The political left, the political right and how now one can see that the truth is most often somewhere in the middle.
You've got the left insisting that gender is some sort of choice while insisting that people are born with a specific gender that's not reflected in their biology (girl born in a male body, for example). News flash, assholes. If you're born with a "girl's mind" then GENDER IS A FUNCTION OF BIOLOGY. At the same time, you've got the right wing that has convinced itself that perverts were just waiting for trans people to get the green light to use whatever bathroom they want so they could just go rushing in. Which is about as retarded as the left.
You've got people saying that cops are racist and just kill black people because they're racist. Yet we're all supposed to ignore that black pop culture has spent decades worshipping thugs, glorifying criminal lifestyles, and in general being dicks to police. And there's people on the left AND the right that want to just look at one or the other. Tuco forbid we weight both sides.
You have the left insisting that "Rape culture" exists and that women on American college campuses are getting assaulted sexually at roughly the same rate as African women living under lawless warlords. And you have the right blithely ignoring vids of campus males marching around shouting "NO MEANS YES. YES MEANS ANAL."
Why the hell can't anyone look at BOTH SIDES anymore? Not the circus shit we see on the media. I mean actually WEIGH BOTH SIDES and say, "Well, this part is correct, but this other part is bullshit."
TL;DR: fuck the left and the right. We need centrists.