Clay mitts are so much easier than using a bar that it's worth the cost of $25. Plus, if you drop the mitt, you can usually wash it off.
Also, wax is subpar protection, unless you like waxing every 6 months, at the latest. There are some "cheep" ceramic coating you can do yourself that should last around two years. Expensive and difficult to apply ceramic coats can last around 5 years. The polishes like Rejex and Zanio should both last a year, and you can layer them right from the start to get a deep wet look to the paint.
Clay mitt example (it worked well enough, but it's the only mitt I have used, so nothing to compare it to):
BLACKFIRE Clay Mitt - The easiest way to clay! BLACKFIRE Clay Mitt is a specialized wash mitt that uses an advanced rubberized material to safely remove embedded contaminants in your paint. This synthetic coating works the way a traditional clay ...