what are some of the worst games you've ever played?


I liked Out of this World when it came out. I tried to play it again after seeing the developer do a post-mortem talk about it - I really don't have the patience for that style of game anymore.
There are many moments of pure groundbreaking genius in Another World / Out of this World, but it had many rough edges on the gameplay side of things that did not fly too well with it's unforgiving death system, especially as a present day gamer. A masterpiece nonetheless.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
After Christmas, I returned one of those shitty Gotcha! Paint-guns for this even shittier NES game. Talk about a total fail.


Vyemm Raider
Well, I'll try to keep it to semi-recent supposedly good games because the list of bad games dating back to the commodore 64 would be exhausting.

Borderlands. Fucking boring. More time spent looting the 50 billion containers than anything else. Medicore shooter mechanics, bad RPG. The weapons don't even show DPS for you, is this fucking Everquest? Loved the dialog, hated everything else.

Final Fantasy 12. Running in circles to regen mana after every fight, are you fucking kidding me? Somehow I made it ~30 hours before deleting it.

DMC 4. The grapple-hook platforming was too awful for words. TARGET THE NEXT ONE YOU FAGGOT. Didn't finish.

One for the old school: Battle of Olympus. Pimped as the next coming of Jesus by Nintendo Power (wasn't everything?) and it looked like Zelda 2. I'm pretty sure I cried over wasting a christmas gift on that piece of shit.


I always pretty much know if I'm going to enjoy a game or not before I buy it based on my accumulated experiences of different game studios and publishers + watching previews. So yeah, I rarely ever actually pick up a bad game. That's why I had a hard time coming up with one at all and it ended up being one I pirated to try out since I was completely on the fence about - Two Worlds 2.


Similar boat to me. Although I remember renting all these shitty Genesis and SNES games when I was little but no idea on their names. I largely rented games based on whether they had cool box art or not...


reformed lurker
<Bronze Donator>
I'll second Superman 64, but this still stands out in my mind as the worst game of all time.




Avatar of War Slayer
Jesus Christ half of you don't know what a truly bad game is judging by the responses here. I now present to you the absolutely worst game ever made:
Seriously. wtf. Half these games being mentioned...

I'm trying to remember the names of a few. NES, Atari and PC games back in the day. woah bad. Thankfully, it seems I've blacked out most of the memories of them.

Tobal no 1 was pretty terrible.
Ultima 10 stands out as pretty high on the list of god awful.

I made it to the 3rd chapter in The witcher before I had enough and stopped playing.. (pre re-release with patch)


Oh Ninja Turtles.

The dam level never angered me that much. I never got real angry until later in the game.

I still remember raging over the spot where you think you'd have to jump to cross. Then finally out of frustration you walk right across the gap. Fuck that game.
The part where you have to get the missles for the Turtle Mobile or whatever and it had the full pizza above and to the right. Fuck I wrote a NOVEL on that game and only beat it once. You had to memorize every move in that game. Those blue ghost hover guys at the last level were fucking INSANELY hard.


Quest 64 - Just a complete turd of a game. Did have night and day mechanics though!
Final Fantasy 12 - What Kreugen said.
Final Fantasy 13 - Half of the game was a linear dungeon, characters sucked, villains sucked, everything but the battle system and the visuals sucked tbh.


Molten Core Raider
Tubografx 16 TV Sports Football. Holy god it was impossible. To complete a pass, your QBs arm pointed straight ahead, then rotated on a swivel left 90 degrees, and right 90 degrees, then when you hit the button to stop it, that is the angle the ball flew, and it had to connect EXACTLY with a receiver who was also running in a straight line down the field.

Basically it was fucking impossible geometry, trying to connect 2 lines of a triangle that were moving at different speeds and hoping they actually intersected exactly at the right point. I played 6 full games, and only completed 1 pass. took it back to Babbage's for a refund and got Splatterhouse instead. Great decision.

Start at the 2:00 mark to see what I'm talking about. Fucking impossible, especially for a 11/12 year old.


Molten Core Raider
Well, I put MOO3 in the same category with Falcon 4.0 and Ultima 9. Their main flaws were that they were basically unfinished/buggy at release. All had huge expectations, and all were a complete mess upon initial release. I heard that they all got better over the years and multiple pathches/mods/whatever, but the damage had been done on the horrid product they unleashed upon the public at release.


Trakanon Raider
as someone who ran a game store for close to 8 years amen to this one.

refering to shaq fu that shit still gives me nightmares.


Vyemm Raider
The first two games I ever owned for my Nintendo were Top Gun and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They were given to me, I wonder why... They literally got me to swear in front of my mom for the first time ever and I got grounded for it. Fuck these games.