So I started going to the gym a couple of months ago, and have been trying to do the basic starting strength workout. However, after about a month, one of my knees starting giving me problems (sharp, burning pain) when squatting and to a lesser extent when deadlifting. I took the last couple of weeks off from legs thinking that I'd injured something and that it might need some time to heal, but I went back to squats yesterday and it's as bad or worse than ever. I'm a gym noob obviously, but I read the book, and I've done lots of reading online, so I don't think I'm fucking up too badly (other than being fat and out of shape). The suggestions that I get from googling pretty much consist of "keep weight on heels, push knees out, keep everything tight" and if anything, focusing on that makes it worse.
Any suggestions?
(As a side note, even a noob can laugh at the resolution guys. Yesterday, the guy in the power rack to my left was doing curls, and the guy on the rack on the right was using a kettlebell.)