I swear that
Mrs. Haus
and I were married over a decade before we set each other up as signers on the others checking accounts. But we still both have separate checking accounts.
For many of the comments in here that seem to be along the vein of "Woman says something which I know means she wants to task me with something" or "she says 5 minutes and means an hour" or things like that allow me to speak from the point of view of someone in his 50's who has been married over a decade and a half to the same woman. Roll with it. Learn to measure how much you can let just roll off your back, because I promise you that you have shit that drives her insane as well that she's letting roll off her back because she wants to be with you.

The measure of how good a couple is isn't measured in how perfectly they're a match for one another, rather it's measured in how effectively they handle the parts of themselves that AREN'T well matched for one another.