What's going on at Blizzard?


what Suineg set it to
Saying that Metzen has been phoning it in implies that his lore hasn't been garbage since day 1.

Are there any major lore figures who are genuinely evil and weren't 'good people turned bad by X'?

I can't think of any who were just straight up bad dudes.


Molten Core Raider
Hearthstone is a very good revenue stream for Blizzard. Maybe even more so than WoW at this point in time.

I don't know how long they can sustain it's popularity though because the game has become very unenjoyable recently for me at least and twitch viewing figures have dropped a lot indicating declining interest.

Am considering dropping the game altogether soon. Blizzard is not the same company as when they released D2 and original WoW. I used to buy their games no questions asked on release date. Now, I haven't brought any of their WoW expansions past Cataclysm and past over Overwatch too. I wouldn't trust them to get D4 right even if they do release it eventually.


Hearthstone is a very good revenue stream for Blizzard. Maybe even more so than WoW at this point in time.

I don't know how long they can sustain it's popularity though because the game has become very unenjoyable recently for me at least and twitch viewing figures have dropped a lot indicating declining interest.

Am considering dropping the game altogether soon. Blizzard is not the same company as when they released D2 and original WoW. I used to buy their games no questions asked on release date. Now, I haven't brought any of their WoW expansions past Cataclysm and past over Overwatch too. I wouldn't trust them to get D4 right even if they do release it eventually.
You should take a look at the Elder Scrolls card game and some other ones. There are a few out there just as good if not better.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Are there any major lore figures who are genuinely evil and weren't 'good people turned bad by X'?

I can't think of any who were just straight up bad dudes.

Well there's a big difference between the gradual fall like Sargeras and the 'oh look Garrosh is corrupted by the old gods' insta-corruption. Given time Arthas probably would have gone bad without help, but Frostmourne took care of it in a jiffy. Sargeras spent eons battling the demons and the nether, and even when he turned against the rest of the Pantheon, it was because he believed that wiping out all existence was preferable to the Void Lords gaining dominion. I assume it was after however long just dicking around with his Burning Legion buddies that he eventually just said "guess I'm evil now".

It's mostly raid/expansion bosses where they do the abrupt 'hey look something suddenly corrupted him' thing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What does the color of the item icon have to do with anything? That's real retarded, sir.

Also, first level 60 Priest? No proof = all lies.

You have my fucking character's name, the people I played with. There was a site up for about ten years that showed all the world first 60's including me Xenif, Tirade, and Chris. I still have people playing WoW now that know I was the world first 60, and people occasionally whisper me in game when I use the name Woolygimp. I haven't used the character name in years, but look up the level 60 priest on Stormreaver (I sold the account for somewhere around $1,500-$2,500 [honestly don't remember how much I got for it, but it was a lot). I had some of the best gear on the server pre-MC. I quit because there was duping the same people were buying all of the epics off of the AH. Someone showed me a screenshot of max gold, in Vanilla, and I took a screenshot and showed a GM. These people went on to tell me that they had made nearly $10 grand a week from selling gold to swagvault.com. WoW CMs said "there's no duping in World of Warcraft." which was a fucking slap in the face, when later we all found out that there had been several dupes for years.

Nobody else uses this name that I know of in the MMORPG world, but I got it from a movie so maybe it's a forum handle elsewhere, I don't know.

Jesus Christ, just use google before you call me a liar. The history of Stormreaver even talks about us in depth, if you had bothered to read the forum post. Otherwise do you think that I stole this forum handle from some oscure 2003 WoW player who made 60 with a priest before anyone else? Why not steal Tirade or Xenif's name? And I used to have all these guys on Instant Messenger (and if I still used it) they'd back up my story... but then you'd back asking them for proof.

I probably got a dozen tells when I played Wrath as Woolygimp (a mage) on OTHER servers besides Stormreaver. I never had access to my priest again after I sold it.

...so just shut the fuck up and get proof that I am lying. Everything already fits.


Get in touch with Jonchron if he still plays as I taught him a lot of what he knows, and I think he played for years...and did extremely well in arena. I quit before achievements and all of that, so there was no 60 worldfirst for that. Does armory not exist anymore? Woolygimp (Stormreaver Priest) isn't showing up anymore.

Xenif beat me by nearly two weeks. Rogues (and Horde) leveled much faster than shadow priests. Tirade beat me by 7 days. Chris beat me by about five days.
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Trakanon Raider
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Getting a specific class to 60 first wasn't that big of an achievement. I didn't even feel right bringing up because it's been about ~13 years, and only did so because it was relevant to the convo.

Guys are acting like I claimed I got a Gold Star for Valor by single handedly killing 80 insurgents in Iraq with a knife I commandeered from a goat fucke...herder.


Silver Squire
First global 60 priest? I'll have you know during my senior year of highschool I leveled Despoticus, an Undead Priest on Ner'Zhul to the first global level 2.
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Trump's Staff
hey, ner'zhul was my first server too. I actually used that character look-up website to find my two old, originals characters: 60 orc hunter on ner'zhul and 70 tauren druid on spirestone. They show up there with last logins being like, 2005; they aren't on my account and I have no memory of deleting them, though. Same with an orc rogue I had in TBC named Jahweh =/


Silver Squire
hey, ner'zhul was my first server too. I actually used that character look-up website to find my two old, originals characters: 60 orc hunter on ner'zhul and 70 tauren druid on spirestone. They show up there with last logins being like, 2005; they aren't on my account and I have no memory of deleting them, though. Same with an orc rogue I had in TBC named Jahweh =/

And who can forget Ner'Zhul's most famous member!

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Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Legion, meanwhile, has had me glued to the game since it came out. Pretty certain I literally haven't opened another game this whole month.
Same here.

The new daily format (WQ) is a lot better than previous systems. You open up your map (using addons, of course), try to figure out what targets are important, complete your daily bonus, and then, you may hit a dungeon or two. I'm even behind on Nightfallen quest line, because I've been doing other stuff. I raised a leatherworking alt for cheap obliterum stuff, but I shouldn't even have bothered, I should have hit my miner instead.

Oh, and I need to find out what to spend the sightless eyes on before I hit the cap.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Apparently Blizzard just lost their Lead Quest Designer too.

Obviously the worker bees are rebelling after finding out the next IP is an open world survival PVP game set in the Dora the Explorer universe.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wow first level 60. Quite the accomplishment considering you could level to 60 in 4 whole days.

It actually took around a month without questhelper, knowing where shit was, and playing classes that couldn't just wtfpower through shit like Hunters. The very first 60 took roughly 23 days, the first Hunter around 29, and it took me about 35.

You are drastically underestimating how long it took to hit max level in Vanilla. Go play an authentic Vanilla server and I'd bet my house that you couldn't get there in under 4 days.

So many ignorant people who don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about. There was even a thread about an authentic WoW server and people were absolutely amazed how long hitting max level took. I remember ending a 40 hour gaming session only having completed everything up to RedRidge mountains, which is probably one of my favorite zones. 40 hours to hit level 16-ish.

This was when the game was actually fun:

When pulling three dragon whelps meant death. Look at the Paladin get his ass handed to him by just two mobs (@ 4:40). Now you can pull fucking 15 elites and just facepalm your god damn keyboard and everything dies, it's ridiculously juvenile.

I also remember when the mages in Westfall, the Defias mages would kill you within 4 fireballs.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
sure, the game was great fun in vanilla but it's still fun. Honestly have a good feeling for Legion, WoD's biggest downfall to me was the lack of a real expansion cycle, it was just the new world and then 1 content patch.

So far we know we'll get a couple of patches at least