WH40K: Space Marine


<Bronze Donator>

I didn't see a thread for this and decided to create one. I recently picked this game up on sale on steam and am having ungodly amounts of graphical lag and the game comes to a complete slideshow. I have visited the official forums and tried every single suggested fix with no success. HELP!


Mr. Poopybutthole
Turning V-sync off actually worked for me. It doesn't work for everyone, so if it doesn't work for you, you're just plain fucked. The testing of the PC port was practically non-existent.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Is this game any good? I got it in the THQ pack during the Steam sale. I haven't installed it yet. That said, I was pleasantly surprised by Dawn of War 2. I'm not a big RTS player, but I'm really enjoying that game.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you don't get raped by the slowdown bug, the game is incredibly enjoyable. Unfortunately all the DLC splits the community, and with absolutely zero support, MP is pretty dead.


The only multiplayer modes in which you can reliably find a game are seize ground or annihilation on the classic map pack.


Like most FPSs, the campaign is only around 8 hours or so, but its a hell of a lot of fun. It's a very visceral experience, visually and auditorilly, from just stomping around as a space marine, to impaling orcs on your chain sword, its just non-stop blood, gore, and loud noises.


<Bronze Donator>
Thanks gav. Turned it off no dice. Deleted the c++ shit, followed their guide for nvidia and it made it worse. Sigh guess im buyIng on xbox


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I had such high hopes for this game (Warhammer nerd for nearing 20 years now) and this was a big let down in many ways. I had some annoying lag in the single player campaign, but overall I absolutely loved that experience. However, when it came to MP, it was a disaster. No dedicated servers, so if the host wasn't close and didn't have good internet, you were fucked. If they were and the connection to you was good, other players could have a bad one, which fucked up trying to engage them and you were fucked. Half the games were a slideshow and the other half were somewhat playable. There was so much potential but the game had ZERO support and what seemed like ZERO quality testing.

Oh well, here's hoping for a 40k Planetside with a budget and intelligent developers.


<Bronze Donator>
So much sad face here
I am playing planetside to get my fix but its not the same. I fucking wanted to play this on pc so bad.

Beef Supreme_sl

No dedicated servers killed the MP. That said, I got to 41 and had a blast chasing down scrubs as Assault with the energy sword. Impenetrable and Swordman's Zeal all day.


Great game and for as cheap as it is now you cant really go wrong. Very sad that with THQ going under there wont be a space marine 2. I did see some news on ign about someone remaking space hulk. Lets hope it makes it other wise looks pretty bare for anything new in the 40k video game department.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wish more game devs would release SDK's for their games. There's a reason why the Quake 2 / UT era were so popular and successful....community driven mods. I would love to see some people put together new maps, maybe an Isstvan remake. Who knows, and I'm quite positive there are crews out there who would definitely undertake such a task if the right assets were available to them. I'm sure it was out of Relic's hands though. Fffffffuuuuuuuu


If it runs right for you, I think this is an amazing game for viewing the 40k universe and the story is pretty solid and apropriately 40kish. The story is also just very shory, which would be fine for a multiplayer heavy game, but they dropped the ball there as noted.

If you are a fan of Warhammer 40k and want to see more of that setting, pick this up and play through the single player and it will be great. If you're looking for hot multiplayer FPS action, you can probably find it better elsewhere.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, bottom line is: single player rules for the setting,sounds, and visuals. Multi player isn't worth your time.

Just as an aside; Warhammer fantasy Total war being made.....wat

Beef Supreme_sl

If it runs right for you, I think this is an amazing game for viewing the 40k universe and the story is pretty solid and apropriately 40kish. The story is also just very shory, which would be fine for a multiplayer heavy game, but they dropped the ball there as noted.

If you are a fan of Warhammer 40k and want to see more of that setting, pick this up and play through the single player and it will be great. If you're looking for hot multiplayer FPS action, you can probably find it better elsewhere.
I'd like some combination of what DoW was doing at the strategic/operations level and replace the tactical with Space Marine.

I honestly just want more WH40K games. I'll take whatever I can get.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yeah, bottom line is: single player rules for the setting,sounds, and visuals. Multi player isn't worth your time.

Just as an aside; Warhammer fantasy Total war being made.....wat
That works for me, as I'm not really interested in the MP side of it. Dawn of War 2 is my first experience ever with the Warhammer world, so I'm interested in more.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The game is good enough, but not there yet. I'd like a Space Marine 2 with improvements.
* Switching from melee weapon to gun takes too long.
* Reloading takes too long
* You can't reload while running
* You are forced to walk and cannot attack during voice over scenes
* Helmets please
* Level design needs improvement: not talking art: You're practically on a rail. To remedy this, there are open areas and pointless corridors to give the impression you can explore. It's forced. Getting turned around and not knowing what to do in a straight forward basher like this is nogo
* Be able to carry any assortment of weapons. :I wanted a Stalker Bolter and the Lascannon.
* Show your weapon selection during cutscenes and not the default weapon loadout
* Don't lose my weapons and revert me back to default weapons after (any) cutscenes (without reason)

I came here hoping to find opinions on Chainsword versus Power Axe
The Axe seems superior, but the game keeps offering me the chainsword or the axe at supply caches and that begs the question
(The hammer's value is obvious: It wrecks all, but if you want to shoot then swap it out)

Beef Supreme_sl

I came here hoping to find opinions on Chainsword versus Power Axe
The Axe seems superior, but the game keeps offering me the chainsword or the axe at supply caches and that begs the question
(The hammer's value is obvious: It wrecks all, but if you want to shoot then swap it out)
Power Sword > Hammer > Axe > Chainsword