Weight Loss Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
I still think they should teach this shit in schools. I realize they do have a health program but it's bullshit. Or at least mine was. You've got kids memorizing dead European leaders and they can't even tell you what their lunch consists of or pick the healthier of available options due to ignorance. And it is systemic, they don't know because school and their parents don't teach them. Their parents don't teach them because they don't know either, because school and their parents didn't teach it, etc. The only thing my father ever taught me about nutrition was "clean your plate." Not exactly cutting edge science going on in the chaos household.


Trump's Staff
What are your stats? 1500 Calories seems quite low, about what I would recommend for an average sized woman. Just Calorie restriction is generally unsustainable in any longish-term period of time for biochemical/neurological reasons.

Just to comment a bit further, 400 Calories is not a large amount, it is about an average sized meal for an average sized person (assuming the person eats several times a day). If 400-500 Calories fills you up that is a solid meal (assuming the food is reasonably healthy). Per meal Calorie counts, hell, even per day Calorie counts don't matter all that much. What matters is the quality of the food and the average over time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
People love to blame hamburgers and other lunch-type foods for making fatties, but I really think most people--at least anecdotally from my experience--do the most damage to their nutrition at breakfast. Shit like maple syrup, cream cheese,regular cheese, and carbohydrate bombs like pancakes and french toast will absolutely destroy any semblance of a normal, daily calorie intake before 9am..


Mr. Poopybutthole
What are your stats? 1500 Calories seems quite low, about what I would recommend for an average sized woman. Just Calorie restriction is generally unsustainable in any longish-term period of time for biochemical/neurological reasons.

Just to comment a bit further, 400 Calories is not a large amount, it is about an average sized meal for an average sized person (assuming the person eats several times a day). If 400-500 Calories fills you up that is a solid meal (assuming the food is reasonably healthy). Per meal Calorie counts, hell, even per day Calorie counts don't matter all that much. What matters is the quality of the food and the average over time.
Pretty much everything you said. To start, unless you're a man-let, 1500 calories is going to have you putting all that weight back on eventually. You're pushing starvation mode and eventually your body will have enough and shut down.

And 400 calories isn't anything. I generally eat 800 before lunch. I'd assume most of the people here are bigger than me and so your maintenance calories have to dwarf mine. 800 calories in 1/3 of the day puts me below maintenance.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
People are different. I can't imagine regularly eaing 800 calories (of quality food, obviously) before lunch. Like I said in an earlier post, I often have a 300 - 350 calorie breakfast of fried eggs and cheese at 8am and it keeps me feeling full until 12, when it's time for lunch.

People should listen to their bodies. If your stomach is rumbling and you refuse to eat because you don't want to add more calories - yes that is stupid. But if you don't feel hungry there's no reason to force food down your gullet, unless you're trying to bulk I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Maintenance is different for people too. You could be same height/weight and do the same workouts as someone else and still not be able to eat the exact amount of calories as them without gaining.. Really is and individual thing you need to figure out.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Maintenance is different for people too. You could be same height/weight and do the same workouts as someone else and still not be able to eat the exact amount of calories as them without gaining.. Really is and individual thing you need to figure out.
Some people got dem negro genetics. Mad jel yo.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Don't use Body Fortress. It's cheap as hell but tastes horrible and doesn't dissolve very well.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What are your stats? 1500 Calories seems quite low, about what I would recommend for an average sized woman. Just Calorie restriction is generally unsustainable in any longish-term period of time for biochemical/neurological reasons.
I lost about 50 pounds over half a year by maintaining around 1500-1600 calories/day and ~45-60min/day low to medium intensity exercise (walking/cycling and some weights). So far (about 5 years later) I have had no problems with weight returning -- in fact I have lost a little extra weight without intending to. I'm 6'1" and would estimate that I eat on average around 2000 calories/day calories now to maintain a weight of 185 pounds. I think the optimal energy intake varies quite a bit between different people and best way to go about it is probably to choose some reasonable number and then adjust it once you start to get a decent amount of data. Given natural weight fluctuations you probably wont have any reliable numbers until after a month or two.


Golden Squire
Don't use Body Fortress. It's cheap as hell but tastes horrible and doesn't dissolve very well.
I strictly buy Body Fortress Strawberry. Does not clump for me and it tastes good. I am not a fan of other flavors in any protein really. When I do have Vanilla, I put cinnamon in it. The Chocolate peanut butter tastes like shit, I will agree.


Tranny Chaser
last time I posted I was at 14.8% BF, since then it's gone to 13.8%, spiked up to 15.2% after a day in Amsterdam (client dinner, weed, munchies, space cake) and a visit from some University friends and is back at 13.8% as of today.

My diet looks like this:

Week 1) 1000-1200g of meat per day with 50g of green leafy veg, and nuts at breakfast. Typically I might cook 1kg of lean turkey or pork the night before and finish off with a steak. As I had gone up in bf last week I dropped the fattier meats I was eating like steak, whole chickens, chicken thighs etc and replaced with turkey steaks, skinless chicken breasts etc
Week 2) 1000-1200g of meat per day with 200g sweet potato post workout only, and nuts at breakfast. Green leafy veg at other mealtimes.
I also get a refeed meal at the end of each week

This diet and the training has seen me consistently drop 1% a week, the only blips have been occasional nights out or other interruptions. We've just modified week 2 to include unlimited veg so will see if introducing more carbs makes a difference.

I should be below 13% by next week, unfortunately I'm going to Glastonbury festival the week after so that will be 5 days of drinking/partying and eating whatever I want. The target was to go with 10% bf but didn't quite make it


Tranny Chaser
This shit again?

Yes, you spiked nearly 1.5% bf because of a night out...
yes this shit again, if you notice Arkk hasn't posted since I responded to his accusation thatIwas the one stalking his posts and waiting for him to reply by pointing out that he was the one posting about my weight loss.

And yes I did spike 1.2% because of that weekend. My trainer takes the measurements and then I tell him what could have affected the results, not the other way round. And gg reading comprehension - where did I say I went on a night out, over the course of the weekend I had a mega Chinese meal with dessert, 1 space cake in Amsterdam, 2 doughnuts from the resulting munchies, 2 krispy kremes the next day, then a BBQ with my uni friends and then we went out for ice cream - yeah I didn't give a fuck about diet that weekend, hence the increase.



Trump's Staff
Holy shit you haven't read or understood a thing anyone has said to you about that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most ignorant people are willfully so.


Tranny Chaser
Holy shit you haven't read or understood a thing anyone has said to you about that. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most ignorant people are willfully so.
What's remarkable is that you guys are still jumping all over me even though the past 5 pages have shown I really don't care what anyone has to say or think when it comes to my progress. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, most ignorant people are wilfully so.