What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual

Sumdain x

Trakanon Raider
At that time I had Repic/wiz Mafx/druid for lvl 60's. Can't remember the other names, just been too long.

e: Oh Mafx was probably still in <Skyre Draneth> and Repic was probably still in <Mystical Avengers>

I forget the name of the guild that showed up to contend for Ragefire.
which guild were you in during the emp Ssra encounter? I was in Enshadowed during that time.


<Silver Donator>
I remember logging into EQ beta for the first time. I rolled up a ranger and made my way from Surefall Glade to Qeynos Hills. I remember seeing a snake slither by and I wasn't sure what I needed to do in order to attack it. Later, I would hear of the Sayer Cottage, but that seemed like way too dangerous a trek to take. The last night of beta they had giant skeletons attack the cottage. Aradune showed up with his glowing sword and green armor. I was hooked for the next 5 years.


Trakanon Raider
I had a lot of fun on Terris-Thule.

When I started playing, I wasn't quite good/old enough to be in the big leagues - raiding and such. But my mom was! And she was mostly ethical about how she rose to the top in old EQ, if you know what I mean.

I remember guys would hang out in the Arena in the Bazaar and just fight over her. One dude was so jealous, anyone that spoke to her would get manaburned to death the second they went into the Arena. A couple of well-known nerd cucks that I remember never stood a chance.

Anyway, after my mom retired, I made many friends of my own who managed to overlook that I was a little shit of a ninja looter - some I still have to this day. I'm somewhat disappointed that I never had the chance to be a raider myself and in the thick of it all, but I had all the knowledge and insider info of someone who was. In some ways, I knew more about what was going on than the majority of the people in the server mega guilds. It was extremely satisfying for me, and I wouldn't trade or change those years for anything.

My only regret is that I never got the Sword of Ssraeshza.

Also, Heebee was my hero as a Paladin.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I totes cyber'd a chick once on Tunare. Was pretty hot. Then I told her to e-mail some pics.

That was the day I knew that the prophet Muhammad was a liar and the God of Abraham did not exist.


<Bronze Donator>
I totes cyber'd a chick once on Tunare. Was pretty hot. Then I told her to e-mail some pics.

That was the day I knew that the prophet Muhammad was a liar and the God of Abraham did not exist.
were the pics horrifying then?

did you save them?


Life's a Dream
The first time I ever masturbated while someone else was aware I was doing it was in EverQuest. I was doing some random dungeon and started talking to a shaman in my group. We hit it off, and for the next week, we continued talking every time we were on. For some reason or another, we did one of the early versions of audio only skype so we could talk. She sounded incredibly hot. I still remember her voice. She talked me through a "cyber sex" phone call. It was incredibly sexy and I dumped a load quickly. When it was over, she sent me a picture.

She was a land mass. Horribly fat in every way possible, and she had a kid on top of it. I was only 17 at the time, no thanks. I never spoke to her again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I almost started a "relationship" with someone in EQ but then I quickly picked up that this person was a mangina and never talked to them again.


The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
I had a lot of fun on Terris-Thule.

When I started playing, I wasn't quite good/old enough to be in the big leagues - raiding and such. But my mom was! And she was mostly ethical about how she rose to the top in old EQ, if you know what I mean.

I remember guys would hang out in the Arena in the Bazaar and just fight over her. One dude was so jealous, anyone that spoke to her would get manaburned to death the second they went into the Arena. A couple of well-known nerd cucks that I remember never stood a chance.

Anyway, after my mom retired, I made many friends of my own who managed to overlook that I was a little shit of a ninja looter - some I still have to this day. I'm somewhat disappointed that I never had the chance to be a raider myself and in the thick of it all, but I had all the knowledge and insider info of someone who was. In some ways, I knew more about what was going on than the majority of the people in the server mega guilds. It was extremely satisfying for me, and I wouldn't trade or change those years for anything.

My only regret is that I never got the Sword of Ssraeshza.

Also, Heebee was my hero as a Paladin.
I played in some of those guilds from PoP through GoD, I'm sure I was guilded with your mom and totally didn't cyber her at any point but I was certainly unaware of all that crap going on.

And ya, Heebee was the shit.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Hah. Fantastic mom story. Anyone else have hilarious stories of heartbreak or swamp beast revelations


Trakanon Raider
Hah. Fantastic mom story. Anyone else have hilarious stories of heartbreak or swamp beast revelations
My sister cybor'd the fuck outta some bard who AoE kited and sold PL services in the PoP days. I profitted from free AAs/LOTS of plat. He was good at PLing though, got multiple toons 1-50 in like, 4-5 hours back then. He even flew down to meet us. Bought me lunch a couple of times off of PL money. I told him he had my permission to do deprived things to my sister as long as the plat and AA kept flowing.

tl;dr I virtually sold my sister into prostitution.


Trakanon Raider
My sister cybor'd the fuck outta some bard who AoE kited and sold PL services in the PoP days. I profitted from free AAs/LOTS of plat. He was good at PLing though, got multiple toons 1-50 in like, 4-5 hours back then. He even flew down to meet us. Bought me lunch a couple of times off of PL money. I told him he had my permission to do deprived things to my sister as long as the plat and AA kept flowing.

tl;dr I virtually sold my sister into prostitution.
Was this on Luclin server?


Lol, there were some crazy fuckers on EQ. I remember there was this one girl who was obsessed with my real life friend who also played. But he had a girlfriend so wasn't interested but this girl in game used to tell me all the filthy thoughts she had about him and what she wants to do with him... I thought he had chatted to her on ICQ or something, but it turns out she never once saw him, but eventually she told me how she loved blonde men, she was talking about his fucking character! Some high elf with blonde hair, he looks nothing like in real life. It was funny but it sucked for me because she had no interest in me at all. Guess I should have picked one of the other 5 faces.

I only ever cybered in game with someone on P99 but she was a weird one. Possibly a guy but you never know. She was obsessed with oral sex and always talked about sucking me hard blah blah, but if I ever mentioned her tits or puss she/he got all quiet. But I don't care, her 12 polygon character was hot and that's all I need.

I remember some female warrior in Kelethin taking me in to one of the little empty houses and trying to seduce me in return for loot. She/(definitely HE) kept saying, "I stroke your thigh, hey so what loot do you have to give?" and almost every comment was followed by an enquiry about my phat loots. I had tell them to get lost in the end, phat loot > all.