

Molten Core Raider
Because it deserves its own thread!

I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Never thought I'd find jazz drumming so fascinating, though it's more about the characters than the topic. Great performances all round.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I think after seeing ~75% of the best picture nominees this is my pic, with Grand Budapest being 2nd.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
The Adebisi Award for Best Picture goes to Whiplash.

The Adebisi Award for Best Supporting Actor goes to JK Simmons.


<Gold Donor>
Because of Adebisi's incessant raving, I watched this, and greatly enjoyed it despite going into it thinking I would have a scathing internet retort as my reward. Thinking about it further after watching, I realize I like it more and more, and have tried to get others to watch it as well. Aside from the lack of access for non-pirates, not a single person has been even remotely interested no matter how much I talk it up. I fear I have failures as friends and coworkers because of this.

Great movie, and I say this thinking I would have zero interest in the subject matter. There is really not even much of a story...yet plenty of story, if that makes any sense. I haven't seen all the nominees, but I can't imagine myself enjoying ANY of them nearly as much as I did Whiplash. And I agree JK Simmons should win Best Supporting Actor as well. Awesome performance.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Add me to the list of pleasantly surprised. I had very low expectations going into this movie as my musical talent could fit inside a thimble and I'm not really into jazz, but this was a great movie. I kinda felt that the relationship with the movie theater chick was unnecesary and didn't add much but otherwise a top notch film.

I am interested to know what others took from the ending, and whether it jives with my feelings about it, is that something I should put in spolier tags?

At any rate, I highly recommend this movie even if you have no interest in the subject matter, it really is that good.

Running Dog_sl

I am interested to know what others took from the ending, and whether it jives with my feelings about it, is that something I should put in spolier tags?

At any rate, I highly recommend this movie even if you have no interest in the subject matter, it really is that good.
Yep, I recommend the film highly too.

My thoughts on the ending:

I think it would have been better if, after the final piece, the drummer just got up and walked off stage again, rather than the implied being buddies with the conductor now he's earned his respect. But I guess that wasn't the point the film wanted to make.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I'm much more of the opinion that it just cemented how egotistical and self-centered / driven / whatever other characteristic you want to apply to Neimann. Fletcher was obviously notrightin his teaching methods, but he is now justified because Neimann bought in to it. I kind of took that approach to the girlfriend question as well. Showing just how maniacal he is to be the best that he'd write off his relationships. Don't really see it as a happy ending that much, he probably kills himself in Whiplash 2: Worse than Jazz.


FPS noob
meh just watched this and didn't really like it. i thought fletcher was a great teacher and fuck that little douchebag smug kid. JK simmons definitely was a terrifying and awesome actor, but didn't really like much else about the movie. It sorta reminded me of a weird Full Metal Jacket boot camp music camp, but just a lot cornier.

I'm not really a musically inclined person though so maybe it was all just sorta wasted on me, the only drummer I know is the dude from def leppard and only cuz he plays one handed. It was weird seeing how non-improv Jazz "schools" (is that a thing even...) are, dunno if thats true or exaggerated. I appreciate making the kid a douchebag so audiences don't view it as a good vs evil thing, but frankly I just sympathized with Fletcher more.

but i can appreciate it for what it is and its not exactly my kinda movie, Non Stop starring Liam Neesons is next on the playlist


A nice asshole.
Amazing movie but the hands bleeding thing was dumb, blisters sure, but no way your palms will bleed like that. It might be because of Portal 2 but every time Simmons talked I was like FUCK YEAH! I would put this above Birdman which I also enjoyed.


$1 rental on iTunes, so watched it this weekend. Played jazz growing up, but never had a teacher like that. It definitely could have been about any art form.

Loved it though. JK Simmons was terrifying.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Oh i forgot about this one.
Great fucking movie, JK Simmons was amazing. This and Birdman were the best last year.


Murder Apologist
Yeah this was one of my favorites of the year. Dude would've been a baller raid leader.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I thought this was going to be a very uncomfortable couple hours, but they managed to make the whole experience very enjoyable.

The ending was so powerful too.