Whats rustling your jimmies?


Trakanon Raider
actually was serious (don't go skiing and no snow cause global warming and whatnot)...but...i guess it would make too much sense to use one line/lane then?...sorta like a queue for a ride/roller coaster...

and lol at the "HUGMPH!H!"
At major ski resorts that would result in lines a mile long at the big, fast lifts. Some of them have capacities upwards of 2-3,000 skiers an hour. If it's a ten minute wait, that's 500 skiers, or about 125 groups of 4. Assuming each group is spaced about 8 feet apart (skis are long), that's almost a quarter of a mile long. I very much agree with that rustle, it bugs the shit out of me. It's not that fucking hard to alternate with the line you're merging with. Some lift mazes are set up fucking awful though, with 4-6 lines all coming together at the same time, and generally it's some useless fucking Aussie lifty with a broom stick making shit worse trying to pick groups to advance. Which leads me to the next rustle:

Obnoxious fucking Aussies who move to the Rockies for a year and suddenly consider themselves "locals." Fuck you, if we could actually find anyone willing to work minimum wage to bump chairs all day, your ass would still be in the outback fucking kangaroos or whatever it is you do. I've been going to these resorts when I was 4, take your sense of entitlement and shove it up your ass.

New rustle occurred to me today: vehicles with daytime running lights that turn off one of the headlights when a signal light turns on. Mostly Dodges I think. Shit annoys the fuck out of me for some reason.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
I rustle my own jimmies the most often. I have a habit of recognizing a female from behind like very far away while driving, I then appreciate their rear end and as I pass and see them from the front they are like 15 or something.

Creeps myself the fuck out ~ THE SHAME


Tranny Chaser
Homeopathic quacks and so called 'healers'. That shit should be punishable by bat (or shovel - whichever gets the job done).


Blackwing Lair Raider
Jesus, looks like he's spooning tar into her mouth. Thank god my kid was never like that.


Tranny Chaser
You sir have never had a baby with colic.
How about you start by understanding what the clinical term colic actually covers:

Then think long and hard as to why smearing unidentified tar substance at a baby relieves any / all of the known causes for colic.
Putting something on the lips removes gas that fast for instance? Are you that gullible? Anything could be in that bottle, heck it could be glucose syrup and the kid could be hungry. It could be teething - Lidocain would have the same effect. Those parents and the company who payed them should be shot for doing this repulsive and misleading marketing scam.

Here is some more gold for you:
It seems your branch also thinks feeding children lead is a great treatment for colic. Gotta love the folk sector. Yum yum mental diseases.


what Suineg set it to
People who bring infants to a business analytics conference. The fuck?


Tranny Chaser
People who bring infants to a business analytics conference. The fuck?
Haha, yeah. We have a nation wide grade school teacher lockout atm in Denmark. Everyone is bringing their kids to work. Can't be long before the employer-employee negotiations restart.


Potato del Grande
How about you start by understanding what the clinical term colic actually covers:

Then think long and hard as to why smearing unidentified tar substance at a baby relieves any / all of the known causes for colic.
Putting something on the lips removes gas that fast for instance? Are you that gullible? Anything could be in that bottle, heck it could be glucose syrup and the kid could be hungry. It could be teething - Lidocain would have the same effect. Those parents and the company who payed them should be shot for doing this repulsive and misleading marketing scam.

Here is some more gold for you:
It seems your branch also thinks feeding children lead is a great treatment for colic. Gotta love the folk sector. Yum yum mental diseases.
Yet it works the same way for my child

Aychamo BanBan

Homeopathic quacks and so called 'healers'. That shit should be punishable by bat (or shovel - whichever gets the job done).
I can't believe they are allowed to exist and make the fucking retarded claims they do. Homeopaths are among the stupidest people on the planet, and yet it's become "cool" among the retarded hippy crowd to use it (along with having a chiropractic, utilizing "cupping" or "spooning", acupuncture, and all the other fucking useless retarded shit that dumb people practice.) I think the single worst people on the world is anyone who lies and steals from a sick and dying person. And these people do it for a living.

Aychamo BanBan

How about you start by understanding what the clinical term colic actually covers:

Then think long and hard as to why smearing unidentified tar substance at a baby relieves any / all of the known causes for colic.
Putting something on the lips removes gas that fast for instance? Are you that gullible? Anything could be in that bottle, heck it could be glucose syrup and the kid could be hungry. It could be teething - Lidocain would have the same effect. Those parents and the company who payed them should be shot for doing this repulsive and misleading marketing scam.

Here is some more gold for you:
It seems your branch also thinks feeding children lead is a great treatment for colic. Gotta love the folk sector. Yum yum mental diseases.
Yeah, and you have to appreciate the utter stupidity of a parent who puts a homemade concoction down their baby's throat! You're right that it's likely something along the lines of a sugar syrup. When I had to do circumcisions in residency we used a mixture of corn syrup and water to "sedate" the babies. If they started crying, we'd just put a little squirt of that in their mouth on their pacifier and it'd immediately make them stop... Of course, giving too much would give them cramps, then they get donnatal.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
People who should know better, but still get all excited and worked up for the next big MMO release. And then when the game comes out, you have to listen to their moping and whining for months.


Acupuncture is no joke. I'm sweat a lot. Acupuncture totally fixes that. A friend has been allergic to fish for years. Four acupuncture treatments and he can eat fish again. And colic water isn't some mystery substance, it's herbal remedies for gas and upset stomach. Shit works because guess what, people figured some things out before modern medicine came along within the past century.


Tranny Chaser
Yet it works the same way for my child
So does syrup you dolt

Aychamo BanBan

Acupuncture is no joke. I'm sweat a lot. Acupuncture totally fixes that. A friend has been allergic to fish for years. Four acupuncture treatments and he can eat fish again. And colic water isn't some mystery substance, it's herbal remedies for gas and upset stomach. Shit works because guess what, people figured some things out before modern medicine came along within the past century.
Retards like this rustle my jimmies.


<Prior Amod>
While I would argue that Acupuncture can cure the shit listed above, I would still say that it can be useful. My wife gets it to help the muscles in her back and they are always knotted up badly. A massage will help short term but Acupuncture will alleviate the issues for a few weeks at a time.

My insurance also covers it.

Curing allergies and making you no longer sweat though? The fuck?


has an outie
I rustle my own jimmies the most often. I have a habit of recognizing a female from behind like very far away while driving, I then appreciate their rear end and as I pass and see them from the front they are like 15 or something.

Creeps myself the fuck out ~ THE SHAME
That's most guys, blame nature.


ugly, fat, stumpy, annoying, bitches...just like Mimi in the Drew Carey show...unfortunately I had to work with two such bitches. I wouldn't care if they just sat there, being all creamy and disgusting, but NO!..."I'm going to be a complete bitch as well"...
