Fuck sakes cry me a river there jaded gamer, your post is as worn out and tired as the way you are trying to paint the mmo biz these days. If for no other reason (and I don"t care if your folks are not paying you minimum wage for cleaning out the garage or waxing the dog or whatever it is you do to get your spending money for buy a computer that was built within the last two years) but if you are running this game at balanced or above, its breaking new ground. The game is astonishing to look at. Its been a long time since I"ve wanted to explore a game world for the sake of seeing what is over the next hill.
Yeah there may not be anything earth shattering from a playstyle standpoint in your tired assed opinion, but frankly I don"t care (it"s a fucking high fantasy mmo, clue me into some genre breaking ideas of what I"m missing out on as a player of Vanguard there armchair developer so I can be as frustrated and as miserable as you are), I"m not looking to see the second coming of Christ in a video game.
EQ1 was what got me hooked into this habit, and we are all looking for that "first time feeling", well me fumblefucking around taking screenshots like a crazian on coke and actually being nervous about dying in a fight is good enough for me (hasn"t happened in a while) If I recall, that was pretty much how I felt during the first 40 levels of everquest, that atmosphere was what got me hooked, I don"t know about you.
So no disrespect meant but for an "02 poster that has been rolling along with this board since back in the day, if you can"t come up with anything more insightful then that, do me a favor and don"t use the reply button, your commentary is nothing new, and this board has enough faggots shitting up threads and fucking up the board.