What did you just read?


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Dungeon Crawler Carl is actually hilarious.

Royalroad is by far the best workday distraction site out there.

The Girl from the Mountain | Royal Road started this one too. Pretty weird mix of Tom Clancy level military detail and Lovecraftian, dystopian, whatever.
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Dungeon Crawler Carl is actually hilarious.
Comes out on Kindle October 2nd. The new cover is absolutely... appropriate.

Royalroad is by far the best workday distraction site out there.
A bit too much, at times.
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Trakanon Raider
Dungeon Crawler Carl is actually hilarious.

Royalroad is by far the best workday distraction site out there.

I have that on my list, but haven't started yet. Good to see a recommendation. Royalroad is good value yeah. Saved me a lot of money on books so far, even with me donating to a few patreons.

Let's see - what have I looked at recently.

Dispel Illusion ( Impossible Times 3 ) - Mark Lawrence
Basically the other side of the story to how the events in book 1 turned out. If you have read the first two you know pretty much what to expect from this one. Overall I liked it, and it was a satisfying conclusion to the series, but I felt it suffered a bit to YA sensibilities in how conveniently everything was wrapped up - to me it cheapened some of the events in the earlier books.

Network Effect - Martha Wells
The first full length novel about the adventures of self-titled Murderbot. I wouldn't read this without having read the novellas first, which I would highly recommend because they are great. This book managed to maintain that high standard - after a mostly routine ( by Murderbot standards anyway ) survey mission, their ship is attacked and disabled by a suspiciously familiar transport vessel, and some of the expedition crew are kidnapped, including Murderbot and Dr Mensah's teenage daughter.

I really like this one, and will pick up any further books as they come out. Murderbot is kind of a unique character, and seeing it from Amena's point of view was amusing as she is blissfully unaware of how literal Murderbot is.

Street Cultivation (1 & 2 )- Sarah Lin
This is probably technically litrpg, but it's quite unlike any other series I've looked at. The setting is unusual - imagine a world like in more traditional cultivation stories, but where it's undergone centuries of industrialisation and commercialism. The main character works a 'gym' where powerful people pay to beat up the employees, because you can advance abilities faster with real opponents. Life is shit if you are poor, even if you have magic powers.

The story is more Rocky than Cradle - I quite liked it. Will keep an eye on the author.

Web Serials
The Gods are Bastards
This is labelled as a fantasy western, which is kind of true I guess, but put me off initially. The setting is actually more like a DND campaign that's advanced enough to be similar to the western expansion period in the US. Wands, not guns, things of that nature. It's actually difficult to summarise what it is about, as it follows so many characters. This is probably it's biggest weakness actually, the story is unfocused enough from being split all over the place it doesn't really have the draw that pulls me into reading the next chapter etc ( which is probably about someone else anyway ). It's still pretty good, but I read a bit here and there rather than focusing on it.

Vainqueur the Dragon
Parody of a litrpg - the isekai hero gets caught trying to steal from a dragon's lair and is offered a job as the dragon's minion, which comes with awesome benefits, like not immediately being burned to death or eaten ( unless the dragon is really hungry ). The dragon Vainqueuer is immensely strong, arrogant, vain and dumber than a box of rocks. He is, however, fascinated at the idea of quests, which is apparently where people actually pay you to kill things. He decides that he is going to become an adventurer.

This is pretty funny, although it's played mostly straight, with the humor coming from the absurd situations more than straight up jokes ( more like Galaxy Quest type parody ). I'm about 2/3 through and like it so far. Some clumsiness in the writing/editing.

Blessed Time
Litrpg about kid who gets a mythic ability to rewind time 5 years as his special power. The author may have been *cough* slightly influenced by Mother of Learning. It's well written and entertaining though, and has kept me interested enough in seeing where it goes to put it on the current rotation.

The character sheet is, however, an abomination. The author needs to kill that thing with fire asap ;p

Forge of Destiny
Cultivation series - street kid in fantasy china is identified as a potential cultivator and is sent to an elite training academy to prepare her for a mandatory army commission. Sort of Cradle meets Harry Potter type vibe, with the setting being medieval fantasy China. I like this one a lot, and put it into the regular rotation.

The Zombie Knight Saga
Teenage suicide gets brought back as effectively a zombie to do the bidding of a grim reaper that wants more ability to affect the human world. Interesting world building and story, but the main character is a depressing wet blanket that makes the worst anime protagonists look good. Only partway into this one, it's possible it gets better later on, but I've put it back on backlog for now.

Super Minion
Biomechanical shapeshifting lab experiment develops sentience and escapes the lab after encountering a suspiciously convenient piece of malware. Loose in a city overrun with super heroes and super villains, a series of coincidences end up with it getting a job as a low-level minion for one of the cities more infamous super-villains.

This was fun and entertaining, a bit reminiscent of Everyone Loves Large Chests, but without the perverted sex stuff. Well written and edited, the only downside is that the author has managed 40 some chapters over 3 years.

There is no Epic Loot here, only puns
This was a pleasant surprise. A dungeon core series where the main character is a dungeon, although takes an unexpected left turn when she decides that she is definitely not down with this whole killing people to steal their mana thing. The story has a kind of whimsical charm, and can be quite funny, with stuff like various adventurer's reactions to the giant Myconoid Warrior trying to sell them his absolutely terrible handmade pots.
The dungeon is growing next to a village which is basically a retirement home for legendary adventurers, which leads to a cast of pretty unique characters as well as a lot of wacky craziness.

Overall really like this one, quickly catching up to current time.
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Karazhan Raider
Damn, was wondering how much some of these guys made that do the web novels, and shirtaloon (the guy who writes he who fights with monsters) has his patreon show how much he has pledged, and right now it’s sitting at $15,558 per month
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Trakanon Raider
Damn, was wondering how much some of these guys made that do the web novels, and shirtaloon (the guy who writes he who fights with monsters) has his patreon show how much he has pledged, and right now it’s sitting at $15,558 per month

Yeah, Pirateaba is more than that now I think too ( numbers no longer public, but patrons are up significantly ). Even $1 a person adds up to quite a lot if you have thousands of readers, and $1/month is dirt cheap for the amount of entertainment you get.

Still, it's like most stuff I think, where the top 10 make more than the bottom 10,000 combined.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
He Who Fights with Monsters is one of the much better-written ones. I absolutely love the direction it's going right now. He's all but abandoned the LitRPG elements too. It's just a great fantasy adventure full of Australian Snark now.

I've never donated to any of them. I do buy books on kindle for dudes like Wiz who went full draconian with it though and I did get RR premium for $3 a month!
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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
He Who Fights with Monsters is one of the much better-written ones. I absolutely love the direction it's going right now. He's all but abandoned the LitRPG elements too. It's just a great fantasy adventure full of Australian Snark now.
Jason vs low-mana Earth secret societies is promising great stuff.


Trakanon Raider
Dungeon Crawler Carl is actually hilarious.

Bumped that one up on the queue and read the first few chapters today. Good recommendation.

"You aren't wearing pants either you know."

"Neither am I wearing a cape that makes me look like I got a participation prize in the local special needs comic con, Carl."

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Watcher of Overs
Reread Renegade: (The Spiral Wars Book 1) and enjoyed it much more this time.

Love the ship details like which parts become floor and wall when under accel or with the crew cylinder spinning, or at dock.

Was an interesting take on elite soldiers adapting to new roles. When they are used to full-on war for years and now they need to bodyguard / investigate / police.

And the marine major is a super interesting character.
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Should I read Malazan, Black Company, or Sanderson book next. I never finished those 3.


Trakanon Raider
Sanderson's my personal favorite author nowadays, so I'll give my nod to him.

Malazan's big and sprawling and convoluted, so I feel like you do need to read those books in relatively quick succession, which makes them something of a time commitment. Worth keeping in mind.

Black Company's good, although I personally don't rate it as highly as the other two.
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<Gold Donor>
To me, the biggest Black Company fanboi there is, the first 3 books of that series are top tier. The rest of the series is still good, but I can admit they meander and lose a lot compared to the main 3. I'm re-reading it right now, and am on Bleak Seasons, my least favorite of the series, but it still holds my attention more than a lot of books.

That being said, you can't go wrong with any of the books you listed, so just make sure you read them all eventually. I might suggest Black Company before Malazan due to the styles and the times they were written. Black Company already comes off as very abrupt, but if you start it immediately after Malazan, I think the transition might be even harder to handle.

Also, I've read 7 of the Malazan books, and I eventually ended up thinking I might need to stop and come back later to re-read them from the start and keep fucking notes on every character. I'm not the best at keeping track of every character over thousands of pages, but I'm not the worst either, and I felt completely overwhelmed sometimes. Might be easier reading them all in one go, but even still there are characters you only briefly meet and then won't see again for a couple of books, and often I had no fucking clue who they were and where I knew them from.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
He Who Fights With Monsters is getting very regular updates now. Which is awesome. That said I dislike how the family reunion is being handled.

Dude's entire family, except the sister, were all complete assholes to him of the highest order. His brother snagging up his girlfriend, lying about it, then surprising him with it is at the extreme bell curve of what shitbag family members are even capable of. The context of how Jason is shitty before he left to Otherworld has never been explored so we can only surmise that it was him just being a youthful idiot. We need a lot more detail on the situation to understand why there may have been ANY justification for his entire family siding with the brother regardless of what he did. We know the mom wanted the eldest brother (who is the cherished child as in their Japanese social norm family) with the girlfriend over Jason and most likely encouraged it to some degree.

But these assholes all say he needs to be the bigger man in the situation even after returning from the dead. Because the family was always cool with the brother and girlfriend getting together and had no problem blacksheeping Jason about it and ignoring him. To the extent of giving them a house free of charge while Jason lived in some shitty apartment working at a shitty job and they never extended the olive branch to him a single time. Or at least made minimum efforts to do so.

Even his sister is still a dickhead about it because she didn't really give a shit about the older brother and girlfriend situation and just shrugs it as not her problem even though she admits it was fucked up.

If that isn't all you need to forget your worthless family members who never ever had your back or best interests in mind I don't know what would. I get wanting to protect them from the coming magical revolution to some degree but beyond that fuck them.

I'm someone who kind of takes pride in that I do not hold grudges or anything but even I have limits. None of them would ever get my respect again. I would take steps to ensure they were protected from bad magics but beyond that, I wouldn't do a goddamn thing. It's just hard to relate to because the supernatural jaunt that is changing his perspective is not something an actual person can relate to.
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