Sadre Spinegnawer
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When the time's right, I'ma put this 9 right to the left side of your head and push your mind right...
I need some clarification. And since we recently posted a coupe WSS vids, it is obviously a classic problem. It's a long standing issue for me anyway. What are we to do about the underclass?
The beats and the flow are sweet in that track. When I follow the lyrics delivery it's really serious beat- and flow-wise. I could use all sorts of compliments. I listened to thewhole track nice and loud over the main system here at chez Sadre. I would definitely like to ride around on a nice day with this kind of beats, especially when I was younger and more, umm, grinding out the exp, so to speak. And, I always have really dug hip hop for these reasons. I still put some Eric B. and Rakim on down at the bar, and let the rhythm hit 'em.
But here is where I then too often hit a brick wall. The lyrics themselves. They're pretty raw, and mainly about pussy, guns, aggression, money -- just kind of ... well that's my point, I don't relate and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to want to relate to.
This is a problem and it ruins my ability to enjoy a lot of this genre. Same problem with more gory metal, some Oi bands, and Yanni. I can't get past some things.
But it sucks, because maybe I can live without deathcore, but this genre has excellent beats and really is our modern version of funk.
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