Browsing Empornium for whatever tickles my fancy (during work hours of course) and seeing the absolutely ridiculous amount of faggots that have their avatar or signature of chicks with dicks. And most of them are gifs, so I get treated to some tranny jizzing practically in my face while I'm scrolling through the comments of non-tranny torrents. I purposely filter that shit out of my search results so I only get "cis" girls (you have no idea how many torrents get filtered out by unchecking trannies...seriously, how is that such a huge fetish??), but I guess it is ok to have chicks with dicks in huge fucking banners below some faggots "Thx" comment?
I realize I'm kink shaming, and you do you, I don't care...but like, if you were so blown away by some skinny dude with no tits, a butt plug, and a jizzing dick calling himself Suzy to actually make him/her/xher your sig pic, wtf are you doing in my Lana Rhoades torrent???
I'm sure there's some way I could block sigs and avatars, but I don't want to block all the sample screenshots at the same time. So I guess trannies win again