Weird interview/job offer experiences?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Anyone experience any weird interviews? I really never had until recently and now I've had two in a row. I move from job to job fairly often as I pretty much go into a company and fix what they need fixed and move on so I have job interviews on a regular basis and receive job offers often as well. I normally don't go thru much BS as I normally talk to the owner right off and don't deal with HR type people often.

Two weeks ago in an interview with a company that opened a shop here in south Louisiana that is owned by a company up north the guy said "Well we really don't want to deal with any coonasses or rednecks down here". Seemed like an odd thing to say considering 99.9% of the people in this industry (even over into TX) are all coonasses or rednecks. Then the guy went on to say they are having a hard time getting on the good side of local companies and getting on bid list. Maybe one had to do with the other. I turned the job down and the guy said "Well you missed out on a good thing as we are going to change the way business is done here". Gee I don't think so. I told him if he wanted to get on bid list start taking purchasing agents out to LSU football games in the fall and he said no way he would spend that kind of "stupid money".

Then today a guy called that I could barely understand who I believe was Indian. The job was in Houston and he went into the hard sell right off wanting to know my salary and if I could start next week even tho I already have a job. I find out it's just an office for an overseas design firm and they just want me to be a go between for them in the US. I tell him I'm not interested and the guy gets all pissy and starts with the "You must be a racist" crap. That's a good way to recruit people.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was trying to think of any weird ones I'd had recently, but then I read yours That's definitely interesting. Last year I had applied to I think 142 positions between December and June. I got pretty good at interviews, but most were standard.

My only ones that seemed odd were:

A phone interview, first time I had spoken with them. The guy asks me about my background, so it was pretty normal. Then I'm expecting some kind of questions, but instead I got, "Well, the job is yours if you want it. Just let me know!" It was a federal position too.

Had a phone interview with Northrop Grumman. About a month later they fly me from Illinois to California for an in-person interview. I think my interview was for 9, and my interviewer didn't show up until just after 10. Didn't have anywhere to interview me set up, so we just borrowed some empty office. Didn't talk one bit about work, but I did find out about some Grand Prix they hold in Venice Beach I think, and heard about how close they were to Vegas, except that the cops suck and you'll get tickets on the drive. Unless you drive through the middle of the desert. I kept trying to steer it towards work type stuff, but she wasn't having any of it (she was probably mid-late 40's). That was pretty weird. Spent all that money to fly me out, rental car, hotel, and she didn't even remember my interview. Worst of all, I got a call about 2 months later from the HR department asking me to apply for the same position. "I applied for that several months ago and even interviewed." "Oh, well do you mind applying again?" Uh, yes actually...fuck you.
  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Back during undergrad, I was going through the interviewing phase for Price Waterhouse (four rounds). My second round consisted of me sitting in one of the partner's hotel rooms and watch college football. He didn't ask me a thing about myself, since I went to a big college football team, all he wanted to do was talk football. I made it to the next round and he never really spoke to me.

Oh, and I had one interview where we interviewed by V.P.'s of the company. One of them initiated a stare down with me and didn't say a work for 20 minutes. That was his thing. He wanted to see how we handled up under pressure. The other V.P. asked me my hobbies. I told him I was into powerlifting, the next thing I know he's feeling my muscles. I did get the job, though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I told him I was into powerlifting, the next thing I know he's feeling my muscles. I did get the job, though.
Haha awesome!

I did quite a bit of interviewing while doing my MBA so I had a few weird ones. I was interviewing with a large power company, and the woman who interviewed me would litteraly ask a question and then write down the answer while a recent grad from another MBA program just stared at me bored out of his mind for an hour. They did this with all 16 interviewees. I tried to crack a joke and they gave me a dirty look so I gave up even though I had already decided that I didn't want to work there. A classmate of mine did not give up on trying to lighten the mood to the point that they told him something to the effect of, "We don't joke around in interviews."

Another day I was doing a marathon session/week of interviews. About 6 hours in I had to go interview for a consulting job that I thought I wasn't going to get, and I was kind of bummed that I had blown my last interview due to exhaustion. So as I'm hanging out going through the motions I'm chatting up an alum who works there, and he goes to check to see if my interviewer is ready and hes not. Eventually a different partner comes out pissed that I'm late which totally isn't my fault, and it gets explained away.

As I'm walking into the room she asks how my day has been going, and I jokingly say, "It's been going great. I've been telling everyone how awesome I am all day!"
She fires back at me, "Tell me how awesome you are in 60 seconds. Go."
I quizzically say, "What?" and she just says, "Go. Now."
So I launch into my spiel, and end with, "and that's why I'm awesome." Somewhat surprisingly I got that job.

I had another interview where I ended up in an argument with a financial strategy guy from a major firm who didn't know that he shouldn't be applying the same cost of capital to every project. We must of argued about that for 10 mins at which point I knew I wasn't getting the job. And, then there was the woman from a major insurance company who seemed like she was reading a script, and just looking looking through me. She could have been having the same interview if nobody else was in the room. A friend of mine interviewed with the company and had the exact same experience. The weird part was that they asked both of us to interview, and then didn't really ask us any questions. Neither one of us were called back either. It was completely bizarre.

At this one very, very large chemical company the asked me what I thought of the election which is usually a conversation that you don't have.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Another thing that weirds me out is when I get a 1-2 hour lecture in an interview and they never ask me a question and then offer me the job. I guess a lot of people would jump on that but I have always turned them down. Most of the stuff I am contacted about they are about 90% sure they want me in the job and most times I am the only person they interview or maybe one or two others, so I don't know why they don't ask questions about me instead of telling me about their company or themself.

On the flip side I have interviewed some people and totally freaked them out. One guy said nothing phased him at all. I told him I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die. Guy totally didn't get the quote and left freaked out.


Bronze Squire
A coworker of mine was trying to become a firefighter. Trying to get on as a full time paid firefighter is very competitive I guess (at least in my area). They have to go through all kinds of testing and stuff and finish in the very top percentage just to get the interviews usually.

One interview, the only question the guy asked him was "If I were to give you an orange, how would you go about eating it?" He went into a fairly detailed description about how he would peel the orange then break off a slice at a time. He didn't end up getting the job and was mind-fucked for a couple of weeks over that question. I was convinced that prior to the interview they had already decided who to give the position to based on some political BS and they were just fucking with him.


Trump's Staff
A coworker of mine was trying to become a firefighter. Trying to get on as a full time paid firefighter is very competitive I guess (at least in my area). They have to go through all kinds of testing and stuff and finish in the very top percentage just to get the interviews usually.

One interview, the only question the guy asked him was "If I were to give you an orange, how would you go about eating it?" He went into a fairly detailed description about how he would peel the orange then break off a slice at a time. He didn't end up getting the job and was mind-fucked for a couple of weeks over that question. I was convinced that prior to the interview they had already decided who to give the position to based on some political BS and they were just fucking with him.
I was once asked in an interview, "If you could be any salad dressing, which one would you be?"


Gunnar Durden
Nothing major, was getting the run down of company history and such when one of the guys (Was 4 guys sitting in on the FIRST interview, weird) and he accidentally swore. Realized it and asked if I was offended.

"Fuck No, im not offended"

Got the job.
  • 1Worf
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Gunnar Durden
A coworker of mine was trying to become a firefighter. Trying to get on as a full time paid firefighter is very competitive I guess (at least in my area). They have to go through all kinds of testing and stuff and finish in the very top percentage just to get the interviews usually.

One interview, the only question the guy asked him was "If I were to give you an orange, how would you go about eating it?" He went into a fairly detailed description about how he would peel the orange then break off a slice at a time. He didn't end up getting the job and was mind-fucked for a couple of weeks over that question. I was convinced that prior to the interview they had already decided who to give the position to based on some political BS and they were just fucking with him.
Sounds like more of that new age Business shit rather than something they would ask a Firefighter. They ask wierd questions like this and its supposed to map to a charted answer depending on whether you cut it, peel it, eat it whole etc. Total BS and assigns a score that charts your personality at the end. Almost like character creation in a shitty RPG.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Oh, when I was interviewing for grad school, the Dean asked me to apply the physics equation of water displacement. It was a complicated problem. Only I wasn't going to school for Physics, I was going for B-school. He was one of these guys who earned graduate degrees in Engineering, and then swapped over to business. He wanted to see how we could fix problems on the fly.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I'm attracting them all I guess. Guy called tonight at 8:30 and wanted to talk to me about a job. I told him I was watching the College World Series and he would have to call during work hours like everyone else. Who the hell calls on a weekend on fathers day at night? He got a little ticked, I'm betting he doesn't call back.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I haven't done any serious job hunting in quite a while, but I would think that the ability to brazenly dismiss someone calling to offer you a job would be a fairly unique trait amongst those who are actively seeking employment, college world series on father's day withstanding.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I guess it's just me then. I go from compmany to company fairly often because that's what I do. I go to work there, fix what they hired me to fix and then move on. In 20+ years never had someone call me for an interview on the weekend. I owned my fabrication shop for 6 years and I never called anyone on the weekend either. I called them during business hours and left a message to call me on my personal cell phone at a time that was convenient to them if they couldn't talk then.

I always figured business hours were for business and weekends were for whatever you wanted to do. Maybe it's done in other areas but in our industry it's pretty big no no.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Only weird phone interview I had was for a programming position and the guy started asking me to do bit math and multiplication in the interview. I could hear him tapping on a calculator in the background. I answered the questions but totally lost interest in the position after that.


One time I received a call back to schedule an interview. I show up to the interview and they seat me in a conference room with about 20 other people. Then the interviewer comes in and says, "We didn't want to take all the time that would be required to interview you all separately, so we're going to do a group interview." He proceeded to ask interview questions like, "What's your biggest weakness?" and "Where do you see yourself in a year?" But not directed at any specific person, instead he expected people to raise their hands with their answers, like a classroom.

One of the most bizarre experiences of my life.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Nothing strange. Just something that eats me up inside.

So I was having one of those screening interviews with the HR recruitment type. You know - the one who doesn't actually know anything about the job. So I answer all her questions 100% awesome. Aced it. I was completely confident that I would get a second interview with the REAL person who makes the hiring decisions.


It's bothered me to this day. The only thing I could possibly think of that went wrong was that the salary I was asking for was too high.


A Mod Real Quick
Back in my younger days I went for a job as a Coca-Cola stock dude. Pay wasn't too bad, good benefits, etc. When I went for my in-person interview it was really weird. First I was about 30 minutes late, as this was pre-GPS and in the Providence area. I showed up at the warehouse and we basically did the interview right there in the warehouse. The guy looked at what I was wearing (business casual) and asked me if I expected to be working in that, I of course said no this is just how I dress for interviews. He then told me he was hungry and his buddy brought him a shitload of taco bell. He asked me if I wanted any, and I didn't want to turn him down. We spent the rest of the interview eating tacos. Then I left. Got the call the next day that I got the job.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
we basically did the interview right there in the warehouse.
I've ran into similar stuff working construction; a lot of the employers of smaller companies don't have time to sit down all day for interviews and many dont have offices, so I've had to do a lot of impromptu interviews either in front of a job site or in someplace like IHOP or Denny's while they eat lunch. Most of the time what I've witnessed as a 3rd party has been odd potential employees and not employers. Stuff like guys probably getting the job, then they start inserting "Oh BTW..." restrictions or what have you and they end up losing the job for themselves.

One day a boss of mine was on our jobsite going over stuff and had a bunch of potentials walk onto the site for interviews before he left; at least 3 or 4 either said that they didn't want the job, and when my boss asked one guy"why should I hire you"his response was literally"you shouldn't". I'm assuming they were just trying to satisfy the job search requirements for unemployment or something, or they have have been Union guys out of work. That was in addition to the guys trying to walk onto the job w/o safety boots or a hardhat, some had no tools, no experience, no transportation or a host of other issues.


Trakanon Raider
Never really had to be interviewed for a job (Blockbuster in highschool notwithstanding), but I do interview a lot of guys for construction jobs. Most go about as you'd expect, where you try to figure out if the guy is as big of an alcoholic as he looks etc. Only a couple have ever gone really weird, and all of them had to do with religion where the applicant starts talking about God or their religion in response to a question that had nothing to do with either of them. I can't really think of any specific stories, but I always find that so bizarre. Sometimes I hire the guy anyways because they otherwise seem like good people, sometimes I don't because I can just tell they won't last a minute on a job site. It depends. Like I said, it's just so bizarre that a question like "so you have good availability during the week and won't have any problems showing up consistently to work 7:30-4:30?" results in them talking about their church for five minutes.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've definitely interviewed people that were high on meth/crack/coke. My favorite was the guy that demanded he get the job, at the end of the interview. I was interviewing like three other people, I told him I'd know after that. But that wasn't good enough, he wanted to know then. When I told him that him that all the yelling and cussing and demanding he got the job disqualified him, he let the cusses fly like Mussolini on the wall.