What Made EQ Great? Tell your stories to a filthy casual


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah my little brother (like 11 at the time) got fucked that way too. He had a Barb warrior he made and slowly got him to like Lv10 or some shit, we all know how long that took back in the day, might of been a week or two. Anyway one day he got attacked by one of them named skellies that roamed Everfrost peaks. So he tried to run away but not paying attention where he was running to. Needless to say, his corpse got lost somewhere in the white hills of Everfrost. Man we looked for that corpse for hours but could not find it and he started crying. All that work. He did not play that game for a few weeks after, but then he made another char.

The worst was traveling across the continent because of your buddies trying a new dungeon or whatever, and forgetting to bind. then dying and ending up way the fuck back where you stated from, like in Qeynos or some shit. Man, that must of happened to me a half dozen times through the years.
Happened to me once. After that I made a /loc hotkey and made sure to hit it a bunch of times if I was going to die.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Kithicor Forest raped you like no other zone. I remember that zone more than any other, and you basically learned to hug the wall if you wanted to get around. Fuckin' a.

Lesser Faydark was pretty rapey as well.


Weren't the high level mobs in Kithicor part of a Halloween event that they just decided to leave there permanently?

Also, was it charm or fear that caused people's computers to crash during pvp?


Golden Knight of the Realm
Invisible ogres blocking doorways. Low level player "WTF CANNOT GET IN??" "Oh it's just Oogly" *Ogre appears then quickly drinks an invisibility potion* Low lvl messages me "...it really IS an invisible ogre!"

As long as your starting position matched your end position you could run about during the cast time of long spells, kiting as a cleric landing Complete Heals on the go was great fun. Filthy in PvP as well. People would rage thinking you had abandoned them when they expected a heal.

Exploring, even as a high level was so wonderful. Oh what's in here I wonder? Maybe anundetectable tentacle rape monster filled pit? Being an original dev for that game must have been such fun.

Buffing low level players with a druid or shaman etc and watching them go berserk...until the inevitable "I went mad with power and attacked too much, more buffs please =D"

Camped for 24 hours + for an Idol of the thorned with a druid friend. Chat with him devolved into bizarre homo speech around hour 20. Say if I needed a refresh of thornshield I would ask for 'pointy black dildo armor please'. Saw my father after god knows how long just staring at me from the doorway. Any faith he had in the next generation having vanished.

Being given low level wizard gear from a higher level player claiming to be female. We chat a while, she's digging me. Let's trade pics. She's 38 years old. I am 14. Let'sdo thisI think. Where were you Chris Hansen?

Guy in guild always typed like a fucking trog. "Where am go now heheh, raid tim yes? TIM NOW OR hehe NOT GUYS? Nah am not boof low on OOM hehehhurhurhur" Finally someone asks where he's from "Nebraska, why?"

Learning NPC pathing and pulling properly as a puller class with FD or tank was so much fun. A cool mini game that has been mostly forgotten, or maybe never intended? All them chump tanks and pullers getting their groups assholes stretched while the champs had everything neat and tidy to slaughter.

Certain brutal NPCs patrolling lowby scum throughout the lands finally meeting their end months later when those lowby's were not so weak anymore. Watching someone teabag a Dark elf guard until the corpse poofed, "revenge" he kept typing...99% certain he was just wanking at the screen.

On pvp servers putting a reverse damage shield on an enemy, then punching him. The damage shield would strike me first , counting as damage from the enemy player. Having max faction, when the enemy player did not meant that the NPC guards did not take kindly to his sort. Hence infinite corpses in Riverdale. A level 1 spawns in and can only type "?????" in response to what he saw.

An NPC in a low lvl zone once charmed my warrior, CHARMED ME. No longer in my control my player became a newb slaughtering pet mercilessly cutting down all that approached. Each swing of the 2hand weapon followed by a mighty crunch as lowbies were flattened. Of course the entire time I am following the diaper-only wearing goblin NPC, nothing else to look at but his ass crack.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Weren't the high level mobs in Kithicor part of a Halloween event that they just decided to leave there permanently?

Also, was it charm or fear that caused people's computers to crash during pvp?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's correct. I remember Kithicor being a normal zone for a while. Then they had a shit ton of dark elf mobs spawn in the commonlands zones during an event, and some chick who was Innoruuk's daughter or something? After that, Kithicor was dangerous at night.


Happened to me once. After that I made a /loc hotkey and made sure to hit it a bunch of times if I was going to die.
I did that for a while, then I rolled a SK. Losing corpses was something that happened to other people...and then once you got to L30dyingwas something that happened to other people.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Sadly, I don't think we will ever see zones with the depth and atmosphere like Seb and others in that time frame.


Kithicor Forest raped you like no other zone. I remember that zone more than any other, and you basically learned to hug the wall if you wanted to get around. Fuckin' a.
Kithicor was great as a bard. Twisting levitate and selo's (pre-Travel Song) you could Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon from tree to tree.


Trakanon Raider
Monks had a quest glove item that was either very late Vanilla, or the beginning of Kunark. When it was first introduced, it had an instant-click Complete Heal spell. The issue is that it wasn't charged. You had unlimited instant click CH.

2-3 monks on my server completed the quest by telling one another of the rewards, and went on a free run at all raid targets. They were unbeatable. That bug was pretty neat.
Whitened Treant Fists, I remember Greehma on SolRo soloing hate with those.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Weren't the high level mobs in Kithicor part of a Halloween event that they just decided to leave there permanently?

Also, was it charm or fear that caused people's computers to crash during pvp?
It wasn't a Halloween event, so to speak. It was the end of a GM event that had Lanys (daughter of Innoruk) fighting Firiona Vie (the elf woman on the box). It happened during Vanilla EQ. Cazic Thule server had a month long GM event pretty much surrounding that (I got a Sgt title), but it was shorter on others. Basically Lanys and Firiona fight in Kithicor, then Innoruk mass blinded/death touched everyone (which crashed the zone/duped corpses on our server). Afterwards, Kithicor had all the high level shit spawn at night from then on out. Prior to that, it was just a noob zone for asslings to level in and you would typically set auto-run for and AFK for 5 minutes as you ran through it.

And lol, I totally forgot about the CH monk gloves. They nerfed that shit hard pretty fast. Whitened Treant Fists were the red glowing orb first weapons that were the best weapon in the game Pre-Kunark from a DPS perspective. I was rocking a set of those ;P


Cybsled I remember you from my server lol. Were you in Element of Darkness and eventually The Relentless?

I played in a lower end guild at the time but I remember your name.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Cybsled I remember you from my server lol. Were you in Element of Darkness and eventually The Relentless?

I played in a lower end guild at the time but I remember your name.
I was in Shadowed Soul until the split up of the guild during Kunark, at which point I joined Element of Darkness (EOD was formed from most of the SS folks who left). We used to raid with TR up until Luclin (aka, the BFA), but I never joined the guild. After EOD died, they rejected my app because Thornsong thought I was a spy for Shadestorm or something lol.


I was in Shadowed Soul until the split up of the guild during Kunark, at which point I joined Element of Darkness (EOD was formed from most of the SS folks who left). We used to raid with TR up until Luclin (aka, the BFA), but I never joined the guild. After EOD died, they rejected my app because Thornsong thought I was a spy for Shadestorm or something lol.
Ah ok. I knew about the disintegration of EoD and eventual defecting/merging with TR, but wasn't sure what you ended up doing. Close though.

I think that this example though is something that will probably never be replicated in the genre again. I literally saw a name I recognized from server from over 10 years ago and knew what guild you were in because the EoD/TR alliance was the top raid group on the server. That kinda shit isn't going to happen ever again.


I got 2

My buddy Sukik and I camping that wretched halfing mask for like 2 weeks and I finally was like "Alright, I'm done." Logged out to go to class and logged in later to a /tell "Hey man check your bags". Fuckin awesome friend.

I also remember a present I got my little brother. It was Christmas 2000 and my brother Moskank just started playing. I was always raiding and we never got to hang out. So I waited for him to go to bed and like Santa Claus logged on his level 10ish shaman and equipped a SBS. I still remember him logging on his character and freaking out. Haha just thinking about how something not IRL made him so happy. Good times.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Basically Lanys and Firiona fight in Kithicor, then Innoruk mass blinded/death touched everyone (which crashed the zone/duped corpses on our server).
Haha! Holy shit, I totally remember my corpse being duped then too. It was duped twice during the time I played EQ, and I forgot why. But that was definitely one. I made a shit load of money off that.