So now that I've kinda given up on the fast car scene for now. (inventory, markups etc etc, and nail in the coffin being that I have utterly zero time to joyride with my farm + job and between here and Tulsa no roads that allow fun on the commute) Went back to a Tundra, and it should be good for >200k easy. THat being said still debating if it's worth trying to get a shitbox for most commutes since it's nearly 2 hours a day on the highway and that's just a lot of gas and miles for a 15mpg truck (hopefully 18 when I ditch the muds for some highway tires)
Would be nice to find something shit I can still try to make intersting, like we enjoyed our manual veloster Rally. I kinda would prefer to stay hatchback for some useability. But not sure what's going to be the best buy, any cheap pos I can find for like 10k but might only be 25mpg, or what might be worth getting that gets >30mpg. And if the potential higher cost of a hybrid or just higher cost with current gas prices would make that worth it. Just out of my element never shopping for mpg/basic bitch
I'm almost resigned to going out of state if I do, bumfuck oklahoma frequently has 2 year old cars with 50k miles on them, the mileage out here is ridiculous.
I did squeeze a few more rides out of my H2 death bike when we had a dip in temps, and I think I'll still hold onto it for now, it at least gets 40mpg cruising at 80mph, though 10k in positive equity would pretty much pay for the shitbox I could drive more of the year due to ac/heat