With a bit of extra reading time over the xmas break, I've read through a few more serials.
Stories in early days, for when not having an seemingly insurmountable backlog is a plus:
Paranoid Mage - Urban fantasy type setting - successful architect gets caught up in a supernatural shootout and then is immediately arrested for being an unregistered mage. Finding out a bit more about the secret and increasingly suspicious organization governing magic leads the MC to immediately nope out, then take the first opportunity to escape and go on the run.
One of the best starts to a series I've run across on RR, and from an author that actually finished something, overall good signs for a new series.
Jackal Among Snakes - Isekai of the 'wakes up in a game they are familiar with' variety - the MC ends up as a minor villain and decides that given he's stuck there, he might as well go about saving the world following the game's general plot.
Nothing super original, but I found it engaging and entertaining so far. Kind of like Mother of Learning in tone, with using future knowledge of events and people to manipulate things.
Daunting backlogs, for when you want something with a bit of meat to it:
Sylver Seeker - Ancient lich uses a suicidal soul destroying attack as a last resort against the time-looping adventurer who has destroyed all he had worked for. He is subsequently extremely surprised to wake up in an unfamiliar phylactery, far enough in the future that he is a distant legend and in a world seems to work by very different rules to what he's used to. This doesn't stop him seizing the opportunity to convince a convenient blacksmith to let him take ownership of their body in exchange for saving their girlfriend from goblins.
Technically litrpg, although on the number crunchiness, it's more Wandering Inn than Delve.
It took me a bit to get into this one - the early chapters are pretty rough in terms of editing, but once I got a ways into it that both improved, and annoyed me less because I was more interested in the story. The MC is an interesting character, a pretty unusual take on lawful evil and pretty entertaining. I was amused by his ongoing outrage at absurd system quirks like teleportation being a low level spell that most mage classes get. This is certainly not a story where you'd accuse the MC of having no personality.
Fates Parallel - Harry Potter for furries. It's an interesting setting - the first school set up for teaching multi-discipline cultivation, where it mixes Japanese, Chinese and Korean ideas of magic and martial arts. Much anime cuteness and tropes along with implausible coincidences and cunning plots with logic that probably shouldn't be looked at too closely.
The Simulacrum - teenager with no memory wakes up to find himself in an unconvincingly real world, that increasingly becomes obvious as a harem anime of some sort. Using his out-of-context knowledge, detailed understanding of the genre, and native intelligence, he manages to subvert this by becoming a stereotypical harem anime protagonist.
This is kind of a parody I guess, although the very earnest type, similar to Scream or Galaxy Quest. I've only read the first 'book' of it, but it's pretty cute and low stakes.