This. Think of your muscle ATP as training currency, if you spend it all on running first than then you can't spend it on lifting weights. If you want to get stronger focus on your lifting. Generally speaking I found that lifting weights properly and getting stronger for someone that doesn't train at all is by far the biggest bang for your buck. It is a much more complete training regimen than running and produces more benefits for less time, including cardiovascular benefits.If you're wanting to be primarily a runner, run first.
If you're wanting to be primarily a lifter, run after (or not at all).
This is terrible advice, supplements are very, very overrated. There is no substitute or supplement to good food and good sleep, and that can be recommended to anyone. Spending an entire paragraph talking about all the other nonsense is just distracting.Just remember that that exercise is only about 25% of muscle mass gain. It's important and it's invigorating getting good sets in, but also don't forget your nutrition, suppliments and sleep. Macros are important in nutrition and having specific bulking and cutting phases is pretty much mandatory when you're low BF % (<10% or so, fit). Creatine's a solid suppliment, most whey proteins are similar if your macros aren't coming out right (eating right's fucking expensive), some will mention nitrous but, eh, useless imo, glutamine's okay during low kcal cutting phases to protect your gainz. Testosterone steroids are incredible but be prepared to spend serious money on supporting medications (acne, gynecomastia). Enanthate is probably the safest for casual building and it's far less of a hassle than most, especially prop.
If this is way more than you needed, then just eat well (high prot, med fat, low carb), sleep right, and keep at it. You'll do fine =D
As long as it doesn't affect your nightly sleep it doesn't matter. Sleep is required for muscle repair but the depth of the sleep (and reaching REM sleep) is not even super important. Quite a few great bodybuilders will have split sleep in the evening to maintain nutritional and supplement needs throughout the night. This is an extreme method though and unless you're doing it professionally is far, far less than required. Lots of the met-rx strongmen follow a sleep schedule similar to Mariusz Pudgenowski, for obvious reasons.Yo question about sleep. Does it matter if you nap? Cause god damn... I love naps. Wake up from a nap, go blast out some fuckin sets, eat, shower, watch some sports, go to bed. Shit is krieg.
I knowYou are "suspicious" he uses steroids?
Haha, he probably hasn't come off steroids in over 15 years. Every strongman, competitive powerlifter, bodybuilder, etc are juiced to the gills.
There isn't one in existence who isn't.
I actually went and looked after saying this and found that the yogurt I buy has "evaporated cane juice" in it. Which sounded suspicious, and of course it turns out it is sugar. The more you know, I guess.Ah yeah, I think the shit I buy is fat free, but I didn't see any added sugar so I went with it. of you guys have a Vitamix? thinking about getting one. Are they as good as people claim?
Eating before bed making you fat is a myth, as Elurin said.Does it really matter if I eat before bed? I heard that it does not actually make you gain more weight if you eat before bed. But I figured it was true