Even high deductible, unless your a family plan - usually is 1200-1500- so you should check to make sure, while you have that 1.7k responsibility NOW - once you pay into the deductible amount - the amount of coverage changes - also check your max out of pocket.
Insurance Providers (IP) are stupid, they COULD do all the proper calculations, but they don't...
ER: BILL 20000 sent to IP you gave on check in
IP: Oh a bill from ER for BOB for 20k with services codes 1, 2 and 3? well we pay 5000 for 1, 500 for 2 and 500 for 3...so here ER is 6000$
ER: Thanks, HEY BOB YOU OWE US 14k!
BOB: OH okay, here is 14k!
ER: Thanks bro - hey IP, the claim is fully resolved you paid 6k, BOB paid 14k. thanks.
IP: Okay...hey...wait... BOB has a max OOP of 2k once his 1k deductible is met and the deductible counts to the max OOP (some don't...but for example)
BOB: wait...
IP: Hey BOB you should have only paid ER 2k - 1k deductible then 1k that meets your max OOP...why did you pay them 14k?
BOB: but..umm.. well...okay, sorry...can I get my 12k back
IP: Well we don't have the money the ER does
BOB: Hey ER, I need my 12k back
ER: who are you? what? give you money? why
BOB: WELL... *explains situation*
ER: We cannot refund the money unless there is an overage payment
BOB: but...what? well...*explains situation*
ER: Oh? what? oh, well okay...if you get the IP to pay us that 12k we then can give you your overage payment of 12k back..
BOB: Hey IP *explains stuff*
IP: Who are you? what? give the ER more money? we paid that.
BOB: explains stuff again
IP: OHHHH got it, okay we will take care of it
ER: Thanks IP for 9,764$ that was the negotiated rate for the services rendered that had the 12k balance.
BOB: Why is my check for 9,764$?
ER: Who are you?
BOB: *explains situation*
ER: well this is the payment we got...
BOBS WIDOW: Bill for 25000$ for self inflicted GSW