Weight Loss Thread

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Anyone have any good references or recommendations for workout routines? I'm looking for shit I can do at home with dumbbells (I have the adjustable weight ones I got like 10 years ago). It's been a long time since I've worked out and I'm reasonably out of shape, and looking for some kind of workout schedule type thing I can do. I'm not really looking to get buff or anything, just trying to lose weight and get healthier.
You can comb through these 3 channels for advice:

Being a noob, you should focus on the basic major exercises which are chest press, squats and rows. With dumbbells, you can do floor press, goblet squats and a dumbbell row (put two chairs together to simulate a bench). To that you can add some isolation exercises to target smaller muscle groups like biceps. So you can toss in dumbbell curls and ab work to fill out your work out (as you get more knowledgeable and more experienced you can will add to this). Try to hit each muscle group twice a week with at least one rest day in between each muscle group work out. Here is my routine as an example. Dont do it because its way too much volume for a noob. I have dumbbells and a power tower and I split my work outs into upper/lower exercises and here is how I do it:

Upper days:

5 sets of dips
5x push ups
5x pull ups
5x rows
5x chin ups
5x bicep curls
5x bent over reverse flyes

Lower days:
5x hip thrusts
5x goblet squat
5x body weight squats (this takes forever fml)
5x Bulgarian split squat
5x Romanian deadlift
5x hamstring curls
5x standing calf raises

I usually do monday and thursday upper, tuesday and friday lower. On wednesday and saturday (the rest days) I do abs and 30 minutes of cardio and I walk an hour every day (cardio and conditioning work like walking is super important). There is also a 1 minute rest between each set and 4-5 minute rest between each exercise. Also stretching is good and I would find a decent stretch routine on youtube or on reddit (see r/flexibility) and make sure you pay attention and work on mobility (do this on the rest days). Make sure you start with light weights and focus on getting proper form with the exercises. Also learn what mind-muscle connection is and start learning how to attain it. And remember there is nothing magical about doing X number of sets. 3 is just as good as 5 just as good as 10 as long as you are progressively overloading your muscles either through increased weights or through increased reps or through decreased rest time between reps. And finally, to figure out how many reps you should do per set, you should try the exercises and go to near failure. This means you work until you feel there is maybe enough in you to do 1-2 more reps and thats when you stop (this takes some practice, try to push yourself but listen to your body when it wants to stop).

But dont design your own thing and go find some noob routines online and replace the bar exercises with dumbbell ones. Just make sure you stick to a routine for a few months and pick one that you will actually do.

Oh and whatever your diet is, fix it.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone have any good references or recommendations for workout routines? I'm looking for shit I can do at home with dumbbells (I have the adjustable weight ones I got like 10 years ago). It's been a long time since I've worked out and I'm reasonably out of shape, and looking for some kind of workout schedule type thing I can do. I'm not really looking to get buff or anything, just trying to lose weight and get healthier.
This will be 90% diet and 10% workout routine.

Get to the gym 2-3 days a week, if you are doing 2 days a week, then just do chest/legs and then back/legs, and if 3, then do PPL (push/pull/legs).

As long as you are hitting the big compound movements 1-2 times a week, the rest is going to be up to your diet and sleep.

Losing weight is absolutely not about exercise, you cannot possibly hope to outrun your mouth. You have to get your diet under control to lose fat. Building a little muscle to look better will take a long time, the primary thing you can do in the short term is losing fat and just getting more flexible/limber/strong.

If you can I'd work in some yoga, some practical sports (basketball, tennis, something like that), and some just stretch routines, but like I said it's 90% diet and people seem to think doing some magic routine in the gym will get you ripped - it won't. Just go to the gym and do SOMETHING, and then get your diet on point.
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Captain Suave

Caesar si viveret, ad remum dareris.
Losing weight is absolutely not about exercise, you cannot possibly hope to outrun your mouth.
It took most of my life to learn this, and I still struggle. It's absolutely trivial to eat ahead of hours a day of exercise. Counting calories is a real eye-opener in that it equips you to make meaningful comparisons as far as energy input to output. And I've never subscribed to the "just eat clean" theory of dieting, either. I've run the experiment and gained weight eating essentially nothing but brown rice, chicken, and broccoli.

I fell off the wagon and gained 20 lbs over the last couple years. Got my shit together and started tracking food again a month ago, down 5 lbs. I hate diets.

Losing weight is an exercise in controlled deprivation. If you aren't pushing back against your desire to eat at least a few times a day, it isn't working. (Yes, some people can self-moderate, or even worse, have trouble gaining weight. Fuck those people. They wouldn't make it through a lean winter.)


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I’m coming up on 20 lbs while working my way into intermittent fasting. Started by skipping breakfast purely for convenience sometime in Q3 last year. A few steps forward and back, I’m pretty solid on only eating between 4 and 10 pm, But will adjust my window depending on social/family events.
The Huberman Lab Podcast has tons of great info on a lot of heath related topics, the 2 below are pretty on point for this thread


Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
I’m coming up on 20 lbs while working my way into intermittent fasting. Started by skipping breakfast purely for convenience sometime in Q3 last year. A few steps forward and back, I’m pretty solid on only eating between 4 and 10 pm, But will adjust my window depending on social/family events.
The Huberman Lab Podcast has tons of great info on a lot of heath related topics, the 2 below are pretty on point for this thread

Dr Sinclair just put put his own podcast. It’s good.



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Dr Sinclair just put put his own podcast. It’s good.

Yeah, listened to each ep the day it was posted. I’m taking 500mg NMN and 350mg(I think) resveritrol in the mornings after hearing him talk about it on the above and other podcasts.
He does a great job of going pretty deep technically but keeping it accessible. Also, he’s very not preachy about it; “Sugar will fuck you up, but you don’t have to be a nazi and not enjoy your life”. The core advice is very basic and doesn’t cost anything.
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
Anyone have any good references or recommendations for workout routines? I'm looking for shit I can do at home with dumbbells (I have the adjustable weight ones I got like 10 years ago). It's been a long time since I've worked out and I'm reasonably out of shape, and looking for some kind of workout schedule type thing I can do. I'm not really looking to get buff or anything, just trying to lose weight and get healthier.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>

He links two articles that he is basing this video on. I suggest people read them before taking what he says at face value. The opinion he presents isnt actually what the articles discuss. Only thing he gets right is that your diet should not be garbage.

Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
He links two articles that he is basing this video on. I suggest people read them before taking what he says at face value. The opinion he presents isnt actually what the articles discuss. Only thing he gets right is that your diet should not be garbage.
So no HoHo's for breakfast?


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
He links two articles that he is basing this video on. I suggest people read them before taking what he says at face value. The opinion he presents isnt actually what the articles discuss. Only thing he gets right is that your diet should not be garbage.
Point taken.

He is also a practicing physician who specializes in weight loss and reversing metabolic diseases with diet who, in that very video, espouses exercise as a necessary part of being healthy and happy.

I linked this video as I am a thin, 6 foot tall 40 year old with a job and two young children who has effortlessly maintained my high school/college weight while having continuously less time and motivation to exercise regularly. I've done it with a diet mostly in line with the one he promotes in his practice. Is it going to work for everyone, no, but it does work for a lot of people who don't want to count calories and want to eat until they feel full.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Point taken.

He is also a practicing physician who specializes in weight loss and reversing metabolic diseases with diet who, in that very video, espouses exercise as a necessary part of being healthy and happy.

I linked this video as I am a thin, 6 foot tall 40 year old with a job and two young children who has effortlessly maintained my high school/college weight while having continuously less time and motivation to exercise regularly. I've done it with a diet mostly in line with the one he promotes in his practice. Is it going to work for everyone, no, but it does work for a lot of people who don't want to count calories and want to eat until they feel full.
Oh I just didn't like that he somewhat misrepresented what the research he quoted was. I think he is very much correct about exercise when it comes to ability to maintain mental discipline and also it not having much effect when one is an obese fucker.
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Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
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Lord Nagafen Raider
There's a big difference between "excercising to keep healthy" (which, a 30 minute walking is enough) versus what most people do is go break a sweat in the gym to lose weight. Because 99% of adverts are about losing weight if you do fitness/gym training.

I went from 155kg to about 95kg in a span of a year with Healthy Keto and IF, basically OMAD from 3rd month on. I've not excercised much, unless you count:
750m walk from car to work at start of shift
getting up and walking to the printer/scanner every time I print/scan something at work
750m walk from work to car at end of shift

as excercising. Only actual excercise I'm doing is those that are to help with reducing your belly so there's not going to be any flabby skin in the lower belly pouch (planking, standing cross/cycles, and leaning back), but that's it. I don't run, I don't go to the gym.
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Sanrith Descartes

Von Clippowicz
I won a 6 month gym membership so I put myself back in the gym after about 10 years. Things I have noticed have changed over time. I am a free weight guy so seeing all these machines that use your weight are different. Also, while I am quite familiar with yoga pants I had never seen until today yoga short shorts. They look like yoga pants but barely cover the ass. I approve of this look.