What's going on at Blizzard?


Yes this is why I expect them to expand the level scaling to all the content, so you can play all the content and still get better loot etc. there is a ton of unused unseen and unplayed content that could be repurposed. that and the fact that they are finally adding more and more procedural quests and timed events. I think raid will continue but the bulk of the new time spent in game will be quasi-solo content. Personally no longer have 12 hours per week (minimum!) to raid.
Would be great to be able to choose random dungeon for 5-man and have any of the dungeons in the game as an option.


Got something right about marriage
I can see where you're coming from with that but honestly, after 12+ years I don't want to run Razorfen Downs at max level.

Timewalking is good enough.

Speaking of that I miss the back in time events from EQ. When they had that event where City of Mists was back in its original (lore) state that was cool as fuck.

Give me more of that kind of gameplay.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Riot doesn't want to fulfill the terrible prophecy of the S in their title.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Everyone always gushes over the new WoW expansion and then once they hit the first set of raids reality starts to set in and it's the same shit as the last expansion. Everyone was gay for WoD while leveling and then it became shit.

WoW vanilla was the best, with all of the expansions up to Ghostcrawler's departure being acceptable.

Now that Ghostcrawler is gone, WoW has really taken a shit and hasn't recovered. All of the level scaling, rares, and Legion bullshit really doesn't add to the end-game gameplay at all. It's all a bunch of gimmicks that people will get bored of a month from now.

WotlK had the best raiding content. Ghostcrawlers philosophy of having people trying to reach for the unobtainable was probably the most entertaining, now it's fucking faceroll through everything.


<WoW Guild Officer>
What is a 4 sided die? How is that even possible? I mean, a triangle would leave 3 sides equally up in the air. You can't even make all of the sides face different directions because most of the time, your "bottom side" would be the same direction as one other side.

Someone's never played D&D.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Doesn't matter if Diablo 4 is announced or not. It's going to suck ass.

Blizzard is not the same company that it was back in 2003. All of the talent got filthy rich from WoW and retired/left/moved on/got promoted.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
WoW vanilla was the best, with all of the expansions up to Ghostcrawler's departure being acceptable.

Now that Ghostcrawler is gone, WoW has really taken a shit and hasn't recovered. All of the level scaling, rares, and Legion bullshit really doesn't add to the end-game gameplay at all. It's all a bunch of gimmicks that people will get bored of a month from now.

WotlK had the best raiding content. Ghostcrawlers philosophy of having people trying to reach for the unobtainable was probably the most entertaining, now it's fucking faceroll through everything.

Yeah how could Legion's endgame ever compete with the juggernaut of Vanilla. There was so much to do! Like ... Molten core! Or getting attuned for MC! Or ... or ... running ... um. Eventually BWL and AQ! Then Naxx! All in the span of years. So much endgame.
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Life's a Dream
WoW didn't learn from EQ. In EQ, all content was still used. In WoW, last expansion stuff (dungeons, raids) are passed up instantly. The reason is they give WAY TOO MUCH LOOT out in WoW. It keeps peoples attention, but makes for instant content atrophy as soon as something new comes along.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Hey man, for your average scrublord just clearing the corehound trash was 8 days of content a week!
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WoW didn't learn from EQ. In EQ, all content was still used. In WoW, last expansion stuff (dungeons, raids) are passed up instantly. The reason is they give WAY TOO MUCH LOOT out in WoW. It keeps peoples attention, but makes for instant content atrophy as soon as something new comes along.

Agreed, random generated loot drops and item quest drops have caused an untenable mudflation.

Items power levels should really be spread over the course of 2-3 expansions.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I think they're quitting because Blizzard plans on not doing anything new for a while. There's probably no major projects left in the pipe.

They will probably just use this stable of properties as cash cow for as long as they last.

A friend of mine left Blizzard for a major EA studio a year ago, and he didn't seem very excited about anything Blizzard had going on.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think they're quitting because Blizzard plans on not doing anything new for a while. There's probably no major projects left in the pipe.

They will probably just use this stable of properties as cash cow for as long as they last.

A friend of mine left Blizzard for a major EA studio a year ago, and he didn't seem very excited about anything Blizzard had going on.

I don't think Blizzard stocks are stable. When WoW finally dies (whenever that happens; it will happen eventually) they're going to lose a massive revenue stream and won't have any way to make up for their losses. No matter how many successful single player games they throw out there, it just isn't the same as that level of relatively passive income they've enjoyed for 14+ years.

And yes, WoW gives out too much loot. My level 104 is in 60% blues, 40% epics, from just questing! That's unacceptable. In Vanilla, when you hit 60 you were lucky if you had any blues or epics. The epics you did have were level 40-55 and were worth a fortune.

People STILL remember me for selling the epic Vanilla bow to a Horde on the neutral AH. It caused a server wide controvery.


At one point before everyone was 60, Woolygimp (Alliance) sold an epic Bow on the Gadgetzan Auction house to Tirade (Horde) This is the first documented example of cross teaming on Stormreaver. A controversial issue that troubled Stormreaver during its glory days.

Tirade was the first Hunter to 60 worldwide. I was the first Priest. Xenif was the first, of any class. We all played/dueled together for months in the STV arena even though we were different factions.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In EQ, all content was still used.

By people not in the high end raid guilds, maybe. In that sense, it isn't any different than WoW. Heroic dungeons also means they can reuse the dungeons you outleveled.


what Suineg set it to
They just finished a dev cycle. Don't see anything ridiculous (unless they don't get their ship bonus leaving now which means something else is going on).


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I don't think Blizzard stocks are stable. When WoW finally dies (whenever that happens; it will happen eventually) they're going to lose a massive revenue stream and won't have any way to make up for their losses.
Blizzard is entirely owned by Activision Blizzard, they don't have stock. And while Bobby may (or may not) leave, he's smart to have multiple revenue streams. So, yes, while Blizzard is important, they're not going to get shuttered anytime soon, even if WoW shrinks below 1M. And Activision is large enough to absorb any revenue loss.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Disagree with all this "Legion is just as crap as every other xpac" talk. Sure raids haven't opened up yet and could be a giant flop, but I was bored to death within a few days of hitting cap in WOD (I did enjoy the levelling experience initially, which is more than I can say for MOP), let alone weeks, with literally nothing to do but run each heroic every day and set up garrison crap - only reasoned I stuck around long enough to check out Highmaul was that a lot of my friends were also playing at the time, and I quit within a week or two of starting that. MOP was so awful I ended up levelling 87 - 90 entirely through dungeons while watching TV because the open world content was so dull. LFR'd each raid a few times then promptly quit out before it made me gouge my eyes out.

Legion, meanwhile, has had me glued to the game since it came out. Pretty certain I literally haven't opened another game this whole month.

Is it perfect? Of course not. But I've been playing maybe 3 - 6 hours a day since it came out and haven't logged off a single time thinking "man what the fuck did I waste that time for?" Every session has had me encountering something new, making progress with my character and feeling engaged with the game, and I haven't even touched any of my alts. I've only just started feeling the urge to watch TV or listen to podcasts while playing, which is usually a good metric for when things are starting to get repetitive.

It's gonna get old eventually, everything does, but this is easily the most detailed, engaging and content-rich iteration of the game since Wrath/early Cata.

As for the subject at hand, only thing I really care about is Metzen leaving, since I love the older lore - but as people have pointed out, he's been phoning it in hard the last few years, so maybe fresh blood will be a good thing. It'll be a shame if this means there are no more Warcraft Chronicles books though :(
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