Weight Loss Thread


Got something right about marriage
That's a blanket statement. There's plenty of crossfit coaches who aren't dumbfucks.
It's a blanket statement because crossfit is built around doing retarded shit. The whole point of it is some morons getting together and broing out over shit they thought looked cool. Go check out a crossfit pullup sometime.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I had to unfriend someone on facebook today who just posted way too much crossfit crap. When you just post you doing workouts whatever. I'll scroll past it. When you start posting yourself without a shirt on you get booted.

I'm quite convinced if it wasn't for social media/youtube crossfit wouldn't be popular. But it is mostly about doing flashy shit that is both dangerous and sub optimal so you can post about it on facebook. I actually didn't know that those giant plates for crossfit were only 25lb plates. I just assumed they were standard 45lb plates. Explains why I thought people were doing like 310lbs but were doing far, far less.


El Presidente
I had to unfriend someone on facebook today who just posted way too much crossfit crap. When you just post you doing workouts whatever. I'll scroll past it. When you start posting yourself without a shirt on you get booted.

I'm quite convinced if it wasn't for social media/youtube crossfit wouldn't be popular. But it is mostly about doing flashy shit that is both dangerous and sub optimal so you can post about it on facebook. I actually didn't know that those giant plates for crossfit were only 25lb plates. I just assumed they were standard 45lb plates. Explains why I thought people were doing like 310lbs but were doing far, far less.
You know you can unfollow someone and stay friends right? But yeah people post some really stupid workout shit.


Trakanon Raider
What's a good, inexpensive, shoe for the treadmill? I'm m trying to do 2 to 4 miles a day but I really need better shoes for it. We're heading into winter in Cleveland so it's not as easy to do laps around the neighborhood.


El Presidente
I only do that for family members who are annoying so I don't have to hear about it at family events
I'm sure most people do this sort of thing. I have some family/friends that are infuriating on Facebook so this is what happens to them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What's a good, inexpensive, shoe for the treadmill? I'm m trying to do 2 to 4 miles a day but I really need better shoes for it. We're heading into winter in Cleveland so it's not as easy to do laps around the neighborhood.
You should really go to a quality athletic shoe shop and let them help you find something that works well for your own feet and gait.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah not sure where you live but Road Runner is usually pretty good about getting you the right shoe


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Would you bros recommend getting special footwear for squats if I'm doing 345+ lbs? (Specifically 3 sets of 345x5). I don't want to confused for a filthy poser, but I do feel like the shoes I'm using now keep me from driving my heels as much as I'd like. I'd eventually like to explore deadlifts (currently do straight leg deadlift for hams/glutes once a week), and it seems like the gym shoes would help for those lifts too.

On a somewhat related note, my wrist strength was holding me back from doing as much weight as I needed for a good bent over barbell row lift so I picked up some wrist straps for $5 on Amazon. I forgot how much those really help for the keeping a solid grip on heavy bars. Is there anything I should be concerned about or avoid doing with the straps? I was thinking that not using the wrist straps for my warm up set might be a good idea so I'm not relying on the straps 100% of the time and risk gradual loss of tone/strength in my forearms and wrists., but that's bro science backed up by feels data.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Would you bros recommend getting special footwear for squats if I'm doing 345+ lbs? (Specifically 3 sets of 345x5). I don't want to confused for a filthy poser, but I do feel like the shoes I'm using now keep me from driving my heels as much as I'd like. I'd eventually like to explore deadlifts (currently do straight leg deadlift for hams/glutes once a week), and it seems like the gym shoes would help for those lifts too.

On a somewhat related note, my wrist strength was holding me back from doing as much weight as I needed for a good bent over barbell row lift so I picked up some wrist straps for $5 on Amazon. I forgot how much those really help for the keeping a solid grip on heavy bars. Is there anything I should be concerned about or avoid doing with the straps? I was thinking that not using the wrist straps for my warm up set might be a good idea so I'm not relying on the straps 100% of the time and risk gradual loss of tone/strength in my forearms and wrists., but that's bro science backed up by feels data.
Generally shoes with flat, solid soles are good or barefoot. I see a lot of people with chucks. I use some adidas trainers specifically because they have a flat solid sole and they're comfortable.

My philosophy on the weak wrists is to work on the weakness and not mask it. That said, for wrists in particular, its pretty tedious shit to work on. I would just focus on wrist work as warmup, then lower the weight and gradually increase back to where you were sans straps.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
My philosophy on the weak wrists is to work on the weakness and not mask it. That said, for wrists in particular, its pretty tedious shit to work on. I would just focus on wrist work as warmup, then lower the weight and gradually increase back to where you were sans straps.
I'd agree with you except I don't think my wrists are weak (perhaps by virtue of needing wrist straps they're considered weak?). I was lifting 200 lbs (plus whatever the short bar weighs) and doing slow, methodical movements bringing the weight up to my chest and back down to the floor. Surely my back muscles will have a higher maximum capacity for weight than my wrists? Or is that more broscience/feels data?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
So far I've been seeing consistent gains in all my lifts (adding 5-10 lbs per week and even more in some cases). The only exception is my biceps. I've been stuck at 50 lbs using the cambered bar for curling for 3-4 weeks now. My triceps were weaker than my biceps at first, but now they are stronger. Granted, I always do curls and skull crushers at the end of my day, but I feel like moving them to the front would make my other (more important) lifts suffer.

You guys think I should give my biceps more attention since they're the only muscles not showing gains? If so, what would you recommend to get over the plateau?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I just do single arm bicep curls with free dumb bells. The key really is mostly in the form. I see people swinging the weights around like idiots and all that is working out is the laws of physics. Shoulders slightly back and elevated. Do not move your shoulders one fucking bit. Tuck your elbow onto your rib cage. Again this does not move. Full extend your elbow downward with the weight. Curl up. Finish the curl by curling your wrist forward as well. This will work out your forearm and your bicep as well. Another trick is do not hold the dumb bell in the center. Rather hold it so the outside of your hand is touching the weight (basically the weight is unequally distributed towards the outside of your body) and this will strain your bicep even more.

I can't say I'm an expert but it works out well for me. I generally curl 40lbs until thats exhausting, 35 then 30. I just repeat that. Probably about 5x per arm at 40, 5x per arm at 35 then about 10x per arm at 30 per set. Then at the end of the workout I burnout with as many hammer curls as possible at 30lbs. A little trick I've come up with for doing my hammer curls is I actually slowly walk around while doing them. It takes my mind off the exhaustion and if I'm further away from where I rack the weights I can't just easily put them down.

Heres me maybe a year ago. I've really been working on getting my biceps back in shape. If you don't have the gross vein while your biceps are resting you aren't working on it hard enough!

(Also bonus shots of my 1year old faded PBJ 24-005's!)



Got something right about marriage
Biceps are a small muscle, they take the longest to work up and also they aren't going to constantly see gains when working towards them like bigger muscles such as chest and quads/hams/gluts are.

If you need to work on your grip strength I'd start doing farmer carries.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I just do single arm bicep curls with free dumb bells. The key really is mostly in the form. I see people swinging the weights around like idiots and all that is working out is the laws of physics. Shoulders slightly back and elevated. Do not move your shoulders one fucking bit. Tuck your elbow onto your rib cage. Again this does not move. Full extend your elbow downward with the weight. Curl up. Finish the curl by curling your wrist forward as well. This will work out your forearm and your bicep as well. Another trick is do not hold the dumb bell in the center. Rather hold it so the outside of your hand is touching the weight (basically the weight is unequally distributed towards the outside of your body) and this will strain your bicep even more.

I can't say I'm an expert but it works out well for me. I generally curl 40lbs until thats exhausting, 35 then 30. I just repeat that. Probably about 5x per arm at 40, 5x per arm at 35 then about 10x per arm at 30 per set. Then at the end of the workout I burnout with as many hammer curls as possible at 30lbs. A little trick I've come up with for doing my hammer curls is I actually slowly walk around while doing them. It takes my mind off the exhaustion and if I'm further away from where I rack the weights I can't just easily put them down.

Heres me maybe a year ago. I've really been working on getting my biceps back in shape. If you don't have the gross vein while your biceps are resting you aren't working on it hard enough!

(Also bonus shots of my 1year old faded PBJ 24-005's!)

Yeah my technique is good as far as not moving my shoulders and not throwing the weight. I'll ditch the cambered bar and try out the dumbbells and your rep scheme. It's funny that you mention walking around helping distract you while burning out on hammer curls. I did exactly that when I was in high school and the military. The reason I avoided it this time around is because I remember doing more physics than lifting, but I'll pay extra attention to form. There's something about mindlessly pacing that helps you squeeze out those extra few reps.

I've got the beginning of the gross vein, but I've got ~15% more body fat than you in that picture lol.


Registered Hutt
Fucking weight went up again. Annoying to see the scale go the wrong way, but I checked my measurements this morning for fitmatic.com and it's saying I've made more progress this week than most (waist-hip and waist-height ratios jumped favorably among other metrics). Nerf muscle weight kthx. I want a mirror that just does all the measurements for me and tells me if I'm making progress. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fattest of them all?

Fitmatic.com has this thing where you measure your wrist and ankle to determine if you are a "hardgainer". The term hardgainer is used to say that you gain muscle less quickly than others. My wrist is barely under the level, but my ankles are like 20% above the level. Does one take precedence? Is this just bullshit? I don't really get into the nitty gritty details if I don't have to, but this has made me curious about my potential growth.


Trakanon Raider
I tweaked my foot on the treadmill a couple of days ago so I need to stay off of it and let it heal. I'm pretty sure it's a small bone bruise from really bad, old, shoes. I picked up a better pair of actual running shoes so that should help once I give my foot a chance to recover. It sucks being off the treadmill for a couple of days but if I don't than this bruise won't ever heal. I've cut way back on calories since I've started dieting a couple of weeks ago and I'll just try to be even more mindful of what I eat over the next couple of days until my foot is better.