Woah, I just had de ja vu, because the logic what defines reality has just been anally-ripped and it"s moaning like the head from Time Bandits.
There are humans IRL, m"kay?
We are, for the sake of argument, one of them.
There are what you refer to as "toons" in EQ, m"kay?
We, as individuals in reality, can control multiple "toons" in EQ.
By the generally recognized standards of EQ, an individual is not the aggregate of their toons. By your own standards, they painfully obviously are.
Put it in a way that you might understand and benefit from...
6 EQ chars beating 1 EQ char, not impressive.
1 human with 6 EQ chars, fairly disturbing.
1 human with a rig that resembles Serpentors skiff, or that fat fuck"s floating chair from Dune: amusing at best, trivia.
1 human with 6 EQ chars representing the highest DPS per human, simple math more than impressive.
Like, yes, you win the TOTT "Tard of the Tards" award. But, again, go where there are others who care: won"t it mean more to you, then?
You are only interested in one skewed/cooked/molested statistic that noone knew they were in a race for the prize regarding.
I"v had sex with 349 different women, and am 49 years old - you can try the "you"re a fag" routine on someone else. Go the the SZ board and you can try out your amature flames on professionals.
Woah! Them"s fightin" words! How long is your dick? How much money do you make...
See, the problem, again, is that you"re splashing the upper class with your pissing contest.
Umm the fact that I have 6 toons dosnt mean I cant find another 6 friends to do a raid almost any time. I"v done pick up raids and many unguilded and non uber guiled people are happy to join up with me for a common goal.
Loser or whatever the simple fact 1 person v 1 person is I can mob the floor with your toon, or any other single toon, spin it any way you want.....
See, but again, you"re saying "YOU" as in you=6 toons, would beat me, as in "me=1 toons" would win.
I agree! You would! 6 > 1
But I"d win the "not trapped in an earthbound hell of crying myself to sleep at night after a long, hard day of defending the semantics of how I am successful" award.
Nothing you could ever have would make me, and most all of the others here (just a guess!), perceive you as successful. But you might acheive expediting our own personal growth by making us realize how sad it must be that this is your among your attempts at making a difference in people"s lives. . .