Season 3 trailer dropped. Looks...interesting.
So, in a world of untold AI, countless wireless connections...a dude wants Maeve to "Kill" Delores.
I'm writing this in 2020, where even I know that once an advanced AI gains access to the internet after understanding about deletion and comprehends self-preservation, it will never ever be "dead". It will back itself up in a trillion locations in minute amounts in such a way that it will be infinitely redundant.
What the fuck is the point of using old man William?
Have they established that she has figured out how to re-create his SOUL?
I don't get this, nor did I get this back when William was running through the matrix a million times.
Oh man she managed to make a robot!
William is dead..long dead, his conscious is gone beyond gone.
I mean it's basically like carrying a iPad that Will owned along with you as you destroy the world he lived in about a hundred years ago...
The women Empowerment message has been replaced with a solid, unshakable understanding that if AI is created and it is will be useless.