- 14,106
- 35,625
Plenty of video evidence of his early exploits.Nah, he just wrote some wild sexual escapades that were clearly embellished.
I swear I remember kuriin [...] As gay as it is [...]
What happened to @suineg ? Did he die from lymphoma or golden showers, mebbe? Always was a sour puss.
And in hindsight, I dont think any of his bullshit about trying to be respectable republicans or whatever the fuck look good in hindsight either with what the last 4 years has been. Can't recall specific issues otherwise other than he'd be losing his mind at folks taking and running with the edgy heavy anti israel stuff. A twat at times, but everyone still should temper any vitriol with the fact that he still saved this forum and took a lot of insane heat irl for it.He started "pushing back" in certain threads in his final days-- a few different threads. Got dog-piled of course, and probably had a realization he should just bow out. He just realized with the issues he had, and the problems he had with hosting, despite everything being "OK", that it was just all behind him now. He was just over it. People not listening to him at all in politics was frustrating him because he was specifically going out of his way to engage everyone. I don't remember anyone backing him up during his push back campaign, but he picked the worst time in forum history to try it.
Ossoi is right that at least one guild per server will beat each raid potentially opening night that it is unlocked. The other 99% of the server will be in zero rush and not because they don’t know how but because they don’t care to.
You’re doing the “see I told you so” routine to someone who doesn’t visit the forum anymore - putting your autism on display for everyone to see, again.
Edit: Evernothing - zombiewizardhawk has been active somewhat recently.
I was there when we were told to leave the zone even though Onyxia would have been dead because people wouldn’t understand a guild killing things ao fast when their leader was on the dev team.
With these calculations being off you can have things that are viable on a private server that aren’t actually viable on live servers and vice versa. This is especially apparent if you are trying to ultra autistic min/max it like the morons that play these servers do.
Yeah this is why I am done with all these classic type servers. Tired of the try-hards going full chromosome smuggling on them to relive the glory days they were never part of. Nothing about all of this is fun unless you go full casual.
Wizardhawk. I assume meth'd his way to the great Taco Bell in the sky.
I forgot all about Tad10.
Also, how can none of you mention Manessa?
I was doing ok up until this last couple years, now 2 bags of groceries is 300 bucks.Did you ever find a job that lets you buy groceries?
I was doing ok up until this last couple years, now 2 bags of groceries is 300 bucks.