There's something even easier you can do: go for a fucking walk.
Super happy anecdote time!
I used to weigh over 400 lbs.. I'm now at 218. I lost weight because I stopped eating so goddamned much. Calories in, calories out. If you reduce calories in, calories out doesn't matter that much. And most exercises are pretty fucking inefficient at putting calories out, in comparison. The best way I did find, however, was to walk. Go download a good audiobook or some music you can listen to and pound some pavement. You'll carve through miles before you even know it.
As far as diet goes, there's only one thing I cut out completely, and that was sodas and other sugary drinks. Most have absolutely no nutritional value other than calories. I added a lot more fruit and veg to my diet, too, because you can typically eat more of them, feel more full, but still be low on calories. I still eat pizza, burgers and other shit, just more sparingly. I fucking made cookies yesterday and they're goddamned delicious, but it's not a problem because I changed the way I look at food.