If there is any single thing in Texas which openly declares our hubris and feeling of being superior to God themselves.. it is Buc'ees.I stopped a Buc-ees somewhere between Austin and Dallas last week and I was like... wtf is this? The number of Tesla superchargers was only exceeded by the number of gas pumps. Damn that place was ginormous. Fucking packed too.
The real goal for me would be enough land with enough trees, and preferably a creek, then get my ag exemption for "wildlife habitat preservation" which you can do for essentially proving "Yeah, I put out corn for the deer and boars". And let's you then use the land for hunting ("properly maintaining population"). Then above and beyond area cleared for a house clear out some for a nice and potentially growing area of peach trees. And ride that as my hobby farm into retirement.As long as you are more than 90 mins drive from Dallas you can probably find a nice place. If you pick any place with some acreage in Texas you’re not doing it right if you don’t set up a farm, ecolab or some other scheme to duck taxes. I wouldn’t exclude areas outside of it, though I also won’t deny the benefits of living in the triangle.
And Central market is a thing of its own. Very upscale grocery store which is hard to directly compare to HEB.
Key's right now are :
- Starlink giving reliable enough broadband for zoom and non-autist level gaming/internet. Which friends I have using it in NE Texas are telling me is a reality now with it.
- At least 20 acres.
- Preferably with a permanent (non-wet weather only) stream/pond.
Long Term : Build out the "till the end" house for Mrs Haus and I. Garage/workshop in the 2500sq ft pole barn range. Fix the smaller home up enough to move my septuagenarian mother into so I can keep an eye on her and care for her some. Then turn both her house, and mine, in Dallas into rental properties.
And yes, it's really just trying to find somewhere to put money to lose as little as possible or hold my own against inflation. With the nature of my job and projected business for the next year I'm going to have enough cash inbound over the next 6-9 months to put enough down, and enough down on getting the house built without needing to sell my current house. (or touch any other assets I have... All hail being in Cybersecurity sales) But if I know a market correction is coming I can bide my time to get best value on cash spent.
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