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Crafting man is there any word on crafting?Nino said:So, I am back from the morning meeting(s).
We should be patching tonight/tomorrow early am. There are a slew of good fixes for both code and content.
Many of the issues related to the social server have had some changes made.
There probably is NOT resolution on the elevator crap, but it is super high priority. Unfortunately this is the same guy who works on social server issues and that is more pressing.
Some issues with the exchange broker and sorting look to be resolved; not all of them though.
A myriad of content fixes and additions are going in. Fixed many travel journal entries, misspellings, wrong directions, etc. There should be a decent amount of quest driven content in low teen areas like Veskals" Exchange, Three Rivers, Dailuk, and Forester"s Outpost. Some of this content is still pending as the data pull is generally 24 hours behind.
I presented Nino"s Nasty Nine; my top 9 bugs from here. Then I added one and had to rename it to Todd"s Top Ten. Go figure. So, falling through the world bugs from recalling and porting are on the radar. Elevator bugs are after the social server issues. Invisible NPCS are being investigated. I mentioned sending a little note when you sell something on the AH with what was sold and to who when you receive money. I hinted that we should not be so draconian with the GM policies concerning people falling through the world. I will have a follow up discussion this afternoon. I am also going to ask testing to check every recall/altar point. This may take some time to fully resolve, so please bear with us. Trades borkng your quest counters is a cosmetic issue, and has been forwarded to the proper person to fix.
I"m sure there was other stuff. Hopefully the patch tonight fixes some of the aggravation.
out of town any how won"t be able to play for a couple of days.. Have it fixed by Wednesday please /wink