball.

Would a brass hilt be strong enough to support the weight of an iron spiked ball the size of a baseball? Idk. Is forging all of this from scratch a really really expensive endeavor? Idk. I have no welding skills, no casting skills, very minimal woodwork skills. Is it possible this idea will go down like the Hindenburg and it'll be my FoH legacy from here on out? Idk. Let's find out!

In Conclusion

So yeah I'm honestly serious about wanting to make my own epic :p It's not like I plan to use it, LARP with it, cosplay with it... when (if, big if) it's finished, it'll just sit in a comfy spot in my place... yet another quirky display piece in my nerd paradise I call home LoL. I fully intend to update this thread from time to time on any and all progress, and will be more than happy to simply say "fuck it, it's impossible, I have failed in my RL epic quest haha" if it comes to that and you guys can ridicule me for as long as I deserve, that's okay... it'd be deserved that's for sure! Point is, it's a Rickshaw worthy Tyen thread Vanessa thread that's fun for the entire family shitposter. Though I do sincerely hope some of you can actually help me as far as tips, tricks, resources, pointers etc... especially if any of you have had any experience in literally working with any of these raw materials such as brass, aluminum, iron etc. There are quite a few videos on YouTube of talented guys forging video game weapons so the idea is not completely bonkers... my desire just takes the form of something not quite as popular as recreating Cloud's Buster Sword, or Lion-O's Sword Of Omens. I guess I could just contact these YouTubers who make this and pay them $5,000 or whatever (which I don't have) to just make me one but isn't that just like buying an EBayed 1.0 cle? I'd rather "do the quest" myself and have more pride in it.

P.S. There's at least one other freak of a fan out there who got the epic tattooed on their wrist apparently:



You say, 'Hail, Shmendrik Lavawalker.' ........
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Avatar of War Slayer
I have wanted to forge a SK epic for years... oh it would be glorious.

Go to a ren fair, there are tons of ball and chains, find a place that is "real" and not a re-sale operation, and I am sure they could fabricate you one. Its really just some leather work and brass to make it look like the epic version and not standard fair.
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A nice asshole.
Ummm if you aren’t a smithy and don’t have the 5k you could buy a toy flail and then use a mixture of tape, cardboard, and paint to make it look functional/badass.

Only other thing I can think of is buy a legit cross piece mace, then lower it a little to make room for the chain/flail part but that is going to be heavy as fuck.
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Uncle Tanya
Why would it need to be shawed? It is fine as it is.

Because I'm fully aware how retarded the idea is! Trust me, if you think it's a noble attempt and not stupid, great.. I'm not protesting for its move any more or less than where it is now; just truly figured that that was its logical destination Rofl!

Thanks boss~
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Trakanon Raider
Sounds like a great project. Like anything you want to do yourself, you'll need to set your expectations, and get the knowledge and the gear required to meet those expectations. So if you want something to hang on the wall and look like it's a thing, work with cardboard. If you expect to be able to actually hit something with it, then you'll need a little more planning, some welding/brazing gear, and access to a drill press.

If you break down the project into smaller parts, like the spiked ball, the chain, and the handle, you could get each piece custom made for a fair few dollars, or tackle things you can handle on your own. The spiked ball could be sourced with a large metal ball used in ball grinders, and then drilled and tapped with screw in spikes that wouldn't be hard to make using large bolts grinded into shape using an angle grinder and a vice.
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Uncle Tanya
Are you hoping this will bring back your cock and balls if you decide to chop them off and later come to regret it?
I just posted about this in Hodj's retard thread. Currently content with the plumbing as it stands. Huge fan of Hitch btw.

I have wanted to forge a SK epic for years... oh it would be glorious.

Go to a ren fair, there are tons of ball and chains, find a place that is "real" and not a re-sale operation, and I am sure they could fabricate you one. Its really just some leather work and brass to make it look like the epic version and not standard fair.

I bet :)


...especially if there was a way to replicate the outer sword part with, say, a light light purplish acrylic... that'd be amazing to behold in person.

With all the 1.0 epics, I think the fistwraps would be the easiest to do. Literally some cloth and maybe add a white lotus pin or broach type thing or something... the epic was really just the particle effect vs. any actual weapon of course.

Ench and Nec epics in game were dumb as dirt... whomever designed them needed more weed. The fucking Enc one didn't even have a particle effect! The head just moved a bit. Rogue was always bland but if you looked reeeeeally carefully, you could see the green poison trickle down the prong. Bard was my favorite combined with the particle effects... literally looked like what it was, a Singing Short Sword (and I'm biased as a musician too, so). Pally would be the most impressive in person if magic were real... just a blade of pure, even bright flame.

I think Shaman would be the easiest to replicate IRL (sans monk but that doesn't count). Agree with Xadion that the SK epic would be a beast IRL to behold... like I said, the expertise would lie in accurately getting that blade to look like it did in game, but I can picture it and it'd be amazing.

I think I will start with a prototype made out of cardboard and tin-foil haha. It'll give me a good base to start out with for getting the exacting measurements and specs of it at least. I'd be okay with getting certain parts custom made btw.

I'm realizing that if I go with a legit iron spiked ball, that a wooden handle wouldn't suffice... it'd need to be iron itself to support that weight, don't you think? I don't necessarily want to hang it on my wall, but I definitely do NOT want to actually use it like a weapon or hit shit with it. It's just for display, but I wanted to have be able to be picked up and feel totally real too. If I'm not outright paying a high-level niche craftsman on YouTube or whatever to make me one (I don't want to), then I may have to lower my expectations indeed.

Lots of questions... I'll start with a prototype and post pics when I have something physical to behold.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Oh, I have contemplated hows with the SK epic, - LED tech has gotten good enough that you could implant purple led's in the purple plastic that is the "outer" blade, so it would glow and pulse, also the outerblade would be the scabbard for the actual sword- also the handle would be a small fog machine that would fill up the internal purple blade when the blade is in the scabbard, and when it is out- it would just splill smoke, and then turn on a small green LED projector that would be the skulls.- and of cource magnetic floaty rock on invisable steel twine for the rock thing in the cross guard area.

nerd core level 9000, i know
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Trakanon Raider
I can't remember the name of the black plastic stuff that Mythbusters used to make shit using a Lathe, but it would be possible to make a 2 hollow half spheres. It wouldn't be functional, but it would look like the real deal. Just a quick google search on "spiked ball flail" turns up a bunch of cheap shit you could repurpose and alter the handle to match the water sprinker.

After looking at a bunch of the legit designs, most of them are pinned to the wooden shaft using at least two pins through the metal sheath.

PS: apparently that black plastic shit is called Delrin, a machinable plastic.
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Graybeard Lurker
Have you watched Loyd's take on these?

I think it would be hard to make IRL especially if you wanted a solid metal ball. Swinging something like this around would be ill advised, especially for someone with beautiful hands.

Start by making a mock up out of plastic, the gold colored pieces seem to be the key to this item, next would be the spiked ball. I suggest making a solid model of them using something like Tinkercad you can possibly get them printed for free (check your local library) or pay to have an online shop do it. These won't be wasted as you could use them to make a mold and have them cast in bronze or brass later.

The chain will want to chew up your beautiful brass connecting piece if they are to scale and made of steel. Starting with a toy version is probably a good idea to see how it would handle, keeping the look and scale is probably one of the most important things. Finding an acceptable aluminum chain might be hard.

The handle could easily be made from wood. Hickory is ideal because it's tough and light and is used for most commercial tool handles. It should be easy enough to find something at a yard sale for cheap.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
You should start with something easy like the pally epic, all you need is the hilt! (Yes, I ran around with just a hilt :(.)
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Trakanon Raider
Here's your dude: Michael Cthulhu. You could probably contact him via his Facebook, or you could just take inspiration from, basically, a modern day mad scientist of metalworking. He'll show you all sorts of ways to improperly use tools to accomplish a task they were never meant to. Plus he's good fun to watch.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Here's your dude: Michael Cthulhu. You could probably contact him via his Facebook, or you could just take inspiration from, basically, a modern day mad scientist of metalworking. He'll show you all sorts of ways to improperly use tools to accomplish a task they were never meant to. Plus he's good fun to watch.
Holy shit all the stuff on his highlight real is unreal!
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<Prior Amod>
drive around topeka w/ wifi open if you see norrath, thats me

course i've gotten lazy and also have norrath5g, with dual bands.
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