Whats rustling your jimmies?


The first thing she did as supervisor was to fire me; I fought the decision with the employment commission and got my unemployment.
The employment commission spoke to them first, the commission called me and said don't bother coming in, just file for my unemployment to get my waiting week out of the way.

Fuckin hilarious..bet she hasn't stopped laughing.
She just moved on to the next person, must be sad to be so mentally handicapped.


Toe Sucker
The first thing she did as supervisor was to fire me; I fought the decision with the employment commission and got my unemployment.
The employment commission spoke to them first, the commission called me and said don't bother coming in, just file for my unemployment to get my waiting week out of the way.



The Big Mod
HR people say something like this: If you could rehire <insert your name here>; would you? This is how they get around the law.
most companies won't allow their HR people to disclose anything other than the period of the time the employee worked there.


Dindu Nuffin
All the people I know who can barely read or write but magically become Constitution/Religion/fuckingwhatever experts the second they log onto facebook.
Adults who text/email like a 12 year old girl (unless pretending to be a 12 year old girl).
Being forced to train my boss.
The Harley Davidson riders who always seem to feel the need to drive RIGHT BESIDE ME on the highway so I can't hear my music driving to work.
My ex GF who moved to California without telling me while I was away for 3 weeks for some stupid Army Reserves (sorry Zero) training.
Y'know what really grinds my gears...


2 Lane highway: Truck A is going 64.7 MPH, Truck B must go 64.71 MPH and proceeds to cut me off and pass Truck A...

If telekenisis was a real thing, I'd quit my job tomorrow, spend the next 30 years mastering the craft at the telekenisis temple, and then spend the rest of my life driving up and down I-94 in Western Michigan flipping these assholes into a ditch. Fuck, I need some EnviroKidz Organic Gorilla Munch.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
1. People who like cats more than dogs. Or people who use then, when it should be than.

2. Hate Men who don't eat meat and tell me all about it.

3. People that like apple computers

4. I hate Fire Fighters.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
People that like apple computers
OH FUCK YES, why did it take so long for this to be said?

1. People who like cats more than dogs. Or people who use then, when it should be than.
Why is this lumped together? Some days you really hate people mixing up then and than, but on those days you are more forgiving of cat lovers? I don't know how you can like dogs more then cats BTW. If you don't want to discuss than I'll just move on.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Audible eaters.

Seriously. Think for a fucking second, you low life. No one wants to hear you orally processing food. It's just bloody disgusting. Close your mouth, and chew in a way that doesn't resemble a dog. Same goes for gum. Imagine how pleasant it is to sit beside you on a plane for two hours, and listen to you chew the whole time.

Anyone who does this is incredibly thoughtless and self centered.


1. Opening the Door for someone, and they pass by without acknowledging it. Like I was supposed to open it for them.
2. When someone is driving terribly, and I pull up-beside them, and they are an asian woman, on the phone, with a shield over their face, eating dim sum.
3. When people tell me I should do this, this, and this with my movie, yet have never made a movie in their entire life.

4. (This is a big one) When Major adv. companies use meme's in their multi-million dollar campaigns. It's like holy shit, you blatantly stole that off the internet, who the fuck is getting paid millions to troll reddit and 4-chan?