I don't think you're crazy, it's never too late to get a career is something you truly love. We need to know your undergrad education though to give you more advice, as a few people have mentioned. Btw, you shouldn't be worried about debt if you're other option is a PhD in history. What do you get paid for that? How much debt are you already in?
To piggy back, the MCAT is a joke IF you've taken all the classes. And not like, oh I took O Chem 4 years ago, it's like I took O Chem and I truly understand the concepts and criteria.
If you're wicked smart and haven't taken any of the classes, you could pound out the bare minimums in 2 years, but I wouldn't recommend that. We have trimesters here but Gen Chem, Priciples of Bio, Calc stream (btw AP calc in high school does not count. I had AP calc A & B in high school and had to take Calc 2 twice because I didn't get it.) so you could take those the first year and no life it. Then summer you could pump out the year of A&P classes and the following year O Chem, Physics using calc (or at least I was advised to take that route) and genetics one term/evolution the next. If you're only doing the basics you better get damn good grades in them. I think it's great you have the history background, if you can do really well in both, you're obviously very smart. Don't look at it as a race though. You're not far behind. If someone was on the 4 year college plan (jerks) and started med school the following fall (assholes), they would have just gotten out of med school at 26 (jealous). I think average entering age is 25.
Also do not listen to people when they say oh, so and so class is easy. First, they're lying. Second even if physics isn't "that hard" for you and you go around telling everyone that, you're probably not mentioning that you could not get the anatomy (or whatever class you are struggling) processes in your head. You can hear people say ochem is shit, get yourself all worked up, but you might just get it. Or you might not get it and realize what all the hype is about.
The getting into a school is the hard part. When you apply you should apply to at least 5 or 6, hope to get 2 interviews and one acceptance. Have you thought about Physicians Assisting? Much less intense. Some people get super overwhelmed or sidetracked, never finish and end up having an existential crisis (hello!).
Study for the MCAT as you go. Makes much more sense tying the sciences together and realizing what you seriously need to not fucking forget. Even though you wouldn't be practicing on your own, you could be doing what you love by the time you're 32. Not a lot of people can say that. Plus you have to love school, I'm guessing that's no problem for you lol. PhD in history?! Smh. Go med. They're always needed.
God's workYou don't know WTF you're talking about, Swamp Donkey. This forum doesn't want you; go away.
You are a fucking lunatic, but there's some things to think about.
Do you have the prereqs for medical school and to sit for the MCAT? You have to take a shit ton of science classes before you set foot in med school, and if you didn't while getting your History degrees, you'll have to go back to undergrad to take them. These are nontrivial: Minimum course requirements include one year each of biology, general (inorganic) chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and related lab work for each. In addition, about two-thirds require English and about one quarter require calculus.
You need to study for and take the MCAT. If you haven't done this, you probably need to allocate a year, because you'll have to study for the MCAT well in advance in order to score well enough to get into med school, and once you have your MCAT score in hand the application process is a bitch. Most schools require in person interviews, etc...
Next, residency is not 2 years. Even if you do family medicine as your residency (sports medicine is a fellowship not a residency) then you'll be 3 years in for the family medicine/internal medicine primary residency, then 1-2 year for the sports medicine fellowship.
So, all in all, you are not looking at "5 years". You're probably looking at (1-2 years prereqs/MCAT) + 1 year application/acceptance process + 4 years medical school + 3 years residency + 1-2 years fellowship.
Thats 10-12 years.
Yes sir, I think you're a lunatic, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it. It's just something you should think about very carefully before you embark.
I think the only science class I'm missing is ochem. I would need to study for the MCAT, absolutely right.
And I didn't mean everything would be done in 5 years, I meant it would be at least 5 years before I started earning a paycheck again.
I appreciate all the feedback from everyone btw. I obviously still have a lot to look into before I decide to fully venture into med school, but it seems like the age thing SHOULD be a nonfactor based on what everyone is saying.
As for my current debt, it's nothing major. As I stated before, I would not pay for my own PhD, and the plan was to earn a PhD and hopefully become a tenured professor at some point. But a lot of humanities dpts are closing down, losing funding, etc. so no matter how impressive my BA/MA record is, we're looking at sometimes only 2 people being accepted on fellowships.
I went back to law school after working for ~10 years so its definitely doable. And you'll be a lot wiser than the typical med student because of your extra years of adulthood.
However, don't discount that you're using some of your young, potentially fun years in a goddamn rat race of grad school with people who probably never heard of a video game and poopsock study their way through everything, and class rank matters.
I'm glad I did it and I did well. If it's phd in history vs. MD, I'd get the MD. If it's work potentially lucrative job vs. 4 years of MD and 3-4 years of 60k residency/fellowship followed by $200k of debt... the answer is not crystal clear.
Where do you work?
Automotive Dealership
What do you do? (Title/keywords)
Sales Consultant and Lot Manager
What field/industry? Sales
Wages? 60k. 2-3 years time, I am hoping to boost it upto $90k.
Bonuses/SEP? Performance volume bonus up to $1000 per month. Mostly Gross Bonus of $500 per month.
Benefits? Health/Dental/Vision
How long have you been there? 6 month
I am trying to negotiate a base salary of $2000 and stick to 20% commission per car instead of 25%. This place runs like an unprofessional jungle.....huge turnover.
PT just seems like bullshit compared to an actual sports doctor. What if I wanted to get into something like exercise physiology ("sports science" if you will)?Itlan, you seem to be a gym rat, at least from what I remember. Have you considered PT, you will be involved into the Gym/athlete part of it, and part of your networking will be actually going to the gym and meeting people.
I came from a medium size enginering company and to say getting into Enterprise IT was a shift is an understatement. I fucking hate it. Getting anything done at all requires 15 uneccesary steps. Need to buy something? Sorry, we can't pick up that $15 adapter, it's not in our budget even though we made 2 billion last year. It's truly, truly maddening. I'm about to get married and after I get back, it's time for a reassessment. The really shitty part is that I was offered by bosses' management job and it's a pretty big jump in pay but I know that I'll never do any technical work again (I barely do any now) and I'll just be an email and conference call monkey, even moreso than at present.
Moving from the technical work into the managerial work is the decision that a ton of skilled technical people with good interpersonal skills have to make at every company. The benefit is that the further you move up the chain the more you can affect a change in companies that see IT as just a cost center rather than a business enabler.