Lon Chaney
Wallace Beery
Charles Laughton
Jack Nicholson
Henry Fonda
Burt Reynolds
Gary Oldman
Thayer David
Tom Hanks
Will Smith (fuck it, I said it)
Dustin Hoffman
Clint Eastwood
Jon Voight
Meryl Streep
Buster Keaton
Harrison Ford
Al Pacino
Sylvester Stallone
Michael Keaton
Sean Connery
Michael Caine
Helen Mirren
Brendan Gleeson
Faye Dunaway
John Hurt
Mel Gibson
Carl Wethers
Keith David
Nic Cage
Adding more
Kurt Russell
Sho Kosuge
Jackie Chan
Kehouy Quong? The kid from Goonies
Bruce Willis
Linnea Quigley
Robert Englund
Jeff Bridges
Joe Pesce
Bill Murray
James Earl Jones
John Malkovich
There are names I want to add, but they just don't have a lot of roles I've seen them in. I think Shelley Duvall, Charles Bronson, Sissy Spacek Jonathan Cleese and Tom Hardy are great, but I haven't seen much of them, but I loved what I saw. There is also the kid in Neverending Story 2, Jonathan Brandis. who I thought for sure was going to have an amazing career, to just fall the fuck off the map.