Weird Dream Sharing

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I recorded this one back in 2012.

Seven of Nine is a fully enhanced and implanted Borg, though willingly and peacefully separated from the Hive, at the approval of the Hive. She is allowed to possess and maintain her own sentience and the memories of her entire existence.

She is dreaming. A dream that starts with her enjoying the life of her parents. Alive. Breathing. Smiling. Happy. The dream spirals downward into the successive attack on her parent's planet by the Borg. There are explosions everywhere. Men, women and children running in every direction. Her father resolved to staying at their facility. After the machines break through the door, the fear grips her. She is entrenched, hiding behind a desk in the corner of a room while she watches as her parents are forcibly injected. Her mind tightens, tears burning down her face as they slowly transform, screaming in subdued agony.

They eventually capture her and she is put through an accelerated growth process and ultimate conversion. The feeling of each cell's alteration is a waking nightmare. The neurons of flesh articulating as each cell is altered and pieces of hardware grown into them.

She is awoken by her door buzzer and her mind doesn't yet fully comprehend the emotions that would normally come because of a dream of this nature. A man walks in without waiting for her approval stating simply, "Get up, we have work to do."

As they're walking through a shuttle promenade, she garnishes the attention of everyone around them. Accompanied by a Borg, tethering her along like a pet, is like harboring a fleet of zombies. You can feel the discomfort of everyone in the air. Their gazes shake. They feel they cannot look without increasing their discomfort, yet their curiosity and unease brings about many staring eyes.

Then the realization of her dreams comes to fruition. Her mind breaks down and her body crumbles to its knees under the weight of her emomtions. She's weeping. Flailing. Screaming. Moaning. The air teeters between great unease and hysteria. The pedestrians start questioning her presence in an audible manner.

"What are you doing with that thing?"

"How could you bring something so unsafe around here?"

"Why hasn't that thing been put out of its misery?"

"Oh my god, it's going to kill us all, isn't it?!?"

To which he exclaims, "It is quite ok, she's _trained_!"

She is no longer an emotional paradigm. No. Now she's pissed off. "I am not an animal!" As she rises to her feet, hands clenched, her eyes dripping with tears; now possessing a look of intense ferocity. She almost feels betrayed.

The dream had a second "layer", if you will... the below is what happened in it:

Rick from The Walking Dead had her as a pet of sorts and she was a having a moment involving a more realistic response to the realization, her mind's attempts at comprehending the slaughter of people and the loss of her parents at the hands of the Borg. I recall them walking through a promenade of sorts. Visually it replicated many airports I've been through. She started yelling and crying; the guy tried comforting her. She made flirty passes at him for comforting her, but then he was adamant about having a perfect relationship already. "How could you know that you'll not end up like my parents? They were married for over twenty years," she exclaims, worsening her feelings of lost. "I don't know, I can't compare myself to anything I've not known. It's just a gut feeling I have about her and I." Then they laughed after mentioning they would have no real way of pairing or mating. Her lady parts were obstructed by implants. There was this part where he was carrying her during his counsel of her predicament and he commented that she weighed almost 400 pounds. It made her stop crying and laugh, she responded, "I'll try not to take that personally." As if machinery were to her what fat is to humans.
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Potato del Grande
Weird dream last night. Don't remember most of the details but basically it took place in a shopping center/parking lot. Can remember a few cut scenes (kinda like flashback stuff in some movies) and then I was in the parking lot, late night, fairly well lit and I have an axe/halberd type weapon. I hear light female laughter (horror movie/video game style), can't tell which direction it's coming from. Happens a few times as i'm walking backwards and trying to figure out where it's coming from, then I turn to my right and a woman with a weapon similar to mine comes flying at me with one more round of laughter, I try to block with my weapon, dream ends with our weapons meeting and her axe-blade hitting my neck (= dead?). After that it felt like about 10 minutes of kinda being awake, kinda not, like my head was fuzzy/ringing and everything was just kinda whiteish/grayish and then I woke up/woke up fully, about 10 minutes before my alarm was set to go off.

Left me feeling a bit off all day.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Had a dream I was calling a girl I dated 30 years ago. Someone I haven't talked to, or called in that 30 ears ago. The number was incrediably clear.

I put that number into google and he mother's name came up in the town I dated her in. So apparently it was her parents number which would have been the number I had called. Just odd that out of the blue I remembered that number and that clear.
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Trakanon Raider
Memory is a weird thing. I work with a guy who won 4/6 numbers in the lotto from a dream (he couldn't remember the last 2). Would have totally been worth the couple grand to buy all of the possiblities.

That said, I think that was just dumb luck and not premonition. Your case is your brain showing off how badass it is.
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Wake Up Man
I remember a dream I had, a few years ago before we even thought of moving. I was outside with my family and sister in-law and her kids. We were watching the sky, there were white streaks happening all over. Got the feeling they were nuclear missiles. Then it was like we were in the French Riviera, I remember seeing these doors that fit the decor. Then we were on a boat and my sister in-law and I were leading us.

We moved a year or so after. My office has French doors, the outside area of our house looks just like in the dream. Now I’m just waiting for someone to fuck up.

Edit: In dream interpretation, crossing water is indicative of dying.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Dream from the other night felt like one of those very, very realistic ones. Woke up not knowing if I was remembering the dream or yesterday. In the dream I very much thought everyone was going crazy, but I was actually having schizophrenic episodes. My world felt normal in both states of mind, but sane me was completely blinded during the episodes. I would transition between sane and schizo at random. Like I'd believe my best friend was trying to murder my wife, or throw my kid off a bridge, but then a moment later I'd flip back to reality and realize I was the one stabbing my wife, or holding a baby over the edge of a bridge by an ankle... sane me started to think my sane side was insane, because there's no way he would do these things that he found himself doing, having no memory of the actual incidents. Which was true, but schizophrenic side believed 100% in their sanity. That one really fucked with me for a while.
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I don't remember my dreams now, but I used to have some pretty vivid ones as a kid.

A recurring one I had was that there was a factory beneath my bed filled with assembly lines, and myself and other kids were in boxes being moved around on them. The scene had a vibe similar to what you'd see in an industrial metal horror video.

An interesting one was of being in a laundromat and having a tiger jump out of a dryer and bite my knee. But, since I was a kid and didn't understand anatomy, my brain processed it like my knee was hollow and the broken skin was like broken glass. It's interesting as an example of how the brain will fail to process things in the setting without the knowledge to fill it all in.

Worst one I had was after watching the Thriller video, and had a dream where everyone walked around with their mouths open and full of the black liquid one of the zombies had. Shit was disturbing.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
My dreams tend to be either mundane with unrealistic/fantastical twists or extreme and intense.

Last night I dreamt I was at the gym and I wanted to focus on my hip flexors (???). It was so vivid that I felt my muscles working/burning as though I was actually lifting.

The exercises I was doing weren’t sufficiently isolating my hips. It occurred to me that my brother would know what to do, so I called him for advice. When I’m on the phone I tend to pace, so I got up from the machine I was using and walked over to the window (putting my back to the room).

When I got off the phone and turned around I saw that the entire gym had been cleared of weights and machines and was now full of 8 ft long folding leg tables. Apparently there was a school field trip or something and the teacher was about to give a presentation to dozens of students. Since my workout was clearly over, I went to the lockers to change and head home.

When I walked back out to the gym floor, all the tables had been pushed to the side of the room and the students were having some kind of social in the adjoining room/entrance area. Clear windows that were waist-to-ceiling high separated the room I was in from the room they were in so I could see everything very clearly. I scanned through the crowd trying to find a path to the door.

Suddenly everyone started screaming and running out the front door because there were three T-Rex looking dinosaurs that just entered from the back of the room (as far away as they could be from me while inside the building). They were just sniffing around and weren’t attacking anyone. Nonetheless, they were as tall as the exposed 15 ft high ceiling so their innocuous behavior wasn’t very comforting.

I don’t recall how my dream transitioned to this next part, but the dinosaurs were gone and those of us that didn’t make it out of the gym were stuck and locked inside. Somehow my four year old daughter was now with me, and I needed to get her out of there. It occurred to me that if I closed my eyes and concentrated hard enough that I could just “send” her home.

I had her come sit next to me, and I placed my hand on her shoulder. I closed my eyes and searched my mind for a place to send her. An animated, stylized map appeared in my mind’s eye and at various points there were animated bonfire fast travel locations that I knew I could send her to. I found the closest bonfire to my house and focused all my will into the singular moment that would be sending her to that bonfire miles away from the gym.

I hadn’t realized how loud the world was until it went completely silent all around me. I opened my eyes and wasn’t surprised to see that my daughter was gone. I’d successfully sent her to the safety of home and her mom.

I sat there quietly for several minutes taking in my current situation. Something was wrong and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. There was a sinking dread that my daughter was in trouble. I needed to get to her, but I didn’t know how to send myself to the bonfire. Was that even possible?

I closed my eyes and went through the motions and recreated the same experiences I felt before. The minutes felt like hours. My frustration continued to build. Teleportation requires the utmost focus and mental clarity and my mind and attention were miles away with my daughter.

After several minutes I resignedly opened my eyes and stood up to stare blankly out the window of the gym. “What should I do now?”

Then I woke up.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
My dreams tend to be either mundane with unrealistic/fantastical twists or extreme and intense.

Last night I dreamt I was at the gym and I wanted to focus on my hip flexors (???). It was so vivid that I felt my muscles working/burning as though I was actually lifting.

The exercises I was doing weren’t sufficiently isolating my hips. It occurred to me that my brother would know what to do, so I called him for advice. When I’m on the phone I tend to pace, so I got up from the machine I was using and walked over to the window (putting my back to the room).

When I got off the phone and turned around I saw that the entire gym had been cleared of weights and machines and was now full of 8 ft long folding leg tables. Apparently there was a school field trip or something and the teacher was about to give a presentation to dozens of students. Since my workout was clearly over, I went to the lockers to change and head home.

When I walked back out to the gym floor, all the tables had been pushed to the side of the room and the students were having some kind of social in the adjoining room/entrance area. Clear windows that were waist-to-ceiling high separated the room I was in from the room they were in so I could see everything very clearly. I scanned through the crowd trying to find a path to the door.

Suddenly everyone started screaming and running out the front door because there were three T-Rex looking dinosaurs that just entered from the back of the room (as far away as they could be from me while inside the building). They were just sniffing around and weren’t attacking anyone. Nonetheless, they were as tall as the exposed 15 ft high ceiling so their innocuous behavior wasn’t very comforting.

I don’t recall how my dream transitioned to this next part, but the dinosaurs were gone and those of us that didn’t make it out of the gym were stuck and locked inside. Somehow my four year old daughter was now with me, and I needed to get her out of there. It occurred to me that if I closed my eyes and concentrated hard enough that I could just “send” her home.

I had her come sit next to me, and I placed my hand on her shoulder. I closed my eyes and searched my mind for a place to send her. An animated, stylized map appeared in my mind’s eye and at various points there were animated bonfire fast travel locations that I knew I could send her to. I found the closest bonfire to my house and focused all my will into the singular moment that would be sending her to that bonfire miles away from the gym.

I hadn’t realized how loud the world was until it went completely silent all around me. I opened my eyes and wasn’t surprised to see that my daughter was gone. I’d successfully sent her to the safety of home and her mom.

I sat there quietly for several minutes taking in my current situation. Something was wrong and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. There was a sinking dread that my daughter was in trouble. I needed to get to her, but I didn’t know how to send myself to the bonfire. Was that even possible?

I closed my eyes and went through the motions and recreated the same experiences I felt before. The minutes felt like hours. My frustration continued to build. Teleportation requires the utmost focus and mental clarity and my mind and attention were miles away with my daughter.

After several minutes I resignedly opened my eyes and stood up to stare blankly out the window of the gym. “What should I do now?”

Then I woke up.
I used to lift pretty regularly, and since I've been a lazy ass for a few years, occasionally I'll have dreams about doing a routine and actually wake up sore. Shit is so weird.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I've been having a recurring dream. It's different each time, but same premise:

Cast of Jersey Shore become Power Rangers
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A nice asshole.
Wish I knew what triggered dreams. I have at best dreams that wake me up at night and I say WTF brain before going back to sleep, and less often nightmares that cause mild panic when I wake up and need a few minutes to figure out if I actually did any of that stuff.

Both situations are really messing with my sleep quality.

Also no one wants to hear about thr dreams you had, you might generate mild interest if you say I had a dream about you.
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Wish I knew what triggered dreams. I have at best dreams that wake me up at night and I say WTF brain before going back to sleep, and less often nightmares that cause mild panic when I wake up and need a few minutes to figure out if I actually did any of that stuff.

Both situations are really messing with my sleep quality.

Also no one wants to hear about thr dreams you had, you might generate mild interest if you say I had a dream about you.
A lot of stuff can affect this. Drugs(including caff/nico) and alcohol, body position/breathing/circulation, stress/anxiety, lack of exercise, allergens. You have to see what works for you.

I've even read that diets which are bad for your gut bacteria can fuck with your mind, night and day. Worse with age.

a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Had some fucked up dreams about pulling a bundle of plastic out of one of my fingers. Looked like just a single plastic string growing out of my skin, but as I pulled, it opened like a plastic package and this huge bundle of fiber optic wire with gallium magnets and shit came out. My finger healed almost immediately after. The bundle of fiber optics and magnets apparently did some mushroom trip psychedelic transformation into something I'd imagine Tony Stark would create... This dream repeated a few times, each time the bundle of wires coming out was larger and larger.

Then I had a separate dream about going back to lifeguard for a shift, and they were doing things all fucked up, like the manager was coordinating shifting chairs every 30 minutes instead of just looking at the clock and rotating every 15, especially during 100° days. And they didn't have their float across their lap. Then some girl gave me her chewed up gum and told me to "go away", so I took the gum and tossed it into what I thought was a trash bin. Turns out it was a basket with a "2 year 14 month" (yeah, 3 year, 2 month ya fuckin yuppie), and the gum ended up choking the kid, requiring an ambulance. Kid ended up being fine, but was a complete whacko saying "You hold the key" and shit. My sister showed up to give me a ride before the cops showed up, because apparently I wasn't on the lifeguard payroll and I almost committed manslaughter or something.

Fuckin brain, why you so weird.
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<Bronze Donator>
I keep having a reoccurring dream that I'm back in school and failing because I've been procrastinating and falling behind in my assignments. Things keep piling up further and further and it starts to feel like I'll never catch up.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
I keep having a reoccurring dream that I'm back in school and failing because I've been procrastinating and falling behind in my assignments. Things keep piling up further and further and it starts to feel like I'll never catch up.
My school dreams involve getting lost on an every increasingly sized campus with walls like a restricted walkway style video game. Never really to do with assignments. It's torture enough just being placed back into the situation. Oh, or that I forgot to drop a class, forgetting that I was enrolled, and never going back.
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a c i d.f l y

<Silver Donator>
Dream started with me hanging out with my wife on vacation where a bomb goes off in a different condo that we were staying out. FBI rushes the building, I go into straight lose my mind, can't move panic mode. I'd lost my ID, but fortunately I ran into two folks I knew from high school who could vouch for me, which was shocking because I literally haven't spoken to anyone from high school in over 10 years... they'd both been near the blast and had black soot on half their bodies. They were uninjured. After a while of trudging along, we finally "escape" the building. FBI agents and SWAT are storming the building, people are flowing out of the building.

I told my wife I'd meet her at the restaurant with her parents later on, and decided to go with my sister somewhere. Turns out my sister was wasted, or at least pretending to be, driving through a parking lot, over curbs and those little patches of curbed grass area on elevated bricks, but instead of grass, it had empty gaps. Ended up fucking up her car, but somehow she kept moving forward. I felt like she was trying to kill me. I eventually got out, and she drove off.

Another part of the dream is something I've had recurring dreams about. This guy was out for revenge. Apparently he thought it was my fault that I gave him super strength, which had fucked up his life for some reason. I had to escape in a vehicle while this guy was throwing 2x4's at my car so hard that they would embed in the vehicle, glance off a windshield and shatter it.

I eventually got away and met up with my wife and her parents. I wanted to hold my kid, but they were like, "No, she's sleeping, go do something and we'll meet you at the restaurant in a couple hours..."

So I head off on my own. This part of the dream is mostly parkour plus battle royale kinda thing, except instead of a massive field I was in a cluster of custom condos, like that scene in Incredible Hulk where Banner is being chased through rick-shacks, only a lot more vertical -- think Kowloon Walled City - Wikipedia , but a lot nicer. But before it got to that, I decided to get drunk myself, ran into this black chick who was an absolute freak. This weird surreal experience of fucking her in the ass in a hallway, where my cum created a giant air-bubble in a condom, and she'd pull it out like a giant anal bead with a "POP" noise. Really, really strange. Folks around started being racist towards me for having fucked a black girl, and also homophobic for having fucker her in the ass (what??). She later brought me up to her room in Kowloon-esque, which was apparently a shared room with a bunch of other people -- turns out it's a sorority, and all the girls brought someone. This is where shit turned even more weird. They went through a ritual, can't recall all the specifics, but it involved a section of mugging down with each other. After a few weird visual things that I can't describe, the ritual ended. Then they were like, "you have 30 seconds, go".... "Go, go where?" And then I saw another girl push a guy off a ledge where he fell to his death. So then I took off. Parkour across railings, room to room, down stair banisters, down ladders, from balcony to balcony. The entire way down people were hidden and would try to knock me off so I'd fall to my death. Sorta like a Mirror's Edge meets Fortnite, actually, but it was 1 v Everyone else. I had several near misses making my way down, a moment where a guy was trying to stab me as I climbed down a ladder. After making it about half-way down, I start to hear gunfire. I doubled my pace.

I eventually made it to the bottom, which apparently meant that I "won/escaped" and folks with guns trained on me or chasing me stopped as soon as my feet hit the ground. The dream bled back into the FBI storming the facility, and everyone chasing me ran back into the building.

Woke up saying, "That sounds like it could make for an interesting movie."
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Had one of those dreams that are strong enough to wake you up.

I was walking in a nearby park and a large red dog started following me and wouldn't be shooed away, so I headed home only to have the dog try to follow me inside the house (a house I've never seen) through double doors that the dog was somehow able to push through despite me bracing them closed. No growling or anything was involved, just quiet determination.

It shifted into a kitchen where my nieces (who were somehow the wrong age in the dream) and I acquiesced to accepting the dog that now looked old, overweight and sickly. Despite brushing it and feeding it, it never made a sound or had any sort of countenance other than that quiet sadness. It all had a futile feel to it.

Shit was unnerving. I don't particularly like dogs and haven't had any exposure to any recently, and nothing other than the park and my nieces were something I recognize.

The brain is a weird-ass thing.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Had one of those dreams that are strong enough to wake you up.

I was walking in a nearby park and a large red dog started following me and wouldn't be shooed away, so I headed home only to have the dog try to follow me inside the house (a house I've never seen) through double doors that the dog was somehow able to push through despite me bracing them closed. No growling or anything was involved, just quiet determination.

It shifted into a kitchen where my nieces (who were somehow the wrong age in the dream) and I acquiesced to accepting the dog that now looked old, overweight and sickly. Despite brushing it and feeding it, it never made a sound or had any sort of countenance other than that quiet sadness. It all had a futile feel to it.

Shit was unnerving. I don't particularly like dogs and haven't had any exposure to any recently, and nothing other than the park and my nieces were something I recognize.

The brain is a weird-ass thing.

Watching a lot of Clifford lately?
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