What Does Your Car Say About You? (The Car Thread)

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
So I've had this idea for a thread for a while now, but with the malware and shit going on I just didn't feel like posting it on foh, plus it is a bit redundant with The Car Thread. So, with our fresh start here, why not combine the two?

Basically it's like this: Owning a certain car says something about you as the owner. For example, girls might see a Porsche 911 and think, "Ugg, Midlife crisis mobile" and then sure enough a middle aged dude wearing trendy clothes gets out. But then again they might also think: "Hey, rich guy!" This phenomenon is not necessarily related to how good a car is, since a Porsche 911 is a good car from a performance standpoint. It's kind of like the Cool Wall on Top Gear.

Here's some more examples:

Jacked up lifted pickup truck with huge tires: Dude with small penis and big ego (or giant redneck if an older model)

Volkswagen Jetta: Girls' car

Older Mercedes diesel: Hipster mobile

Buick: Geezer mobile

Toyota Prius: Environmentally conscious and trying to make sure you're aware of the fact

So, post your own cars like before, but then have people tell you what your choice of car says about you. Post other cars and what it says to you about the people who own them.

And just to get the ball rolling: My car is a 1975 Mercedes 280C. Gas powered, automatic, brown in color and gets crappy mileage. Someday I'm thinking about modding the crap out of it: engine swap, different seats, suspension upgrades, and so on. Pic: (not my car, but looks about like it)


1975 Mercedes 280C -> The driver of this vehicle would strike me as someone who likes funk music (the brown color, for some reason). Not being stick shift leads me to believe the person isn't much of a hipster, despite having a hipster-esque car. Probably the kind of person that wears cheap jeans that ruffle in the ass region. Band shirts. Definitely band shirts.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I'd much prefer a stickshift, for the mileage and power, but mercedes just didn't put them into these cars unless they were grey market euro models. If I was less poor I'd have the higher end 60's coupe. Like the car from the Hangover, only a hardtop. They're much more money in even halfway decent shape though, where these are cheap. The guy I bought it from a couple years ago was a professor at OSU apparently. My jeans are cheap for sure, but I don't really have any band shirts. I don't like concerts.


I'd much prefer a stickshift, for the mileage and power, but mercedes just didn't put them into these cars unless they were grey market euro models. If I was less poor I'd have the higher end 60's coupe. Like the car from the Hangover, only a hardtop. They're much more money in even halfway decent shape though, where these are cheap. The guy I bought it from a couple years ago was a professor at OSU apparently. My jeans are cheap for sure, but I don't really have any band shirts. I don't like concerts.
Heh. It's a cool car. I always did like older Mercedes. Damn things are tanks.

I'll help get this thread moving:


(not my image, but essentially the same car)
2012 Hyundai Veloster, manual, silver, stock everything




Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
Veloster: You're a bit quirky, like something that's unique, but still functional. It's the low powered NA one so you secretly have a vag, but it's also stick, so I guess your just a Beta.

I had that all planned as my next car. I loved the idea of my coupe door, with double doors for others to get in. My neon shit the bed prematurely at 205,000 miles, and my hand was forced before the Turbo was out.

Civic: OH SHIT VTEC KICKED IN YO!!!1!. But seriously, I hope you bought new, with Honda's stupid low depreciation they are like the only car you're better off buying new then used. Buy new you'll get a crazy amount of your money back when you sell it. Buy used and you're overpaying for a used car.

I'll post mine tomorrow, its late and I'm tired.


Blackwing Lair Raider
2006 Dodge Charger. I've had it since late 2006, a graduation present from my parents. It has a car seat in it, smells faintly of chocolate milk vomit, and has 105k miles now, I think.




Silver Knight of the Realm
Finally switch back to a coupe last year after doing the SUV thing for the past 12+ years with a 99 Blazer and 04 Touareg.





What the wtf, you guys gotta drop the arm-chair psychologist bullshit as well

Yeah, I drive a 2006 Civic. Go ahead and laugh. I like it.

You probably smoke weed and you're always a victim

Jeans and boots are your usual attire. You kill large woodland creatures for food and post pictures of the kill to Facebook.

2006 Dodge Charger. I've had it since late 2006, a graduation present from my parents. It has a car seat in it, smells faintly of chocolate milk vomit, and has 105k miles now, I think.
You haven't gotten a decent job yet

Finally switch back to a coupe last year after doing the SUV thing for the past 12+ years with a 99 Blazer and 04 Touareg.

You're a classy motherfucker. You enjoy only the finest of scotches and cigars. Women frequently offer you money to ride them.







