Turning 40 and dumping your girlfriend of 8 years because her family is white trash that you can't deal with anymore... and you feel lonely when she's sitting right next to you.
Realizing you most likely won't see 50. And after that, there's just 60, 70, and 80to look forward to.
Looking around and noticing it's too late to do most of the things you'd been putting off.
Understanding that you've spent so many years lying to yourself about being happy and positive that you're not sure if you're miserable or not.
Being too fat to date. By the time you get thin enough to not get laughed at by a gal, you'll be in your early 40's and the only people you're really attracted to are 20 somethings.
Hating the idea of having kids and realizing that if you want to be with someone you're likely going to have to help raise some douchebag's brat.
Knowing that you're going to die someday and when you do you'll want more time, feel cheated and terrified, and never get to see how things all turn out.
Knowing that drugs and therapy can't cure death or your fear & hatred of it. Experiencing an insane rage at the idea that if had just been born a century later... maybe even sooner... you could have had a legit chance at immortality through technology.
Understanding that if you articulate this in social media, you sound like an emo douche. At best. Telling someone in real life won't actually help them. It'll just depress them.
Wishing I could feel a spark of life or childhood carelessness. Knowing I never will ever again for more than a few fleeting moments.
These things rustle the fuck out of my jimmies. Thanks for reading. I'll be fine.