Whats rustling your jimmies?


Got something right about marriage
Only anal retentive OCD types want an HOA. They can't function unless everything is symmetrical and uniform.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Your title company (at least in Texas, not sure about other states) is required to provide you this information around your HOA, as well as ensure its current (at closing) by either charging seller or buyer if it is not but its known beforehand. Additionally, I'm surprised that your title company also did not pick up an extra few months of the HOA dues at this time.
When I moved into my current house (the one with the voluntary HOA), the title company collected the first years fees from me at closing. I protested and told them I wasn't planning to join, but they said it wasn't optional, so I paid it. I have the statement clearly showing I paid this. A couple years later the HOA president came around asking why I'd never joined and I explained some of the problems I had with nosy neighbors and the like, and then I said besides, I paid the dues the first year and never got a key to the dock (which is the only reason, IMO to join my HOA). So as far as I'm concerned they owe me a year anyway. If they wanted to make that right, I'd consider joining in the future. Well, they went back and checked their records and they swear they never got any fees from the title company.

All that to say this, maybe the same thing happened to burren. It's worth checking your closing statements.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hey, when you have neighbors that are renters for life that do shit like:

- tie into your fence with chicken wire to keep their mangy dogs in, rather than actually fencing their own yard
- refuse to trim their trees because "nobody trims trees in nature, and they do just fine" so the overgrown trees drop the occasional branch on your fence
Cut the chicken mesh wherever it ties in to your fence, and trim the fuck out of their trees even if you have to reach over into their property to do it. If they complain I guarantee the cops will side with you if your house/yard looks neatly kept and their yard looks like white trash central.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I have never had a problem with trimming neighbors trees or bushes that hang onto my property. Anything I can get to from my property is fair game IMO. If a neighbor were to ask me to trim shit I'd tell him to knock himself out since he's the one with the issue, he's the only one who can do it right. Unless I was thinking of taking the tree down anyway, then I'd just go ahead and take it out.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Fucking computer keeps popping programs to the front right when I was about to click something else. Fuck off program, I don't live my life around your whims. I just waited for you, now you can wait for me.


Trump's Staff
#1 and #2 - save the email. That is the reason you waited, and its from someone at the HOA, so they can say all day that its "irrelevant" but it's not. #3 IS true, but you need to look over your agreement. Part of the agreement should tell you where to remit payment to. What does the agreement say in regards to payment?
This happened something like two years ago FYI, it's long past. They haven't tried anything else on me since, once I figured out how they operate I've been making sure not to give them an excuse. Instead, they've been going after other people for things like having unapproved models of grill in their backyard, or putting them directly on their patios instead of the stone surface next to their patios. (apparently it's a fire hazard to put a gas grill on a wooden surface)

The paragraph where it said where to remit payment to just gave the name of the company. There WAS an address on the letterhead and the same one was also listed a few paragraphs up, but the name above those two addresses was different from the name where it was telling me to send payment to, so I wasn't sure whether the address was the same for both. This is why I called them. It turns out that both names were the same thing, and the address was correct, one was just the name of the company administering the association while the other was the association itself. But then I was told that they do quarterly statements, so I of course didn't send any money at that time. I didn't hear anything from them at all until three months later when they emailed me the deliquency notice, and I didn't think anything was wrong until then because I was under the impression that they billed quarterly.

Talk to title company, this is INSANE for them to move so quick.
I thought so too, and I figured I'd have a decent shot if I were to fight it, but as I was only a three-month old homeowner I wasn't about to risk that over $300, not to mention the fact that hiring my own lawyer would obviously have cost several times that.


Molten Core Raider
How every game needs some widget clustered launch pad. I never even knew how to use xbox 360 because I'd be so used to putting a disk in game starting hit play game and go in. Then I had to sign into an account (my little brother had 23 live accounts so I never knew which to use). WoW has the stupid launch pad now. I miss there old play WoW enter pw - enter world. Not to mention how buggy and laggy the launch pads usually are.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Fucking slob streamers that eat on cam on twitch.tv with the cam pointed straight at them. Nasty ass just ate a bag of chips and was loud as fuck, ate with his mouth open, crinkling the goddamn bag nonstop, and to top it off licking every finger clean. Fucking disgusting.


Molten Core Raider
Ultimate jimmy rustler

When your wife comes to bed in a tight, see-through tanktop and frilly panties and doesn't want sex.


You can't do that to a man, that's just cruel.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Yeah mine was wearing a tank top the other night that couldn't contain her boobies and she wouldn't let me touch them because they were tender.

On another note. I'm really starting to get rustled at the people who get their jimmies rustled by memorial day sales. I hear from them on the radio every year. Who are they to tell someone else how to properly honor fallen soldiers? If you're just pissed because you wanna shop for cars or furniture too, then do that shit on saturday. Your parade will be on monday and those sales go all weekend long.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Ultimate jimmy rustler

When your wife comes to bed in a tight, see-through tanktop and frilly panties and doesn't want sex.


You can't do that to a man, that's just cruel.
You're doing it wrong. Shethinksshe doesn't want sex. She will...she will...


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's my fucking fault but I clicked the wrong link when downloading a program, I clicked on one of the adds strategically placed near the correct link while tired after work. I've had a virus for past 3 days and been spending my limited free time trying to fix it.

I haven't had a computer virus/malicious code whatever you want to call it for almost 10 years and I forgot how annoying it is. Makes me want to murder everybody involved in making a thing like this exist.


Trump's Staff
I went to beeg.com and got all these Midcontinent Communications virus warning popups


Mr. Poopybutthole
Finishing a bag of sour gummy worms, only to realize hours later when you go to throw it away that there is still one gummy worm left in the bottom corner.
Knowing one of your favorite posters is going to die of diabetes or something related to obesity.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Traffic reports on the radio. They are worse than useless, as they often give you bad information and never give you a complete report. Maybe it's different in smaller cities, but either give them more fucking time or just stop doing them altogether. This morning the traffic douche told us the wreck was cleared and traffic was moving again. Being friday morning traffic (which is typically non-existent around here), I thought that meant the backup was clearing up quickly too. about 1 mile after my last chance to exit and take a back way, I come to a stop. A couple minutes after that the traffic douche comes on and says the accident is cleared from the highway but don't expect the backup to clear anytime soon. Why the fuck couldn't you have added that 10 minutes ago fuckface.

The one time a month his traffic report has any relevant information to me at all and this is what I get. It's almost enough to make me want to sign up for facebook just so I can tell him off.