Haha, I vaguely remember you. But not really.Made a eq toon with my sister back in ?99 with my sister, she wanted it named after character talked about by Papi Raul, a character played by Felix Herngren. He was a gnome male with the "sad face", I rollplayed him as a gay gnome who most of all craved troll cock, used to /tell troll players writing long explicit stories that rotated around scat and fellatio.
But I had no social skills and patience so I turned to kill stealing and kinda fell out with everyone on the Veeshan server, but It's still the most fun I've had in a game.
The anger of grown men after making a perfect KS, and then turning away their butthurt with a "Hey bro, it's just a game"- was priceless.
Was never able to get that nick again... Until I got it on the game Scrolls, buy mojang.
One time in WoW my buddy was in a group where the other members began talking about how much they hated a KSing gnome named Margo, in EQ...
Sorry, I was just a kid and I learned a lesson on PR.
Fuck Puffi and Asmodean of Valhall/Nordic, fucking faggots.
Why you hatin' on Asmo and Puffi?!