Whats rustling your jimmies?


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Countries/States/Cities where you can't make right turns on red are doing it wrong.


Bronze Squire
Motherfuckers who serve left to turn right. You aren't driving a fucking semi, you knuckle-draggers!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Rights on red will get you a fat ticket where I live - have to be a dedicated lane with green arrow for it to happen outside regular green light
What the fuck kind of communist state doesn't let you turn with the flow of traffic, on a red light? Right-handed turns, one-ways, etc. I'm guessing Texas..


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
There's a couple practical reasons to keep the lid down:

If you have pets, there's a chance they'll try to drink out of the toilet bowl.
If you don't always flush after taking a piss, leaving the lid down is a good test as to when to flush. Stinky next time you go piss, flush it.
What's wrong with pets drinking from the toilet bowl?
What's wrong with you that you don't flush every time?

The house I live in is old and has a history of electrical problems so this spring I went and bought boxes of energy efficient fluorescent bulbs for the house. The new microwave was blowing breakers so I thought this would lower the strain and they'll contribute less to raising the temperature of the home and cost less to power and are replaced less frequently and all that happy horseshit. I had been using one in my room for a while and had replaced a couple other bulbs in the house with ones from that first box I bought.

Every electrical problem is now the fault of those bulbs. Bad socket with a history of being a bad socket? Those bulbs. The microwave that we absolutely know requires more juice than the breaker is rated for that is fucking shit up? Gotta be the bulbs. A different breaker needs to be replaced? THAT'S IT ALL THOSE BULBS ARE COMING OUT. My parents just absolutely do not believe they use less energy. My father regards them as new technology that our wiring cannot handle. All current and future problems are a result of these bulbs. All long standing problems are the result of these bulbs.

It drives me absolutely crazy.
True story. I lived in an old trailer when those first came out, and I replaced all my bulbs with CFLs. Shortly after, my range started acting up. I can't recall what it was doing, but I had an electrician out to look at it, and all he could tell me was that my phases were out of balance, and that was what was fucking up the range (because it used both phases that were coming into the house). So my first thought was, heck, i'm using less power on my light bulbs, so maybe if I turn them all on, it'll balance things out? Nope. Turned out the answer was that if I turned all my lights off, the range worked fine. I lived alone, so I just killed all the lights anytime I was cooking from then on out. Since then, I've looked closer and CFLs and realized they all have electronics built in with a rectifier circuit, and that circuit could theoretically be throwing harmonics back on your line. Someday, when I get a good oscilloscope, I might test that theory. If that's what's going on, there's probably a fix for it. Something along the lines of adding a filter to the lines, but I'm not sure how those work, or where it would need to be installed.

Oh and about that microwave, out of curiosity, is it plugged into a GFCI outlet? It's a common mistake because most outlets in the kitchen are GFCI protected, but its not supposed to be. If that's your situation, you're lucky its just blowing breakers and not melting the wires in your wall.

Rights on red will get you a fat ticket where I live - have to be a dedicated lane with green arrow for it to happen outside regular green light
Thanks for the report from Lower Shitsville. From now on we'll check in with you when we're wondering what the absolute worst way is to handle something. Wait, come to think of it, we do want that, goto the chicks who broke your heart thread and start telling us how folks would do it where you live.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I drink only coffee and beer, not flushing even after one piss would be a crime.

Friend comes over once in a while and power shits so fiercely that bits of crap are stuck to everything on the toilet, even the underside of the lid. And... on the sides, too, OUTSIDE THE BOWL?! He's a mama's boy that would not consider cleaning after himself, rustling confirmed. As rustling as it is, scientifically I wonder what's going on. I worry for his very soul


<Bronze Donator>
Friend comes over once in a while and power shits so fiercely that bits of crap are stuck to everything on the toilet, even the underside of the lid. And... on the sides, too, OUTSIDE THE BOWL?! He's a mama's boy that would not consider cleaning after himself, rustling confirmed. As rustling as it is, scientifically I wonder what's going on. I worry for his very soul
Got someone like that at work. Not down the sides of the outside, but definitely under the seat. I don't know how you shit like that frequently and aren't concerned for your health. Probably the same guy that gets winded taking a shit.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
You want your pet licking what's growing in there?
Conserve water.
I guess since I flush every time, I don't have nearly as much growing as you do. Whatever is there, if it doesn't kill them it'll only make them stronger.

this justles my rimmies.

Don't flush after ONE piss. Cmon man, wasting freshwater here.
LOL, you know what happens to the water when you flush right? Eventually, it gets back to you and you drink it again. If its wasted, then your area has dumber laws than lower shitsville.

Sometimes, I flush the toilet extra times just to make up for people like you two. BTW, thank you faggots for making me buy a low flow toilet. I had to modify it to make it use enough water to satisfy me. I bet if I marketed some kits wherever you guys live, I could make a fortune.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm always afraid my shits won't flush when I'm someplace that has a low flow toilet.


Trakanon Raider
The first ULF (1.6 gallons per flush) toilets sucked, no question. But the current ULF's work great, and if anything some of the newest HET (1.28 gallons per flush) toilets flush even better while using less water. It's not really about how much water they use, it's how well designed they are. Which reminds me, I really need to replace the pieces of shit I have in my condo. Fucking things plug on the regular. And despite my plumber ways, I'm more likely to let it soften up for a few days and use the other one than pull out a plunger.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
The design is definitely better, but trust me. If you apply those designs to toilets that use a reasonable amount of water, you have something that can pass a newborn baby through a 2" pipe. Passed the S-trap.


Speaking of shits, it's usually the first thing I do in the morning, but today I've gone 14 hours+ without even a fart. No physical urge to shit at all, severely rustled.