

well, I don't read IMBM or whatever it is. I don't know the actress's name (nor do I care) and have never heard the name Mave, or Maeve or Mauve or whatevs before. I BEG your pardon sir.....

Now, do you have something useful to add? or will your next post be the last I have to suffer?

H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
So you think the narcissistic douche they have hammered the point on being a narcissistic douche seems more philanthropic than the guy they are clearly trying to portray as kind? Are you trolling at this point?

The MIB on the inside is just like Logan is on the inside. At first they're both just playing the game. You can be whoever you want to be inside, and Logan lets you know that right away. William is the one who can't differentiate the feelings for a real human, and feelings for a robot host. Logan knows the difference. It's why William questions Logan on his attitude multiple times.

Logan's first couple trips into the park he mentions that he played the normal story a few times. Then discovered the deeper storylines and became obsessed with them.

The MIB applauds Fords efforts into making the Wyatt backstory as a way to introduce a hard storyline. I don't see William ever making the connection between the storyline and Dolores that MIB does. But I see Logan more than capable to figuring it out.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Does this confirm that Ford's plan is to kill or perhaps somehow take control from the Board?
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Avatar of War Slayer
well, I don't read IMBM or whatever it is. I don't know the actress's name (nor do I care) and have never heard the name Mave, or Maeve or Mauve or whatevs before. I BEG your pardon sir.....

Now, do you have something useful to add? or will your next post be the last I have to suffer?
Thandie Netwon. because you expressly stated you didnt want to know, or care.
Thandie Newton - IMDb
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Avatar of War Slayer
Does this confirm that Ford's plan is to kill or perhaps somehow take control from the Board?
Spoiler that. Cause damn... sure seems that way. I kindof wish I hadn't seen that.

And for the logan vs Billy question. I posited it a long time ago, and frankly there is still nothing concrete.
Poetically yes, its Billy. And they seem to be pushing that. but, could be the ruse cruise. MIB being logan is much more straightforward.
I'd say atm, I'm 70/30% Billy/Logan. Probably Billy, but I can't rule Logan out.
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H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
To keep the front face person new and different. Probably caters to the repeat customers so they are not always having the same experience.

Missed addressing this reply somehow. So somehow for 30 years the same exact story gets told. Same people in the same spot. Memory wipe every time new guests arrive. Dolores is Dolores for 35 years. Yet greeter hosts are the replaced ones? You're stretching for that idea to hold merit. How many guests are active in the park at a time? How long does each storyline take to complete? At $40,000/day one can't spend everyday inside the storylines. And I highly doubt the MIB goes through the normal greeter sequence anyways.
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Log Wizard
If this episode 10 finale is Red Wedding on the Delos board members, the future seasons could be awesome. Imagine Ford's host army fighting soldiers or the Delos version of militarized hosts on whatever planet Westworld is. It could be super sloppy writing, but could be awesome too.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
This show went full retard in season one. It is a pretty amazing feat to turn your entirely original show into a shitty pre-quel/origin story. By definition, you should not even be able to do that, but this show figured a way.

Some shows stretch 1 season into 3, because they have a lack of original ideas. This one on the other hand, crammed 3 seasons into one. They took the story to places they never should have, way too soon. Take a lesson from The Wire and have an easily understandable and digestible setting/theme:
Season 1- 90% of the time should have been spent in the park, with the host, showing the elaborate extent they could go to with their stories. World build, make it feel alive.
Season 2- Pull back and start spending time in the control station, learn there is a creator, a board he answers to, politics, and espionage.
Season 3- Realize the hosts are more than just robots that do as they are told. Start the host revolution. Introduce ideas of when and how AI becomes transcendent and alive.​
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
This show went full retard in season one. It is a pretty amazing feat to turn your entirely original show into a shitty pre-quel/origin story. By definition, you should not even be able to do that, but this show figured a way.

Some shows stretch 1 season into 3, because they have a lack of original ideas. This one on the other hand, crammed 3 seasons into one. They took the story to places they never should have, way too soon. Take a lesson from The Wire and have an easily understandable and digestible setting/theme:
Season 1- 90% of the time should have been spent in the park, with the host, showing the elaborate extent they could go to with their stories. World build, make it feel alive.
Season 2- Pull back and start spending time in the control station, learn there is a creator, a board he answers to, politics, and espionage.
Season 3- Realize the hosts are more than just robots that do as they are told. Start the host revolution. Introduce ideas of when and how AI becomes transcendent and alive.​


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Avatar of War Slayer
If this episode 10 finale is Red Wedding on the Delos board members, the future seasons could be awesome. Imagine Ford's host army fighting soldiers or the Delos version of militarized hosts on whatever planet Westworld is. It could be super sloppy writing, but could be awesome too.
Are there any tv shows that pull a Alien->Aliens? Just totally change genres from season to season? Must be a few right?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Missed addressing this reply somehow. So somehow for 30 years the same exact story gets told. Same people in the same spot. Memory wipe every time new guests arrive. Dolores is Dolores for 35 years. Yet greeter hosts are the replaced ones? You're stretching for that idea to hold merit. How many guests are active in the park at a time? How long does each storyline take to complete? At $40,000/day one can't spend everyday inside the storylines. And I highly doubt the MIB goes through the normal greeter sequence anyways.
Do you really just not pay attention at all? They literally even have that cheeky English guy whose entire department's job is to create new storylines. Maeve's whole plotline is contingent on the fact that she remembers her previous storyline with a daughter.

We don't really know how Dolores' storyline has changed. She has the same "scene" in the town where she drops the can, but otherwise it could be completely different. Hell, Teddy's was just changed while we've been watching the show.

Edit: Also, Fana, I'm not sure I agree. You might be correct, but we really won't know for another 2 or 3 seasons. If the next couple drag on because of stupid shit, you're probably right. But depending on where they're going with it, dragging out that shit may end up being unnecessary.
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Trakanon Raider
I'm confident enough now to say that neither William or Logan are the MIB. In episode 7 when MIB and Teddy save that woman and MIB remarks "I though they would have retired you by now." That woman is from the original storyline, from the town that Teddy massacres everyone in. That same town where Dolores has her flashback with William pulling the gun away from her head.

That town is buried by the time William and Logan visit The park. Yet MIB clearly states he remembers that host that was only seen in that original storyline.

I get that you're retarded. What I don't get is why you feel the need to keep posting here to reaffirm it.
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I get that you're retarded. What I don't get is why you feel the need to keep posting here to reaffirm it.

I now know your mind...when you are confronted or confused, you will automatically call your "supposed" adversary a (*) retard because Of (*). please confirm this so I can ignore any more nonsense from you :)

Edit - go ahead I know you want to...I want you too as well :;

H.A. Monkey

Golden Knight of the Realm
Do you really just not pay attention at all? They literally even have that cheeky English guy whose entire department's job is to create new storylines. Maeve's whole plotline is contingent on the fact that she remembers her previous storyline with a daughter.

We don't really know how Dolores' storyline has changed. She has the same "scene" in the town where she drops the can, but otherwise it could be completely different. Hell, Teddy's was just changed while we've been watching the show.

Edit: Also, Fana, I'm not sure I agree. You might be correct, but we really won't know for another 2 or 3 seasons. If the next couple drag on because of stupid shit, you're probably right. But depending on where they're going with it, dragging out that shit may end up being unnecessary.

Please try and keep up. When Arnold and Ford were doing all the beta testing of the hosts before the park was opened, there was one town. Soon as Dolores malfunctioned, a new storyline was writen. The one we see William and Logan in. What that means is that Dolores has been in the same storyline loop for 30 years. The same for every other fucking host. Maeve had her perogitive changed once she had her storyline loop broken and malfunctioned.

Teddy's storyline hasn't changed. He had more backstory added. He got interrupted by the MIB before he reached Dolores. Intended for the storyline. Dolores then did her routine, went back to the house where her dad and mom got killed. Teddy is under the assumption that it was Wyatt's men who did that. That's why he keeps saying Dolores will be saved once they reach Wyatt. Or are you forgetting those scenes and conversations since they're so short?
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Trakanon Raider
few thoughts on why I just can't accept willy as the mIB...

We know that the MIB :

Saved the park (or was it ford he saved? From dolores?)

Has been coming here for 30 years.

Only starting making his own stories one year ago after his wife dies and he sees Mauve behave human (something he has never seen before)

Is a member of the board of delos

Opened up an (one) older host years ago to see how they worked. They were mechanical.

We know that William:

Is engaged to marry the woman in the photo that set off albernathy.

Is a pussy.

Is apparently having an identity crisis or midlife crisis or just lost his shit when he dismembers every host in the middle of the night.

Will be marrying into a wealthy family, who is considering buying into or buying out the park shortly after it opened.

Has fallen head over heels for a robot.

Question : Has william smiled once without dolores in his arms? Not even a smirk or grin that I recall….

Why is the MIB only now in the past year making his own stories if willy made his own 30 years ago with dolores?

I just don’t see (assuming we can believe what the MIB tells us/hosts) how these two things add up to the same person. They seem worlds apart, not only in personality but also in their experiences. William loves dolores and feels like she loves him, how could william be the MIB if he has never seen a bot act so human before muave? It seems love is a more powerful emotion than simple survival/revenge but Mauve is the one that made him see things differently.

Also, if MIB was william, why did he only discover the maze a year ago if (If as william) he has already followed the maze with delores 30 years ago?

I think we are being led to believe william is the mib, but it’s not adding up to me, given what he have been told and seen.

That's my theory and i'm sticking to it. .... untill next week or the next bong hit....

Why William probably is the MIB:
1. Only Dolores, William, and the MIB know that El Lazo's real name is Lawrence.
2. MIB told Lawrence he was "born" in the park.
3. The can that Dolores drops only rolls to three people: Teddy (who's a host and part of the loop), William, and the MIB.
4. MIB tells Ford he saved the park. We know that William is marrying Logan's sister, and works at the company that's looking into buying out the park.
5. MIB has the exact same knife that William has.
6. William is being changed by visiting the park. A darker side to his personality is being revealed, as evidenced in the last episode when he slaughters all the hosts in the park and finally stands up to Logan. Again, hinting back to MIB saying he was born in the park.
7. MIB recognizes the host who used to be the greeter (only other person she engages with that we're shown is William).
8. William tells Dolores on the train about how he wants to live inside the stories he used to read. The only other person in the show who has made this exact same reference is the MIB.
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Trakanon Raider
I now know your mind...when you are confronted or confused, you will automatically call your "supposed" adversary a (*) retard because Of (*). please confirm this so I can ignore any more nonsense from you :)

Edit - go ahead I know you want to...I want you too as well :;

Not confused at all. You're a fucking idiot, and so is H.A. Monkey. Wouldn't surprise me if you're brothers. The only two people who still don't comprehend what's happening in this show are the two of you.
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