Kendrick said:
6 months my ass, it was mid December when the proper data was pushed over...days, notmonthsafter release. Furor, Nino, et all were in the zone just as soon as they got a key, and key drops for a few people were easy enough...once again, days.
Data being pushed DAYS after release? People were not even IN sleeper"s tomb killing warders until months after release. Christ, AL didn"t even get their first warder kill until April 1st, and guess what they got? A fucking cloth cap. MoTG was around Feb. Primal was dropping from that. But that is 2 months AFTER the release date of 12-5-2000.
I fessed up to the cloth caps stunt in person at the San Diego Fan Faire, and via email or ingame long before that. It was no great secret. They were left in because they were meant to be left in. Joke in poor taste? Probably. Mistake? Probably. Sign of unfinished content? No.
With that said, and if that is the case, why the hell wasn"t anyone else honest about it? Ester the tester going on record saying that cloth caps dropping was working as intended. Abashi doing the same. Then of course her flipping the fuck out when they gained access to PoM and than having the balls to say THAT zone was working as intended? Why the God Damn lies to begin with? You finally admit, the first ever admission here, that PoM was NOT finished on release. Yet, that didn"t stop everyone in the community related aspects of the field to keep saying that quests were just not figured out yet, while people spun their wheels for 3 months and you, nor anyone else, did one damn thing to stop it so those players could concentrate on shit that worked. Why the cover up?
The old data had a giant human model (the default when the engine couldn"t find the model listed), the correct data had a the same model Yelinak used, and it wasn"t until January that Milo Cooper decided to build a unique model for the Sleeper...that new model was NOT part of the original plan but it sure was cool, and I was more than happy to use it.
I understand that. What I find hilarious though is that the 4th warder was buffed to fuck and back during that process to artificially break the encounter. Hachima just told you you definitely have your facts wrong on the way Conquest was banned. The script was fucking 5 months out, and this once in a lifetime server event to reward the top players, was a disaster of idiocy. I can understand how this may not be able to be tested because you can never simulate a live server load and that can fuck your code up easily (and make bugs hard to find) but give me a break here. It just so happens that the joke you pulled "Cloth caps" was also the default loot drop when there wasn"t a loot table finished.
Zones crashing just happened because there were 50 gazillion people deciding to watch what was happening when Kerafyrm went on a rampage. That was not good, but it doesn"t mean ST wasn"t finished, it meant that EQ had and always had issues with player counts in a zone.
Oh Christ come on. No one even knew what the hell was going on or what was going to happen when Conquest killed that 4th warder. No one was watching unless it was half of SOE in /hideme. 3 zones crashed, with their normal population, all wondering what the fuck was going on. Maybe later you could have used this excuse -- but it was poorly tested and thrown together at the last minute from my chair...
Wanna know what the Sleeper script did? It sent Kerafyrm on a rampage though ST for 20 minutes, caused a shout to the world that Nag, Vox, a few RoS dragons, Jalidar, etc were listening for, and prompted them to say a few lines of text. When Kerafyrm depopped in ST, he moved on to Skyshrine to rampage there for a bit, and then was gone, ostensibly to chase after Veeshan herself, perhaps to return one day. After that, a new dataset was manually triggered for ST that didn"t include the Warders.
I understand that. When it went off the first time, SolB crashed. Skyshrine crashed. A naked human poofed from ST, and nothing else happened.
That wasit, the entire grand plan, and it worked as long as nobody dicked with the triggers. EQ"s trigger system was incredibly clunky back then, most triggers were basically invisible NPC"s that shouted invisible text that other NPC"s would listen for and react to, and a few things could be triggered on the death of an NPC. If a GM was dicking around in the zone and killed a trigger, or if for some reason the servers hiccuped and a trigger didn"t spawn, the whole chain could collapse...that was a problem for more than just the ST script.
Is that what happened with this first script then?
It was egregious, high profile, and was trivializing content that others were actually working hard to do legit. And it wasn"t all Z-axis, there were other loopholes being exploited to pull that off as well. Banning them wasn"t me, I simply pointed out what they were doing to Jeff Butler, after getting a phone call from a GM that had been watching them that evening.
And it seems Hachima has another story for you.
Had it been up to me, I"d have stripped them of the Warder gear they had, reset the zone, and told them to watch the bullshit. The Dain shit was handled differently, and if I recall, the designer of that zone didn"t make it a point to inform management that his content was being exploited, he just tried numerous fixes. Grieg"s exploits happened after I left, I have no idea how that was handled, though GE was my zone.
So it was up to the designer of the zone to determine what was an exploit? Meaning one exploit in one zone (Pureply subjective) could be fine in another zone, which would leave everyone wondering how the hell anything was handled. Correct?
I THINK a GM took it upon himself/herself to perma-kill the 4th warder until the Conquest thing was figured out. I know nothing of the Warder data being changed, if it was, it didn"t happen while I was there.
No. They just made it unkillable with an artificial cockblock. Which was then used again with keying for SoL and Vex Thal by breaking the key quest with the Maiden"s eye drop being non existant -- then again with an artificial rathe cockblock because plane of time wasn"t finished. And on, and on... and on.
Luclin was an unfinished pile of poo, my work included, because we didn"t have the time to finish it, we were all strung out from working too many hours, etc. No real defense on that one, other than it was a combination of errors, once again not some attempt to defraud the consumer.
I appreciate your honesty here, but I think you can agree with me that releasing this in the state it was in WAS defrauding the customer. Correct? And then they did this again with Planes of Power - and it soon became the business model - and now McQuaid has taken it with him with Vanguard - thinking it is just fine and dandy to release something so horrid into the market. I cannot even imagine what MMORPG"s would be like if this bullshit would stop.
He gave a shit, we all gave a shit (with the possible exception of some marketing department people, but take that with a grain of salt, EVERYONE hated SOE"s marketing and their "tude and mandates).
That"s why I have changed my tune a little on Smedley. He has shown he does give a shit. EoF was a good expansion too, so hopefully things will turn around.
PoM? That zone was not finished, and wasn"t supposed to be entered by players until it was, until somebody leaked the way to get in. The employee in charge of that zone had moved to another team, and the replacement employee ended up being let go a few months later for non-performance in general, if that matters at all to you. Everyone else was just too busy working on their own zones to spend any time trying to fix "somebody else"s problem", and we"d already been down that route with ToFS and Siren"s in Velious.
I figured that was the case with ToFS too. I remember the keying not being done past the wedding and I was stuck there until they decided to push the finish. With that said, why the hell wasn"t anything said to the people that were trying to play in a zone that was obviously NOT done, but told time and time again it WAS finished, but no one had figured it out yet? Finally from an official source we have another admission (And I thank you for that) that this zone was a clusterfuck. All they had to do was say that it was not finished and to not waste their time playing in it. Yet, that didn"t stop ester from saying more bullshit again. If she was just the mouthpiece, who was the one filling her with shit? McQuaid?
PoP? No fucking clue, I left before that expansion was more than a concept name.
Almost as bad as SOL. Except this time it took 6 months for them to finish Plane of Time.