Weight Loss Thread


FPS noob
Dipping sticks, skyler! wtf is a dipping stick anyways, I only order pizza from hipster retro fusion places that charge $40 for locally sourced organic freerange white pies



Tranny Chaser
Expecting a decent drop in BF% later today. This week has been the first week when I've really counted calories and I also pre-planned every single meal by calorie intake and nutrient amounts, my target was to eat -30% maintenance on rest days and -10% on training days. I'm looking leaner than ever in the mirror and I recently came down another belt hole.

Advice from my trainer has always been don't worry about calories and just focus on getting enough protein with weekly on/off carb cycling. However, I found that a bit vague and I want to get to 10% asap so I can start eating for gains. Lately I've been reading a lot of reddit.com/r/leangains and r/ketogains and my approach is going be to a combination of the advice from all 3 sources:

Continue eating non processed whole foods.
Rest days = High Protein, Moderate Fat , Low carb
Training Days = High Protein, high carb (Post work out only), low fat

Essentially it's a Paleo TKD blend but I'm going to jack up the pwo carbs from what /r/ketogains recommends to what /r/leangains recommend and see how I get on. I would strongly advise checking out r/leangains, in the last week a former client of Martin Berkhan started posting and there's a lot of supporting documents that offer insight into the methodology. I'm just going to follow the macro advice and ignore the fasting window.


A Mod Real Quick
Dude... eating the pizza rolls like a bag of chips that were lukewarm from just sitting out. That is some next level shit man, I can't compete with that.

My soon to be brother-in-law is house-sitting for us over our honeymoon, so I bought him a box of 140 pizza rolls. I'm now thinking that if someone like McCheese was house-sitting that they'd be gone in one day and my microwave wouldn't be used.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And you'd have a new found hatred for your brother-in-law, forcing you to constantly stay up at night thinking about how he violated your trust in your home while you were away. He took advantage of you. He disgraced you in the sanctity of your own fucking home. You're up until all hours of the morning pondering his thoughts. Why did he do this? And suddenly, the rage building within you consumes you, and you punch your wife in the face. She deserves it right? That fucking cunt led you on to believe this man, this "brother," was a good man. She knew. She knew the whole fucking time. So you continue to beat her face into oblivion, with every blood splatter reminding you of the sauce he disgustingly squirted inside his intestines on that fateful night.

So here you are... feeling completely violated, wife beaten to death... your life is ruined. Thanks pizza rolls. Thank you.
Expecting a decent drop in BF% later today. This week has been the first week when I've really counted calories and I also pre-planned every single meal by calorie intake and nutrient amounts, my target was to eat -30% maintenance on rest days and -10% on training days. I'm looking leaner than ever in the mirror and I recently came down another belt hole.

Advice from my trainer has always been don't worry about calories and just focus on getting enough protein with weekly on/off carb cycling. However, I found that a bit vague and I want to get to 10% asap so I can start eating for gains. Lately I've been reading a lot of reddit.com/r/leangains and r/ketogains and my approach is going be to a combination of the advice from all 3 sources:

Continue eating non processed whole foods.
Rest days = High Protein, Moderate Fat , Low carb
Training Days = High Protein, high carb (Post work out only), low fat

Essentially it's a Paleo TKD blend but I'm going to jack up the pwo carbs from what /r/ketogains recommends to what /r/leangains recommend and see how I get on. I would strongly advise checking out r/leangains, in the last week a former client of Martin Berkhan started posting and there's a lot of supporting documents that offer insight into the methodology. I'm just going to follow the macro advice and ignore the fasting window.
Can't wait until you come off months of Keto with these bright ass ideas and pack on the pounds cause your insulin sensitivity is all fucked up.

The sooner you stop throwing money down the drain on a trainer and just follow the expert advice of redditors, the better you'll be.


Blackwing Lair Raider
How old are you Arkk? I always picture you as some middle-aged fading away dude. They had pizza rolls back then?!


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't really agree with Tarrant on probably anything, but I have to here. Bagel Bites are so much better than Pizza Rolls.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I love bagel bites. The ones on the outer ring of cooked bagels are hard as a rock and burn your mouth, the single center bagel is halfway frozen and the cheese is still solid


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Pro tip: make an awesome slider by sticking a pizza roll between two bagel bites.

You're welcome.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I said on the last fucking page that pizza bagels > pizza rolls. Fuck you guys.

And Arkk, I figured you were like 45 dude.


A Mod Real Quick
Listen the whole point of this argument is that none of us would ever let a bag of pizza rolls OR pizza bagels defrost and eat them like a bag of chips whilst dipping them in ranch sauce. Literally no one would do that. Except McCheese. He's done that man.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Haven't read this whole thread but has anyone else done insanity? I have been doing insanity now for about 2 weeks along with running a mile and walking my dog. I'm down from 215 to 209 with an end goal of 180 to 185. Was hoping to be down to that by end of september(gettin married) but I doubt I will be which is fine. Insanity is making me lose fat weight but im definately adding a lot of muscle in my legs. Ive also begun eating healthier by eating a lot more fruit, veggies and lean protein.

Note: shawn t is an asshole for making my quads and glutes always feel so tired.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Haven't read this whole thread but has anyone else done insanity? I have been doing insanity now for about 2 weeks along with running a mile and walking my dog. I'm down from 215 to 209 with an end goal of 180 to 185. Was hoping to be down to that by end of september(gettin married) but I doubt I will be which is fine. Insanity is making me lose fat weight but im definately adding a lot of muscle in my legs. Ive also begun eating healthier by eating a lot more fruit, veggies and lean protein.

Note: shawn t is an asshole for making my quads and glutes always feel so tired.
I tried it but it was too boring. I can't argue with the results and some transformations I've seen people go through using it are very impressive, but I find lifting heavy weights to be much more interesting, enjoyable, and effective.

One thing I've always wondered about P90x/Instanity: what do you do when you finish the program? Do it again? That seems kind of silly. Since it's mostly body weight you're going to be limited in how far you can progress, but I guess it's a good starting point if you want to cut down fat before moving into the gym, upping your calories and trying to build muscle.