Weight Loss Thread

You shouldn't be allowed to talk about p90x or insanity in this thread. You'd be better off looking up bodyweight or kettlebell WODs and doing a rotating few every couple weeks so u can chart progress.


Tranny Chaser
Can't wait until you come off months of Keto with these bright ass ideas and pack on the pounds cause your insulin sensitivity is all fucked up.

The sooner you stop throwing money down the drain on a trainer and just follow the expert advice of redditors, the better you'll be.
76.3g and 13.4% -> 75.7kg and 12.4%

Knew today was going to be a good day when I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror. 10% on the 23rd August is definitely achievable


Mr. Poopybutthole
What's your goal, Ossoi? I'm also sure I could find it, but what about height? Just curious, since your weight is getting into the 160's. I don't know what your starting point was, but I wonder about fatties who go from 250+ down to 150 and are happy with it.

As someone who was super skinny (130ish until I was 26, 5'10") I can't imagine wanting to be 150 pounds ever. I'm currently 170 and I still feel like a little guy. My goal is 180 with 10-12% body fat. Now, I know people have different goals, but 160 just seems like a scrawny weight to have as a goal.


A Mod Real Quick
My Wii tells me my ideal weight is 177.0 lbs. It's absolutely laughable. At 6'3", 177, I would be a fucking twig. I'm a big dude. I'm 220 now and I think 200 would be ideal.


Tranny Chaser
What's your goal, Ossoi? I'm also sure I could find it, but what about height? Just curious, since your weight is getting into the 160's. I don't know what your starting point was, but I wonder about fatties who go from 250+ down to 150 and are happy with it..
I'm 5"11 and was 80kg when I started weight training in February, looking back at myfitnesspal reports from last year the heaviest weight I recorded was 82.5kg.

My goal is just to look ripped, my plan is to cut for another 2 weeks, 3 max to get to 10% then I'll start eating more in order to put on muscle. My last two programs were geared towards fat loss/body composition whereas the current program which I started 2 weeks ago is more hypertrophy based. I'm not sure if eating for a weekly deficit is making the most of a hypertrophy program but it's only another couple of weeks


Vyemm Raider
Day three on Warrior diet + Keto. The first two days were pretty uncomfortable. I had food cravings every couple of hours, and random stomach cramps. Day three and no problems whatsoever. Very easy addition to my diet and something I can definately see working for me long term because of my general laziness.

It's shocking how much energy I have now. Apparently if I do some basic muscle building exercises about an hour before I eat I can benefit from the warrior diet and a small natural increase in HGH. I'm thinking of doing kettlebell exercises or something. That way I can get cardio + resistence training in one package.
HGH increases at the physiological level aren't anabolic.

and christ how the hell is IF with a keto diet fun? What can you really eat that's any good? A ton of almonds? Weeee.

Where did you get this goofy idea? Just do the warrior diet. Or just do Keto. Who broscienced this for you?

Also, aren't you pretty heavy? Do you really see yourself not straying from only eating for a 4 hour period every single day? How is intentionally scheduling overeating for a person who is already obese a good idea?

Three months from now, you are going to stick with not eating with family, friends, co workers, or taking a bite of some pretzels or a piece of fruit during the day or anything like this, to stick with a 4 hour eating period? For months?

Do you see what I'm getting at here?


Vyemm Raider
I'm doing keto. Fasting is supposed to increase insulin sensitivity without exercise. That's my main reason, and I like the idea of eating once per day because I'm lazy.
I'm doing keto. Fasting is supposed to increase insulin sensitivity without exercise. That's my main reason, and I like the idea of eating once per day because I'm lazy.
No, you are fasting with keto. IF and other fasting type diets aren't meant for keto. And keto wrecks insulin sensitivity with long term use. Anyone coming off a keto diet which is totally effective for weight loss after a long period, needs to ease carbs back in slowlyyyy.

My point is that you didn't get fat by a goofy, systematic approach to eating shitty food. You are overweight because of long term overeating. You need to lose weight by long term, PRACTICAL undereating.

You are going to lose weight fast and then when you fall off the wagon you are going to gain it all back and then some. Keto, or IF, is not necessary, period, and neither one is a bad idea in and of itself, but you can't just go "Well if IF is good, and if keto is good, then together they'll be unstoppable!!!" It doesn't work like that.


Vyemm Raider
Fair enough.

But, like I said, I'm doing this because it's easier for me to stay on the diet not because it's some super special unstoppable tool. However, keto and IF do have a synergistic effect. They both use fat as the main fuel source, and short term fasting does mildly increase metabolism. Also, the improved insulin sensitivity is awesome.

As for adding carbs back in, I'm not sure I'll ever do that. That shit seems like poison to me. It's like giving up smoking and having someone tell you that it's healthy to smoke 6 cigs a day. Sure, it might be healthy, but why fucking bother?

EDIT: To clarify on the ease of Fasting + Keto. Im sitting here at work and I'm completely full. Stuffed full. But it's almost 6pm, and I haven't eaten anything since last night at 1130pm. The first two days kind of sucked, but three days in and I'm gliding through.

With Keto by itself I was still dealing with food cravings and hunger every couple of hours. Now I'm just stuffed 24/7. EZmode diet.
Fair enough.

But, like I said, I'm doing this because it's easier for me to stay on the diet not because it's some super special unstoppable tool. However, keto and IF do have a synergistic effect. They both use fat as the main fuel source, and short term fasting does mildly increase metabolism. Also, the improved insulin sensitivity is awesome.

As for adding carbs back in, I'm not sure I'll ever do that. That shit seems like poison to me. It's like giving up smoking and having someone tell you that it's healthy to smoke 6 cigs a day. Sure, it might be healthy, but why fucking bother?

EDIT: To clarify on the ease of Fasting + Keto. Im sitting here at work and I'm completely full. Stuffed full. But it's almost 6pm, and I haven't eaten anything since last night at 1130pm. The first two days kind of sucked, but three days in and I'm gliding through.

With Keto by itself I was still dealing with food cravings and hunger every couple of hours. Now I'm just stuffed 24/7. EZmode diet.
Didnt you say you are like 400lbs? Do you know how silly it sounds for you to drop fat loss terms and spew how things work, or how you think they work, when you are 3 days into a diet? You lacked willpower in order to get as heavy as you are, and you are just gonna go "Eh, carbs, who needs em" and eat in a four hour window FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?

I'm not trying to insult you, but given your situation, any chance you are, ya know...wrong?

I just think you are setting yourself up for failure. You aren't doing a lifestyle change, you are combining two fad/niche diets.


FPS noob
yeah bro, don't you know that when something is working for you its probably wrong and you should listen to another dude on the internet. i myself follow banes dieting advice because batman listens to gay music



Vyemm Raider
Didnt you say you are like 400lbs? Do you know how silly it sounds for you to drop fat loss terms and spew how things work, or how you think they work, when you are 3 days into a diet? You lacked willpower in order to get as heavy as you are, and you are just gonna go "Eh, carbs, who needs em" and eat in a four hour window FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?

I'm not trying to insult you, but given your situation, any chance you are, ya know...wrong?

I just think you are setting yourself up for failure. You aren't doing a lifestyle change, you are combining two fad/niche diets.
Simmer down, bro.

I weighed 400+ back in April. I'm down to 363 right now and more than three months into my diet. The only thing I did to get here was stop eating sugar, flour, and starch. Nothing else changed. I still eat fast food, I still eat until I'm full, I still don't exercise, and I've lost a shit load of weight and feel healthier than I have in years. Every day I wake up, I look in the mirror, and I'm thinner.

Am I wrong about keto and carbs (mostly sugar) being the cause of my problems? I don't think so.

The fasting thing? Perhaps. It's too soon to tell, and I'm clearly not fasting for the normal "cut the last % of stubborn bellyfat" or "break a plateau", which is what you've got experience with.


Mr. Poopybutthole
His point is, a lot of you are doing things that someone who's like 200 pounds and 13% body fat who's looking to drop down to 8% would do.

You're seeing results because you could literally do anything besides what you were doing, and you'd lose weight. The problem is you're not focused right now. You're all over the place mixing different things, and doing programs that probably aren't ideal. Like I said, if you were already in shape and just looking to shed body fat, you might be onto something. But you're essentially going after something that's super hard to stick to for any significant amount of time and (with your weight) looking at doing it for years.
Simmer down, bro.

I weighed 400+ back in April. I'm down to 363 right now and more than three months into my diet. The only thing I did to get here was stop eating sugar, flour, and starch. Nothing else changed. I still eat fast food, I still eat until I'm full, I still don't exercise, and I've lost a shit load of weight and feel healthier than I have in years. Am I wrong about keto and carbs (mostly sugar) being the cause of my problems? I don't think so.

The fasting thing? Perhaps. It's too soon to tell, and I'm clearly not fasting for the normal "cut the last % of stubborn bellyfat" or "break a pleatu", which is what you've got experience with.
Dude eating sugar didnt make you fat, eating too many calories made you fat.

You are 400lbs, minor changes make HUGE differences.

Do this diet:

Eat three bananas, a diet soda, a pb&j sandwich and some peanuts before bed every night, and nothing else. You will still lose weight and woulda lost the same amount in the same period of time. You are morbidly obese, keto and IF weren't designed for you, they were designed for people who want to be extremely lean.

You didn't find the fountain of youth, you are just paying attention to your health a little bit.

I repeat:

it. is. not. sustainable.

Edit: soak in some of the admittedly abrasive criticism and look at the root here.


Vyemm Raider
Tell you what. When I stop getting results doing what I'm doing I'll try your shit. Until then, I'm losing weight faster than a cancer patient.


Don't be jelly.

His point is, a lot of you are doing things that someone who's like 200 pounds and 13% body fat who's looking to drop down to 8% would do.

You're seeing results because you could literally do anything besides what you were doing, and you'd lose weight. The problem is you're not focused right now. You're all over the place mixing different things, and doing programs that probably aren't ideal. Like I said, if you were already in shape and just looking to shed body fat, you might be onto something.But you're essentially going after something that's super hard to stick to for any significant amount of time and (with your weight) looking at doing it for years.
Did I mention the part where this is super easy for me to stick to? Why fix what ain't broken.


FPS noob
Did I mention the part where this is super easy for me to stick to? Why fix what ain't broken.
I feel ya bro, skinny bitches just don't know the shame cycle where you eat a whole bag of doritos, hate yourself for it and promise never to do it again, and the same night eat an entire pepperidge farms coconut flake cake because the cake isn't quite symmetrical so just one more slice will make it all right and damn its gone. That shit don't happen on keto because you are full for 14 hours after eating an amazing ribeye steak and don't have a single thought about food, but only your fellow fatties will understand.

awesome job on -40 lbs btw, i'm stuck at 214 now for 2 weeks i gotta exercise now I guess fuuuuuuuuck, time to hook up the wii