I rarely post here, but then I found this gem of a thread (still readin it too) and couldn"t help but post...
Sam... you are pathetic, and it"s cool because humans find it entertaining in a sick way to look at people such as you, prolly because they can feel good about not being you.
You wanna impress people sooooo much, it"s not funny, and I myself have a big ego.
Let"s see what you are talking about in this thread:
1) King of DPS (as a measure of how good you are at EQ).
I don"t know where to start on how flawed this is.
a) Yes DPS plays an important part in EQ, but guess what plays an equally important part? The reverse, ABSORBING DPS. Go tank AoW (or actualy even only dain) with your 6-man team for fun a giggles.
b) Classes are not all based on DPS, a SK will do much less DPS than any second grade wizzy any day, does that make SKs bad EQ players? not at all
c) You keep talking about solo DPS, but then again you 6-box... Any monkey with 5 comp and 5 wizzy can out-DPS your 6 man combo...
d) You talk about being king of solo DPS, yet you attain that in a PB aoe group... yea sure, that will get you where in EQ? Oh ya, nowhere! Have fun in sebilis dude. Will that uber burst DPS help you progress past tier2 zones? nope. Will that uber burst DPS ever be used outside an AoE group in X expansions old zone? nope. Has that burst DPS any meaning at all in EQ? nope. Is it impressive? nope, AoE groups have existed for ages.
e) People put out a log that 0wns j00, and then you come out "whaaa! whaaaa! they use EQW!!! Fuckin crybaby, EQW is as legit as your 6box, remember, your only criteria at the start was "they have to play all the chars".
Next is
2) Killing someone in PVP as proof of superiority...
a) First and foremost, EQ IS NOT A PVP GAME, EQ is horribly flawed as a PVP game, that alone makes even thinking about arguing about it a moot point. Wich is why the vast majority of Zek"ers are Jackasses, they argue over something that has no meaning, PVP is broken in EQ, has been since day 1. Priding yourself about it = one of the dumbest thing you can do in EQ.
b) You admit a single ranger could defeat your "uber" 6 man team... guess you"ll have to start over as 6 rangers now? You can"t claim to be king when thousands of rangers all over the game could spank your 6-boxing ass anyday of the week? You pride yourself that your 6 man team could kill furor... let me then laugh my fucking head off that a SINGLE ranger could own your 6-man team. k?
3) Soloing a 65 mob with 6 box as proof of superiority
a) Go solo (multi-box, huge difference) tormax, then come back here to brag, until then, consider yourself another random multi-boxing tool hoping to one day get as good as the best multi-boxer.
b) Someone using 6 box and having the following classes Cleric, Cleric, Ench, War, Wiz, Wiz would kill mobs you would never dream of killing. You have a bad setup.
c) You kill a mob with 6 toon that groups of 6 toons (played by different people, but does it matter? not really) kill every single day and you think you are cool? Go multi-box something impressive like AoW, then come brag.
What"s the most interesting about all those is how much it sounds like a cry for attention. You seem to have such low self-esteem that even having people call you a fucktard on EQ related boards flatter your ego. Every rule has it"s exception, you are the exception to the rules of evolution.