Who did you see? (Celebrity Encounters)


Log Wizard
No idea who it is, but he looks really familiar to me for some reason. I can't place the name, but I keep thinking some old wrestler.
He is Wolfman Jack
Probably the most famous / Iconic Radio DJ ever (With the possible exception of Casey Kasem)


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Millie's Staff Member
Wait one minute
Your best friend is a rock star...
You're from New Jersey...
so that means your best friend is

View attachment 545429
Well, I did say sort of a rock star. Which means he is very well known, but only inside the tri state. I should also add that there are tons of big rock stars from Jersey, but they don't make that a schtick like Bon Jovi and Bruce does. Much of 80s metal comes from this state.


Life's a Dream
He is Wolfman Jack
Probably the most famous / Iconic Radio DJ ever (With the possible exception of Casey Kasem)
Thanks. I've listened to both Wolfman & Casey many times in my youth, but I never looked up pictures. Thanks for the info.
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Millie's Staff Member
Thanks. I've listened to both Wolfman & Casey many times in my youth, but I never looked up pictures. Thanks for the info.
My dad always had Wolfman Jack on the radio. He also did commercials for some of those ktel record compilations. He was a pretty recognizable personality.
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Log Wizard
Don't forget Casey Kasem was the original voice of Norville "Shaggy" Rogers from Scooby-Doo



Bronze Baron of the Realm
I saw Tom Hanks up close but did not speak. In 1992 I was on the way back from Alaska and stopped in Seattle for a few days. They were filming sleepless in Seattle. The fireworks in the show were over Lake Washington at 2am on a weeknight. Interesting to see from the balcony of the hotel.

Anway was walking around near the hotel and they were filming a scene where they were eating in a cafe or restaurant and wanted people to walk back and forth in front of the window. Hanks came out and spoke to a few people. I knew who he was from bossum buddies was about it. There really weren't a lot of people around maybe they were keeping it quiet until they started filming.


<Gold Donor>
Wait one minute
Your best friend is a rock star...
You're from New Jersey...
so that means your best friend is

View attachment 545429
Could be

bon jovi 80s GIF

But hopefully it is the vastly better hair metal version,
skid row interview GIF

If Chuk is best friends with Sebastian Bach, I'll subscribe to every Ancient Civ channel he follows on YouTube.
  • 1Worf
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<Prior Amod>
ps2 launch in my computer store, mgt asked us to stay after closing for half hour for a special guest, this never happened b4, so why not. i was in the first floor and consoles were on the top floor and you had to walk thru

still have no idea who this celeb is
a 8yr old blond boy walks thru... ok then a taller
9yr old blond boy walk thru
this goes on for 5 more blond boys until i guess a 13yr old blond boy,

these blond white boys looked weird, not like ugly but like during this time, slim shady and eminem was super popular and all these boys had that haircut

and then walking in right behind


i was told when he reached the top floor, all the blond boys gathered around him and he said

"children, be free!"
and they just grabbed games controllers, whatever
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Millie's Staff Member
Could be

bon jovi 80s GIF

But hopefully it is the vastly better hair metal version,
skid row interview GIF

If Chuk is best friends with Sebastian Bach, I'll subscribe to every Ancient Civ channel he follows on YouTube.
My friend knows Sebastian and we partied down at Studio One in Newark a very long time ago. Although when we saw Sebastian play his gigs later on we never hung out anymore. In case you can't tell, Sebastian Bach is not a good person.
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
My friend knows Sebastian and we partied down at Studio One in Newark a very long time ago. Although when we saw Sebastian play his gigs later on we never hung out anymore. In case you can't tell, Sebastian Bach is not a good person.
I'm curious to know why, other than that he didn't hang out with you guys anymore. I have no personal attachment or anything, but he was always my favorite "poseur band" lead vocalist, voice-wise. And I've never really heard anyone that wasn't a member of Skid Row talk shit about him, so I never got any feel that he was a piece of shit or something. Inter-band politics are always a shitshow, as evidenced by dozens of famous bands throughout history, so that's why I ignore anything anyone in the band has to say, Bach included.


Millie's Staff Member
I'm curious to know why, other than that he didn't hang out with you guys anymore. I have no personal attachment or anything, but he was always my favorite "poseur band" lead vocalist, voice-wise. And I've never really heard anyone that wasn't a member of Skid Row talk shit about him, so I never got any feel that he was a piece of shit or something. Inter-band politics are always a shitshow, as evidenced by dozens of famous bands throughout history, so that's why I ignore anything anyone in the band has to say, Bach included.
I can't give too many deets on this as he wasn't my friend and what I know was from my friend's account. Basically, when we partied that one time he spent the whole evening looking for smack or coke. I don't remember which one it was. This was early 90s and Sebastian wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. My friend doesn't do it but he knew a guy who could get some. So Sebastian nagged him all night and then he had my friend take him to the guy's place, but he wasn't there and so its 3am and we're cruising around Newark looking for some street dealer who sold some. All they had was crack or weed. What I knew was that Sebastian was being super annoying about something but I didn't find out what that something was until the next day. this isn't my scene and it was not a good way of spending an evening with a famous person you saw on MTV.
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<Gold Donor>
I can't give too many deets on this as he wasn't my friend and what I know was from my friend's account. Basically, when we partied that one time he spent the whole evening looking for smack or coke. I don't remember which one it was. This was early 90s and Sebastian wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. My friend doesn't do it but he knew a guy who could get some. So Sebastian nagged him all night and then he had my friend take him to the guy's place, but he wasn't there and so its 3am and we're cruising around Newark looking for some street dealer who sold some. All they had was crack or weed. What I knew was that Sebastian was being super annoying about something but I didn't find out what that something was until the next day. this isn't my scene and it was not a good way of spending an evening with a famous person you saw on MTV.
Fair enough, although I'd wager that almost any rock star you partied with in the early 90s would probably be annoying if they didn't have any drugs. I can see how it would sour you on the guy personally, but imagine that it was Nikki Sixx without heroin or something. Or any of a thousand rock stars that were hooked on shit. Probably the same attitude, addicts are super fucking annoying if they aren't getting it. But like I said, I can see how personally experiencing it is a lot worse, so I'll allow it!
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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
I've never met anyone famous, but my mom rang up Lynne Thigpen (the Chief from the Carmen Sandiego TV show) at a department store once. Supposedly she was very nice.

A friend of mine in nursing school met the Obamas - supposedly Michelle is very nice and Barry is a dick.


Log Wizard
I can't give too many deets on this as he wasn't my friend and what I know was from my friend's account. Basically, when we partied that one time he spent the whole evening looking for smack or coke. I don't remember which one it was. This was early 90s and Sebastian wouldn't shut the fuck up about it. My friend doesn't do it but he knew a guy who could get some. So Sebastian nagged him all night and then he had my friend take him to the guy's place, but he wasn't there and so its 3am and we're cruising around Newark looking for some street dealer who sold some. All they had was crack or weed. What I knew was that Sebastian was being super annoying about something but I didn't find out what that something was until the next day. this isn't my scene and it was not a good way of spending an evening with a famous person you saw on MTV.
80s hair metal rock star is a coke head
In other news, water is wet.


Millie's Staff Member
80s hair metal rock star is a coke head
In other news, water is wet.
It's not surprising, it wasn't the first time I dealt with that situation either. My friend was part of the 90s metal scene in the area, which meant that I was there to experience it too. I also had another friend who was manager of a Sam Goody and he often had bands do in store appearances when they got hit singles. I got a signed poster from all the guys in Sponge, I could have had other signed band stuff, but I didn't care much for one hit wonders. And I was a metalhead so it wasn't in my wheelhouse at the time.
Fair enough, although I'd wager that almost any rock star you partied with in the early 90s would probably be annoying if they didn't have any drugs. I can see how it would sour you on the guy personally, but imagine that it was Nikki Sixx without heroin or something. Or any of a thousand rock stars that were hooked on shit. Probably the same attitude, addicts are super fucking annoying if they aren't getting it. But like I said, I can see how personally experiencing it is a lot worse, so I'll allow it!
I never did drugs or drank to stupidity. Which is mainly why my friend was my best friend for almost 35 years. He got trashed a lot and i kept him out of trouble by driving him around or just de escalating the fights he would get himself in. Now when i reminisce with him about some of our shenanigans, he doesn't even remember half the stuff. It's too bad cuz we had a lot of fun and some of the trashy chicks we would pick up were hilarious.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Not many chances seeing real celebs up close growing up in the midwest, but I did see the two main guys from Saved by the Bell in the mid 90s when I was managing a movie theatre in Lake Geneva. I happened to be monitoring the front door when they came in and I joked "Two for Showgirls?" which cracked up the mexican guy, but the blonde douche was not amused. Prior to that, I got to hang out and Neil Gaimen's house with a friend who was doing inking for him on one of his upcomming sandman books (Gaimen was incredibly intelligent and well read, but very weird). Before that I was in the college AV department and got to run the spotlight on Meatloaf for his show at that campus, which was mostly all business but he seemed a nice enough dude. And prior to that I got to meet Gary Gygax a couple times (was a college bud of his son) which was cool and mostly talking about war gaming history.

After moving to CA, I got to meet a few celebs up close when vacationing on Catalina Island, but usually just let them be since if they are out on their personal time I don't need to be a douche and bug them. Went to a Shatner music show and got him to sign my copy of Has Been. Got the wife a close up signing photo op with Wierd Al. Went and saw a Jim Norton show and chatted a bit after (dude is very down to earth and likes talking to the fans). Knew a fair number of folks in the porn industry who were, interestingly enough, acquaintances through the Warhammer Tourney scene.

Thus is the extent of my lame claims to fame.
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Golden Squire
Not many chances seeing real celebs up close growing up in the midwest, but I did see the two main guys from Saved by the Bell in the mid 90s when I was managing a movie theatre in Lake Geneva. I happened to be monitoring the front door when they came in and I joked "Two for Showgirls?" which cracked up the mexican guy, but the blonde douche was not amused. Prior to that, I got to hang out and Neil Gaimen's house with a friend who was doing inking for him on one of his upcomming sandman books (Gaimen was incredibly intelligent and well read, but very weird). Before that I was in the college AV department and got to run the spotlight on Meatloaf for his show at that campus, which was mostly all business but he seemed a nice enough dude. And prior to that I got to meet Gary Gygax a couple times (was a college bud of his son) which was cool and mostly talking about war gaming history.

After moving to CA, I got to meet a few celebs up close when vacationing on Catalina Island, but usually just let them be since if they are out on their personal time I don't need to be a douche and bug them. Went to a Shatner music show and got him to sign my copy of Has Been. Got the wife a close up signing photo op with Wierd Al. Went and saw a Jim Norton show and chatted a bit after (dude is very down to earth and likes talking to the fans). Knew a fair number of folks in the porn industry who were, interestingly enough, acquaintances through the Warhammer Tourney scene.

Thus is the extent of my lame claims to fame.
Ha - I met Meatloaf at the Rock and Roll HoF once - didn't say word but there was a crowd surrounding him for autographs - I called him Mr. Loaf and he chuckled (pre Fight Club so I couldn't call him Robert Paulson)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Inspired by the celebrity deaths thread and also Gravel Gravel memorable encounters with Tom Cruise on the Top Gun: Maverick set then here is the "Who did you see?" thread for any encounters you have had with a celebrity. Obviously everyone knows what constitutes a celebrity so we....or rather I as the thread creator do not need to define what is and isn't a celebrity.
I just want to correct you here that I never met Tom Cruise. Didn't even see him. My coworker's husband was one of 2 chaperones for him while they were shooting in and around our building though. I didn't see any of the actors, in fact. I got to go on set one day, but it just so happened to be when they were filming Cruise on his motorcycle along the runway.

Only celebrities I've seen are Keith Urban who was on our flight from Nashville to Los Angeles (I think he was on American Idol at the time), and I think I told the story about going to a comedy club in San Diego with a bunch of coworkers where we saw Jeff Garlin. One of my coworkers was shit faced, and another dared him to get up on stage. So sure enough, he did. And then proceeded to get absolutely roasted by Garlin. He said it was only the 2nd time someone had done something that stupid. But we met him after the show and apologized for our coworkers. He was super cool about it and took a picture with all of us.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Not going to count seeing celebs at conventions, though that is sometimes cool.

Tim McGraw did a concert at our college once. After the concert we went back to someone's house and drank for a while until we decided we were hungry. Don't remember what time it was, but literally the only thing still open was the shoney's by the interstate, so we headed out. We were just sitting down when we saw a bunch of busses pull up. handful of people got out and among them was Tim. One of my friends stole my ticket and had him sign it, so I had to get him to sign my cowboy hat. Dallas Cowboys, that is. He gave me a funny look, I'm not sure he's a cowboys fan. But other than the half dozen of us in there wanting autographs, we were respectful and let him and his crew eat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just want to correct you here that I never met Tom Cruise.

I met Tom Cruise when he was filming Born on the 4th of July at my High School in Dallas. My school paper got to interview him ( obviously one of the chicks ). Anyhow, short as they say, and had the same "I'm the shit" vibe he still puts off to this day. Had other encounters over the years, but I'm not really the "fanboy" type. <Shrug>

Took my wife to the first Supernatural convention in Vegas and she got to meet the guy who played Benny ( Dean's vampire "friend"). Anyhow, she had him alone so they got to chat it up and she fucking loved it. I was a hero.